A community that empowers, supports and mentors women entrepreneurs, worldwide.
A Year of No - Moving From a To-Do List to My I Don't List
23/11/2022 Duration: 35minCan you move from a to-do list to an I don't list and try a year of no? Our guest podcast expert, Sarah Greener, who was a people pleaser and doer who never said "no" found that she was getting completely burnt out. After a year of no, she transformed how she ran her businesses and now has got rid of that complete overwhelm. In this podcast you will discover: What is the number one challenge Sarah sees female business owners deal with? When did Sarah realise that the way she was working in the business didn't work? What is the one piece of advice to female business owners? What has Sarah got against To Do Lists? Why was it Sarah found saying 'No' so hard in her business? Why does Sarah think we need to be public about what we don't do?
Increasing Your Visibility and Revenue Using the Power of Personal Branding
18/11/2022 Duration: 28minIncreasing your visibility and revenue using the power of personal branding is a catalyst for business success. Our guest expert, Nechami Tenenbaum is the CEO of Karmela Cosmetics, and a business consultant who empowers creative female entrepreneurs to uncover their superpowers. In this podcast you will discover: How Nechami helps female entrepreneurs get into the media Why is having a personal brand important? What are some challenges that Nechami has had to overcome on her journey? (Mindset shifts to achieve success etc.) How doe Nechami deal with difficult people in business? Why is it important to hire a coach/consultant? How does the Enneagram contribute to business growth?
Why Should Women Entrepreneurs Start a Podcast
04/11/2022 Duration: 29minThe question is why should women entrepreneurs start a podcast, because running a business is hard enough! Kelly Smith, host of The Podcast Launch Pad and co-host of the Geek Girl Soup podcast explains how a podcast boosts authority, gives the host social proof, helps you expand your audience and allows you to promote your business. In this podcast Kelly answers these questions: How popular are podcasts? How many women listen to podcasts? What are the benefits of a podcast over a blog? Why should women entrepreneurs start their own podcast? What stops most women from starting their own podcast? What are the first three steps they can take to get started?
How to Turn Your Customers Into Brand Fanatics
29/10/2022 Duration: 54minEvery brand is a story! So how to turn your customers into brand fanatics? Our guest expert, Michael Solomon is back to explain how to engage your customers and move them from awareness and interest in your brand to desire and action. What does it take to turn your customers into brand fanatics? In this podcast you will discover: We don't buy things because of what they do. We buy them because of what they mean! Why is engagement so important that Michael offers 6 hours of training on engagement in his course "ENGAGE". The course is designed around the calssic AIDA model of persuasion. Michael explains what that is. There are three distinct paths to engagement. Michael explains these paths.
Surviving Drama, Trauma, and Chaos in Family Business; How to Ride the Waves to Business Success
20/10/2022 Duration: 34minSurviving drama, trauma and chaos in family business is familiar to many who run family businesses. Our expert, Anthea Mumby took over her family insurance business in her 30's and increased the revenue to millions. During that time, she experienced drama, trauma and chaos but learned how to ride the waves to business success and so can you! In this podcast you will discover: Anthea Mumby's background growing up in a family business Some of the biggest highlights in her business? And what were some of the biggest challenges? What are the 4 disruptions many family owned businesses face? Why is a common Vision so important for a family business? Many people who don’t work in a family business think that when you work with your family you will always have support – is that true? What free resources does Anthea offer to help family business owners?
The Immense Power of Unlocking Your Soul Purpose in Business and Life
17/10/2022 Duration: 30minCan you live your dream and at the same time use the immense power of unlocking your soul purpose in business and life? Our expert< Melissa Hughes is living that life and wants to show you how. In this podcast Melissa will help you discover How do you leverage your soul purpose in business? How do you know when you are standing or sitting in your purpose? Tell us about the movement. Why did Melissa start the movement? How do you relate purpose with profits and give me examples? Tell us about your time rich and profitable 80/20 method that you share leads to freedom and legacy. The "Live Rich Spread Wealth" movement is being premiered in a documentary, how do we find out more?
