A community that empowers, supports and mentors women entrepreneurs, worldwide.
DIYoffer is an alternative real estate service that allows you to sell your home with the assistance of your lawyer
01/10/2023 Duration: 37minDYoffer is an alternative real estate service that we will explore with our guest expert, founder Connie Heintz. This unique system will help you sell your house and save bundles of commissions. Connie explains the whole process in this podcast. If you want to keep more of the value of your home when you sell, then this podcast is for you. You will discover: Why Connie ison a mission to change the current real estate industry? How would one go about signing up? What does it cost? How does it work? One of the roles an Agent provides is setting the Listing price. How would the seller go about doing this without an agent? What is the benefit of using this service?
AI and Workflow Automation, How it's Helping Businesses Save Money and Scale
16/09/2023 Duration: 32minAI and workflow automation is the future for business growth, but what does that mean for your business? From social media management, financials and workflow automation, all facets of your business can be streamlined for faster growth without incurring significant expenses. Our expert, Kamran Rahman breaks it down for our listeners in easy to understand concepts. See show notes for his special offer. In this episode, you will learn: Some of the biggest challenges businesses face today when it comes to workflow automation? How can implementing AI solutions help alleviate those challenges? Examples of howKamran has helped clients use technology to improve their operations? What were the goals, and what were the results? What industries or types of companies seem to be early adopters of these technologies? And what characteristics does Kamran look for in a client to determine if workflow autom
Productivity Hacks for Today's Women Entrepreneurs
21/08/2023 Duration: 29minProductivity hacks are so important to leverage modern technology tools in your business. In this podcast we explore productivity hacks for today's women entrepreneurs. Our guest expert is Maria Vicens, who is a productivity expert having workd with some major brands such as New Balance. Don't miss this episode! to advance your business! To activate Maria's special offer, see the show notes for this episode here: In this podcast you will discover: Can you share your journey and how you became a Productivity Expert? What does Productivity mean? What are some common misconceptions about productivity, and how can we avoid falling into these traps? In your opinion, what are the key challenges that women entrepreneurs face when it comes to managing their productivity? How can they overcome these? Goal setting is crucial for success. How can women entrepreneurs set meaningful goals and stay focused on achieving them? Techn
The Journey of Aligning With Your True Calling
14/08/2023 Duration: 39minThis week's podcast, "The Journey of Aligning With Your True Calling" is brought to you by our guest expert, Rebecca Kirk. Trained as a life coach, Rebecca Kirk has a unique approach to career coaching and spirituality. For Rebecca's special offer, check out the podcast notes, here: In this podcast you will discover: What steps should you take when you feel like you’ve been keeping yourself small and are unfulfilled in your career? In what ways does the ego self hold you back in your career? If fear is stopping you from making a career change what should you do? Why is focusing on just your skills and CV shortsighted when it comes to deciding on a career? How does your career development journey reveal what you need to heal? Why is grasping for clarity and solutions to your career dilemma counterproductive? (What should you do instead?)
How to Breakthrough to have Financial and Emotional Success as an Entrepreneur
06/08/2023 Duration: 37minThis podcast about how to breakthrough to have financial and emotional success as an entrepreneur is one not to miss. Lisa Cox, CEO of Live Clean Lisa and Erin Lopez the entrepreneur behind a Lopez Lifestyle have been collaborating together to bring you their coaching methods for women entrepreneurs. Both Lisa and Erin have quickly built multi-million dollar businesses and helped others find success. Special offer from Lisa and Erin here: In this podcast you will discover: What made Lisa and Erin decide to become entrepreneurs? What is the biggest misconception of your industry/business? How do they coach their teams for success? What is biggest piece of advice for an entrepreneur? Tell us about the book I DECIDE and how it can help our audience? What is the ultimate goal in helping women entrepreneurs?
The Ugly Truth About Entrepreneurship
30/07/2023 Duration: 32minYvette Bodden, our podcast guest, talks about the ugly truth about entrepreneurship. What are the lessons learned in the entrepreneurial journey? See the show notes on our website for a special offer from Yvette. In this podcast you will discover: What has been her biggest challenge as an entrepreneur? How can people support entrepreneurs in their life? If Yvette had to do it all over again, what does she wish she knew before beginning the journey of entrepreneurship? What has been the hardest lesson to accept As a woman building her own empire, what has been her biggest struggle in assimilating into the role of CEO? Is there one misconception Yvette would like to clear up about the life of an entrepreneur?
