Fabulous Fempreneurship

The Paradox of Success: Why so many "successful" women hate the their life and what to do about it



If success isn't bringing you the happiness you expected then the paradox of success podcast with guest expert, Tamsen Taylor is just what you need to get your life back on track so that you love your life. In this podcast you will discover: What exactly is the Paradox of Success? Do you think that women being caught in the Paradox of Success is common? Why do you think that actually feeling successful has become so difficult for women? Why are you so passionate about helping women feel successful? You lead a mom’s group and a mom’s business group on Facebook (FYI - Guelph Moms Supporting Moms, we’re over 4.6K members right now, Guelph Business Moms, we’re over 1.4K members ) - in your opinion, do moms, especially moms who are entrepreneurs, face particular struggles in feeling successful? If a listener hears this and realizes that she’s caught in the Paradox of Success, what should she do?