This is the Positive Mindset Podcast, Where we use positivity to build a better mindset.
Creating momentum for manifestation | Key process for your success!
24/02/2021 Duration: 09minSupport the Podcast Join the Positive Mindset Email list to stay up to date on the latest episodes! Join the Positive Mindset Community Facebook Group Say Hi on Instagram Book a FREE 20 minute Success Session with me by clicking the link below. Get Copywrite free music like I used in this episode The Positive Mindset Podcast blog Email Me Positive Mindset Meditations | Manifesting Financial Abundance --- Support this podcast: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Positive Mindset | How you go from Vision to Manifestation!
23/02/2021 Duration: 14minSupport the Podcast Join the Positive Mindset Email list to stay up to date on the latest episodes! Join the Positive Mindset Community Facebook Group Say Hi on Instagram Book a FREE 20 minute Success Session with me by clicking the link below. Get Copywrite free music like I used in this episode The Positive Mindset Podcast blog Email Me Positive Mindset Meditations | Manifesting Financial Abundance --- Support this podcast: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Positive Mindset to Achieve your Dreams | What I'm doing and how it's working.
22/02/2021 Duration: 18minHave you failed when you tried to make a change? Growth happens through resistance. The universe will give us exactly what we ask for. But not always in the way we think it is going to happen. This is why it is so important for us to have an unshakable vision that runs through every cell of our body. When you start to push, the world is going to push back. But when this happens, you know you are on the right track! Listen to today's episode, where I talk about the resistance I have come up against and my plan to keep moving forward. Support the Podcast Join the Positive Mindset Email list to stay up to date on the latest episodes! Join the Positive Mindset Community Facebook Group Say Hi on Instagram Book a FREE 20 minute Success Session with me by clicking the link below.
Achieving Positive Mindset Growth | What the leveling up process feels like.
19/02/2021 Duration: 18minHave you started to level up? In today's episode, I talk about what that looks like and how to know if you are on the right track. Support the Podcast Join the Positive Mindset Email list to stay up to date on the latest episodes! Join the Positive Mindset Community Facebook Group Say Hi on Instagram Book a FREE 20 minute Success Session with me by clicking the link below. Get Copywrite free music like I used in this episode The Positive Mindset Podcast blog Email Me Positive Mindset Meditations | Manifesting Financial Abundance --- Support this podcast: http
Positive Manifestation | The next step in living in your abundance!
18/02/2021 Duration: 15minManifestation takes focus and intention. Do you know what you want next in life but aren't sure how to create it? If you're like me, you may have the whole vision in your head. Maybe even plan to achieve it! But for some reason, you just can't seem to make it happen. Sometimes the next step is to become consumed with your goals and embody the frequency that you desire. "You'll never plow a field by turning it over in your mind." ~ Irish Proverb In this episode of the Positive Mindset Podcast, we cover the steps necessary to achieve your dreams! Support the Podcast Join the Positive Mindset Email list to stay up to date on the latest episodes! Join the Positive Mindset Community Facebook Group Say Hi on Instagram Book a FREE 20 minute Success Session with me by clicking the link below. https://fantastic-builder-387
Positive Mindset Self Talk | Words for Manifesting
17/02/2021 Duration: 14minIs your self-talk putting you in the right vibration? It’s so clear when someone else uses words to influence us. We hear the words and they affect how we feel. I believe that words are vibrational frequencies that manifest as words in this dimension that we are living in. That means the words we surround ourselves with, whether it’s our self-talk in our heads or the people around us. The words equal the frequency we are in. So if you want to manifest a different experience than you currently are in, you have to change the words you surround yourself with. Start with your inner dialogue first, from there continue to surround yourself with like-minded people. “A mirror reflects a man's face, but what he is really like is shown by the kind of friends he chooses.” - Colin Powell Think and speak your vision into existence. No one will do this for you, but as you share your dreams with the world, things will start to align and you will accomplish what excites you. PERSISTENCE ALWAYS WINS! Support the Po
Building Your Positive Mindset | Key step to having the mind you deserve!
16/02/2021 Duration: 14minDo you have a Positive Mindset? Someone with a positive mindset is not just a happy go lucky person. It is someone with a mindset that is an asset in any situation. No matter what is going on, this person will see the positive and be able to spread it. If we find ourselves in a reactionary state, that leads to us being in survival mode. Survival mode is when we are just reacting to our surroundings, in this state our spiritual vibration will align with the frequencies we are surrounded by. This is a neutral mindset, and if you have a neutral mindset and your surroundings will dictate how you feel. If they are negative then, so are you. That is why it is so imperative that we take control of our energy and mindset. Once you realize that you, the real you, are in control of your thoughts. You can start taking the steps to build a Positive Mindset. “Things turn out best for the people who make the best of the way things turn out.” – John Wooden Join the Positive Mindset Email list to stay up to date
Achieving Mindfulness | From childhood to adults FEATURING Catherine Negron
15/02/2021 Duration: 30minAre you in a state of Mindfulness? Often we find ourselves in a reactive state throughout the day. We wake up and go, going through each activity that we have in front of us. Almost like getting on an escalator, we look forward or backward but don’t spend much time in the present. Because of this, we can end up stressed, our powerful minds are not under our control when we live this way. This is true for adults and children alike. The more we can be in the now and point our mind where we want it to, the more control we have over our emotions. Mindfulness is a mental state achieved by focusing one's awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one's feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations. We can use this as a therapeutic technique “To think in terms of either pessimism or optimism oversimplifies the truth. The problem is to see reality as it is.” - Thích Nhất Hạnh Listen below to today’s episode of the Positive Mindset Podcast with special guest Catherine Negron and lear
Finding Happiness | Why you need to stop comparing yourself to others!