You are Limitless!
24/07/2023 Duration: 43minOur guest expert, Laura Lohk challenges every entrepreneur to believe "YOU ARE LIMITLESS". In this podcast Laura talks about the first steps to take towards realizing and embracing a limitless potential. Check out Laura's special offer here: In this podcast you will discover: 4 aspects of being limitless Pushing the fear and doubt barriers aside Practical tools to leverage "limitless" potential
Leadership Resilience
17/07/2023 Duration: 38minEntrepreneurship has so many ups and downs, expecially for startups. To overcome hardships in the start up phase, leadership resilience is a core competency for founders and their team. In this podcast, Anastasia Neddersen, CEO of Whiznook Inc.talks about your resilience score being highly linked to your team's success. In this podcast you will discover: What is resilience How to cultivate resilience: Planning Adapting Transforming
The Power of Intentional Leadership
02/07/2023 Duration: 29minIt's important that leaders recognize the power of intentional leadership. As a leader do you recognize, appreciate and have a gratitude for the effort that your team is putting in to make your company successful? Our guest expert, Kerry Wekelo, COO of Actualize Consulting, has won numerous awards including "Top Company Culture" by Entrepreneur Magazine and Fortune "Best Small and Medium Workplaces". Kerry is also a co-author of the Amazon Best Seller "8 Qualities for Great Leadership". Learn from the best! In this podcast you will discover The importance of empowering your team without micromanaging. Why trusting your team is key Taking a pause to express gratitude Why you can't push people to work out of their comfort zone without evaluating their competency for the task Why self-reflection is something to focus on Why intentional leadership has changed the dynamic between the leader and their teams The importance of "WHY"
The Busines Jet Engine
26/06/2023 Duration: 48minThe Business Jet Engine is a method of business growth for small to large companies. Most entrepreneurs are fantastic at what they do but not good at business! . Our expert, Martin Riley, talks about the journey of most small businesses as they grow and how the business jet engine takes away the fear and anxiety of the growth curve. He explains how you can take the complex and break it down into simple, easy to use steps with great results. See Martin's special offer to listeners, here: In this podcast you will discover: What makes business growth so hard for so many small business owners. How did Martin come up with the Business Jet Engine Why it's important to get your biz model right How to choose your strategic priorites every year and complete them Why you need to upgrade your client base The importance of upgrading your team
Balancing Life While Growing Your Business Sustainably
18/06/2023 Duration: 42minDo you have systems in place so that you are balancing life while growing your business sustainably? Brittany Fank is a Systems Specialist and she works with female service providers to create the freedom in their business so they can have more fun and enjoy the little things. Brittany has a special offer, a one month access to Action Takers: In the podcast you will discover: How to build sustainable systems for your business Leverage tech in your business Knowing Your Numbers using a dashboard certification program Understanding how to use AI Learning how to carve out "me" time
Financial Foundations Needed For A Successful Business
12/06/2023 Duration: 45minDon't miss this podcast with Ashley Ford talking about financial foundations needed for a successful business. Ashley helps entrepreneurs to transform the way they make and spend money in their business. If you want a successful and sustainable busness then financial clarity is a "must". In this podcast you will discover: What is the #1 financial mistake that entrepreneurs make? What software does Ashley suggest for businesses to use to make tracking income and expenses a easier? What are a few actionable steps to get organized before next tax season? When should you hire an accountant in your business? When is the right time? How should a business owner go about finding the right accounting partner for them? How does an entrepreneur's mindset around money affect their business? If there was one takeaway from today, what does Ashley hope listeners learn?
How to Start a Multimillion Dollar Company With Nearly $0 Budget
04/06/2023 Duration: 47minHow to start a multimillion dollar company with almost no money? Amazingly, Kira Kessler did just that, starting Rock N Rags when she was 17 with just a few dollars and an Instagram account. 10 years later it is a multimillion dollar company shipping to 65+ countries and 2 retail stores in the US. In this podcast you will discover: How Kira started Rock N Rags? What did her career journey look like to get to where she is now? What is one thing she wished she had known before she started? How can young people listening get started on building their dream careers? What is the best decision Kira has made for her business What inspired her Company's mission? What is her vision for the future of Rock N Rags?