The Great Resignation and How Women Can Pivot Out of Their Current Career
08/10/2022 Duration: 39minSince the pandemic the truth is the Great Resignation is here, especially for women. The past two years have brought unprecedented challenges for female professionals, including increased stress and pressure to juggle responsibilities at work and home, higher levels of burnout compared to men, lack of childcare, and more. As a result, the number of women actively wanting to quit their jobs has reached an all-time high. Sara EcElroy, a two-time member of the Great Resignation, talks about this new business situation and why it affects women the most. In this podcast Sara answers these questions: Millions of women have quit their jobs since 2020. Why do you think it's mostly women?\ You believe that the Great Resignation is representative of a much larger movement at hand in which women are shifting how they approach their careers. What do you mean by that? Why do you think we stay too long in jobs we are miserable in? And why do you say this has similar dynamics to staying in a toxic relationship? How do you
If You Can't Find it, Create it Yourself!
03/10/2022 Duration: 17minSahara Rose DeVore,is a Wellness Travel Coach. She is the first to say, if you can't find it, create it yourself, because that's exactly what she did when she invented The Travel Coach Network. Saraha struggled for 10 years to find the right travel niche but eventually found a niche that worked. In this podcast you will discover: What is travel coaching? What inspired Sahara to create The Travel Coach Network? What tips does she have for women entrepreneurs wanting to grow their business? What trends are there n the travel industry? How can someone turn their passion for travel into a travel coaching business?
From Start Up to Franchise Success - The Scout Guide
22/09/2022 Duration: 32minIn this podcast with Susie Matheson and Christy Ford we talk about their journey from a startup to franchise success, launching The Scout Guide. From zero to 74+ franchises, we talk about they got started with no previous experience in franchising and the success of their franchise program in just a few years. In this podcast you will discover: 1. What is The Scout Guide and how did it get started. 2. How has The Scout Guide grown since the beginning? 3. Why did you transform The Scout Guide into a franchise? 4. What sets The Scout Guide franchise model apart? 5. You are 100% women-owned -- why has your model worked so well for women entrepreneurs? 6. How does The Scout Guide support their network of owners?
Learning to Bet on Yourself as an Entrepreneur
18/09/2022 Duration: 25minIn this podcast, former Corporate stratagist, Dennis Geelen, talks about learning to bet on yourself as an entrepreneur. We discuss the transition between Corporate life and life as a solopreneur, the mistakes made and the lessons learned. In this podcast you will discover: When and how did Dennis decide to start his own solo consulting practice (Zero In) What were some of the biggest mistakes he made in the beginning? When did things start to click for Dennis and Zero In? What did he do when the pandemic hit? Why did he decide to write his latest book, ‘The Accidental Solopreneur’? What is the purpose behind what Dennis does?
Technology Overload
11/09/2022 Duration: 22minTechnology Overload is a real thing in our busy lives. How do we prevent technology overload? In today's climate, stress and burnout are at an all-time high. Employees are losing time, health and joy to poor technology hygiene. It's nearly impossible to focus. Let's explore all the different ways we can avoid technology overload, with our expert Rob Krecak and put humans first. In this podcast you will discover: What is technology overload, and how can we reduce it? What are some ways that technology is impacting our relationships? Are there any ways that technology is making us less productive? What is the simplest thing that someone can do to improve their technology use? What is so concerning to you about how we use technology today? One last thought to leave with listeners?
Leadership and Employee Engagement for Small Business
02/09/2022 Duration: 21minSince the pandemic, leadership and employee engagement for small business has become even more important as the workplace has changed so much in the last couple of years. Our expert, Krisin Deese, the founder of Catalyst Consulting and Mind Your Business Academy is just the person who can guide you through any struggles you may have about leadership and employee engagement. In this podcast you will discover: What are some common struggles that small business owners have when it comes to hiring people? If you are ready to hire, how do you know who you need to hire first? What should business owners be ready for when they are going to hire new team members? Who is responsible for company culture and maintaining it? How has the covid/post-covid “Great Resignation” affected businesses and their ability to find and retain quality team members? What does an effective performance management cycle look like?
