Fabulous Fempreneurship

A Year of No - Moving From a To-Do List to My I Don't List



Can you move from a to-do list to an I don't list and try a year of no?  Our guest podcast expert, Sarah Greener, who was a people pleaser and doer who never said "no" found that she was getting completely burnt out.  After a year of no, she transformed how she ran her businesses and now has got rid of that complete overwhelm. In this podcast you will discover: What is the number one challenge Sarah sees female business owners deal with? When did Sarah realise that the way she was working in the business didn't work? What is the one piece of advice to female business owners? What has Sarah got against To Do Lists? Why was it Sarah found saying 'No' so hard in her business? Why does Sarah think we need to be public about what we don't do?