Listening to the Nudges to Guide Your Journey
29/05/2023 Duration: 33minAs a successful physician, Dr. LaChelle Wieme listened to the calling to become an entrepreneur. Are you listening to the nudges to guide your journey? Those little whispered voices in the back of your mind that show you a different direction. In this podcast LaChelle tells her story of how she pivoted away from a lucrative career in healthcare to start on a different journey. She can help you with an escape plan. In this podcast you will discover: How LaChelle decided to leave her 20 year career at an established medical facility? What nudges were the easiest to hear? What were the most challenging to listen to? How does LaChelle want to help other women with their businesses? What is a question LaChellewould ask her clients to help get them unstuck and moving forward?
Emotional Intelligence Driving Leadership Success
18/05/2023 Duration: 27minLearn the essentials of emotional intelligence and why it is so important to leadership success, no matter the size of your company! Join Kyle Van Luyn as we explore the myths and misconceptions about emotional intelligence Emotional intelligence is a critical skill post pandemic. Emotional entelligence is made up of your skill set, mindset and personality! It's what you do with the combination of these skills that determines how you show u[ as a leader. Kylie is a co-author of the Amazon Best Seller 8 Qualities For Great Leadership. (print edition) In this podcast you will discover: How to identify and regulate your own emotions and understand the emotions of the people on your team Learn what inspires and motivates people Why emotional intelligence is the #1 leadership trait How to develop emotional intelligence Why intuition, empathy, vulnerability and authenticy are important attributes of emotional intelligence
Break Through The Ceiling of the Mars/Venus Fallacy
12/05/2023 Duration: 51minCan we break through the ceiling of the Mars Venus fallacy or the hoax of feminine and masculine traits? Is this myth that John Gray writes about in his famous relationship book "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus" true? You can find out how all this fits together in this podcast with Christoffel Sneijders - Master Certificate Coach. He introduced the 3 Brains (Head, Heart and Gut) theory in 2018 and now teaches the ICF CCEU approved 3 Brains Coaching Certification training. Check out the special offer from Christoffel here: In this podcast you will discover: What is the issue with the Mars/Venus fallacy, or the hoax of feminine and masculine traits Why are men afraid of feminine traits? How to deal with the traditional masculine people or companies? How to break through your own bias of your feminine and masculine traits? How can you become the person you want to be and be successful in the way you want to be successful?
Self Leadership: Raising Your Inner Game Maximizes Your External Results
04/05/2023 Duration: 59minRaising your inner game by understanding self leadership is the topic Trevor Stockwell and I talk about on this podcast. It all starts with self-awareness, clarity and flexibility. How are you wired? Once you understand yourself then you become more aware how you communicate and interact with others. Such a valuable skill! Trevor wrote a signficant chapter on self leadership in the new Amazon Best Seller "8 Qualities For Great Leadership". Check out the special offer for listeners to this podcast at: Fabulous Fempreneurship In this podcast you will discover Why your inner world creates your outer world Would I follow me? How well have you developed self-awareness? How well you lead yourself and how well you lead others How to develop your self leadership skills
Communication and Engagement
01/05/2023 Duration: 39minA podcast expanding on communication and engagement by Elaine Slatter, co-author of 8 Qualities for Great Leadership, an Amazon best selling book published in April 2023. In business, communication and engagement are essential elements of leadership, but not all leaders understand how to communicate and engage with the internal stakeholders in their company or their target market. Elaine discusses with co-host, Trevor Stockwell, how to improve on communication and engagement. In this podcast you will learn: The importance of keeping your message simple How to deliver bad companhy news to your employees and why its important to have everyone on the same page Why good communication leads to a great compang culture The importance of communication in the onboarding process for new employees Understanding your different audiences and tailoring your message to your audience How to get the tone of your message right for your audience Why empathy is the key to better engagement If your first message doesn't hit
Thriving in The Physical and Spiritual
20/04/2023 Duration: 20minIn this podcast, our guest expert, Kelly Keefe explains how entrepreneurs can be thriving in the physical and spiritual worlds. She helps entrepreneurs understand "fear" and how we can transcend those negative voices and barriers that we place upon ourselves that stop us from embracing the path forward. In this podcast you will discover: What does our spiritual practice have to do with thriving in our business? What are ways people can transform their relationship with money? Kelly's favorite quick way to recenter herself and tap into your intuition? What has been one of the biggest pieces of guidance Kelly has received that has transformed her journey as an entrepreneur? Kelly talks about her way of living as a business owner, multi-disciplinary artist, and healer and how they are enhance one another What is the importance/significance of the heartspace?