How to Build Confidence and Uncover Your Most Authentic Self
27/08/2022 Duration: 28minMany women will be interested to learn how to build confidence and uncover their most authentic self and we have just the person to help you. Sandy Grigsby is a branding image expert and has worked with celebrities and politicians for the last 15 years to up-level their personal branding. In this podcast you will discover: What is Sandy's story? What was she like growing up? Why would people around the world need these types of services? What is it that Sandy is bringing into the world that is of value? What is your mission? How is Sandy doing her part in helping women help other women? How does confidence tie into personal branding?
Profit from Disruption: - Tear Down Marketing's Old Walls to See the Future of Your Business
22/08/2022 Duration: 33minMichel Solomon "wrote the book" on understanding consumers. In this podcast we are going to chat with Prof. Solomon, to understand what has changed and how to connect and engage with customers. That's how entrepreneurs can profit from disruption. In this podcast you will discover: Michael talks about "we don't buy things because of what they do. We buy them because of what they mean." Llabeling customers is no longer valid. For example online and offline customers. Similarly,Michael describes the blurring of the lines between producers and consumers. Why does that matter? Michael also talks about the merging of Flesh vs. Machines. What is that about? The familiar Male/Female dichotomy. What does that mean, and why should business owners care? What is the single biggest obstacle marketers face today in terms of connecting with customers?
Journaling and the Positive Effects it has on Your Mindset
12/08/2022 Duration: 19minHolly Penney is a finance enthusiast, speaker and writer and in our podcast we talk about journaling and the positive effects it has on your mindset. In this podcast you will discover: Why did Holly begin journaling? How has journaling impacted her mindset? How soon did Holly notice changes in her life when she began journaling? Has journaling impacting anything else in her life? Why does Holly think journaling has such a positive effect on mindset? How has journaling helped you support others?
Owning Your Money
05/08/2022 Duration: 23minWhat is your money story? Is owning your money, both personally and business wise something you think about? In this conversation with Marci Grossman, C.P.A, we discuss: What does it mean to own your money? How do we not own our money? How do social networks relate to money issues? What about emotions and money? How can we talk about money? To who?
Why MORE reach + Visibility is the LAST Thing to Focus on in Business!
28/07/2022 Duration: 28minIn our podcast with Hera Zee, we are going to learn why more reach and visibility is the last thing to focus on in business. Hera is a sales and marketing strategist for online entrepreneurs and in this podcast you will discover: If Reach + Visibility are last, what do you focus on first? How do you make sure your offers sell? Why don't you do big splashy public launches? What marketing strategies are you completely ditching in 2022? What's the #1 mistake you see most entrepreneurs making on Social Media? What are some of your best list building strategies? You don't post on social media that often! How do you get away with that and still grow your business? You say your Google drive is worth $20 million...what's in there !?
Launching a Business by Solving a Personal Problem
25/07/2022 Duration: 26minDaniela and her daughter Izzi started launching a business by solving a personal problem. After repeatedly experiencing firsthand how challenging it is for those living with sensory sensitivities or disabilities, they founded Sensory Access. The final straw came when we were at a community theater performance and they noticed a group of kids visibly struggling and overwhelmed from sensory overload. In this podcast you will discover: The journey of Daniela and Izzi and the inspiration behind Sensory Access The point in their entrepreneiruial journey they felt like quitting and how they overcame the challenges The family personal problems with autism and hyperacusis and how these problems became the springboard for making a bigger impact How has Sensory Access make events inclusive and accessible for those with sensory processing challenges? Daniela explains how they can help with travel needs for those with sensory disabilities How can we better care for an empower those who face sensory challenges?
How to Connect With Yourself First Before Being Able to Help Clients
17/07/2022 Duration: 21minTaryn Watts explains in this podcast how to connect with yourself first and do the necessary inner work before being able to help clients. Through the Mind Rebel Academy method, Taryn invites people to break out of subconscious imposter syndrome to a higher level. In this podcast you will discover: Taryn's story of how she built the Mind Rebel Academy? Building a Soul-led business What is one piece of business advice Taryn would give to others? In Taryn's opinion, what do you think it takes to become a successful entrepreneur? What habits have played a role in Taryn's success? When it comes to getting yourself out there and generating leads, how has Taryn managed to grow her business?