Fabulous Fempreneurship

The Journey of Aligning With Your True Calling



This week's podcast, "The Journey of Aligning With Your True Calling" is  brought to you by our guest expert, Rebecca Kirk.  Trained as a life coach, Rebecca Kirk has a unique approach to career coaching and spirituality.  For Rebecca's special offer, check out the podcast notes, here:  https://fabfempreneurship.com/podcast/the-journey-of-aligning-with-your-true-calling/ In this podcast you will discover: What steps should you take when you feel like you’ve been keeping yourself small and are unfulfilled in your career? In what ways does the ego self hold you back in your career? If fear is stopping you from making a career change what should you do? Why is focusing on just your skills and CV shortsighted when it comes to deciding on a career? How does your career development journey reveal what you need to heal? Why is grasping for clarity and solutions to your career dilemma counterproductive? (What should you do instead?)