12/02/2021 Duration: 12minDo you compare yourself to others? Sometimes we struggle with feeling like we're in competition with our friends and peers. When we compare ourselves to others it can create jealousy and anger towards the other person. This tends to happen when we're not in an abundance mindset and in proper alignment with our vision. By comparing ourselves to them with a negative mindset, we are looking into a mirror and noticing the lack in our lives BECAUSE of what they are accomplishing. Once we become observant of this happening is when we can start to make a change. Find the ability to shine positive light and love on their accomplishments, and move away from the negative feelings that you're having. Once you're able to do that for them, you'll be able to do it for yourself. This will allow you to open up to the flow state and get back into your abundance frequency. “Resentment is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die. ” ― Carrie Fisher Positive Mindset Meditations | Manifesting Financi
From Dream to Reality | Living in your TRUE highest self
11/02/2021 Duration: 09minIn this episode, we talk about taking what you know and creating the life you want to live. Join the Positive Mindset Email list to stay up to date on the latest episodes! Join the Positive Mindset Community Facebook Group Support the Podcast Say Hi on Instagram Book a FREE 20 minute Success Session with me by clicking the link below. Get Copywrite free music like I used in this episode The Positive Mindset Podcast blog Email Me --- Support this podcast: Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Living in Love and Abundance | Know what you're capable of [FEATURING. Jenna Sousa]
10/02/2021 Duration: 19minBuilding supportive self talk is a key component to staying in the Love Frequency. Sometimes we need to take a step back to understand how we talk to ourselves. Taking control of your inner dialogue will allow you to feed yourself with positive energy. Build a strong set up daily intentions that will have your back and keep you in a Positive Mindset! Reach out to Jenna Sousa on Instagram below Join the Positive Mindset Email list to stay up to date on the latest episodes! Join the Positive Mindset Community Facebook Group Support the Podcast Say Hi on Instagram Book a FREE 20 minute Success Session with me by clicking the link below. Get Copywrite free music like I used in this episode
Unlocking Your Positive Mindset | How to know if you have one!
09/02/2021 Duration: 13minIn this episode, I talk about what a TRUE positive mindset is and how to know if you have one. Positive Mindset Meditations | Manifesting Financial Abundance Join the Positive Mindset Email list to stay up to date on the latest episodes! Join the Positive Mindset Community Facebook Group Support the Podcast Say Hi on Instagram Book a FREE 20 minute Success Session with me by clicking the link below. Get Copywrite free music like I used in this episode The Positive Mindset Podcast blog Email Me --- Support this podcast:
Build Your Positive Mindset | How to level up your frequency and keep it there!
08/02/2021 Duration: 12minMany times we look at self-development as a destination and not a habit that we will continue forever. Think of frequencies as lines in a notebook, stacked over each other. If you start in the middle you can go up or down to the different vibrations. Mindset followed by action is how we move up or down these frequencies. But you have to remember that like attracts like. That means it’s not just you on a certain frequency. In fact, the more people on a frequency the easier it is to stay there. Since everyone is vibrating together. That means if you want to move up you will have to take action to do so. BUT there are fewer people the higher you climb and their vibrational state will want to pull yours back down. This is why you will have to put in the daily actions to maintain and continue to grow in your development. Someone with a positive mindset does not shift from their goals. They have found pleasure in the actions/work that it requires to be in a high frequency and that is where they find inner pea
Using Forgiveness For Manifestation | What is holding you back from your abundance?
05/02/2021 Duration: 18minDo you have enough forgiveness to manifest your dreams? Having full abundance is the same as being in flow with all energy. This allows you to be in your highest vibration and use the law of attraction in a positive way. But the law of attraction is always working, no matter if we are in control of what we are attracting. This is where forgiveness comes into play! You see, if you are hanging on to something that hurts you in a negative way. EVEN IF YOU ARE CORRECT! If you are holding on to it, it is a part of you and you will attract what you are. Forgiveness is how we let these negative vibrations go and fully flow to our highest selves. “When you hold resentment toward another, you are bound to that person or condition by an emotional link that is stronger than steel. Forgiveness is the only way to dissolve that link and get free.” - Catherine Ponder Join the Positive Mindset Email list to stay up to date on the latest episodes! Join the Positive M
Unlocking your full ABUNDANCE | What will this look like in your life?
04/02/2021 Duration: 11minA common first step people make when it comes to attaining abundance is working towards personal goals and belongings. Like unlimited money, resources, that fancy car, or even just simple freedom. While there is nothing inherently wrong with these desires, they only represent the limited and worldly view of abundance. We can only achieve true abundance when our neighbors have achieved the same level of abundance. You see, the best thing about abundance is that it allows you to operate in your highest love vibration. When you are truly abundant, you will improve every situation for the better. But the truth is that we are all one. If only we are in an abundant state then we are not truly having an abundance of experience. Because we are not experiencing our surroundings in their most abundant state. Our neighbors are only able to give and be inflow to their limited vibration! This is why it is important for us to not only continue our personal development. But to make sure we are giving away the person w
Finding your light | Why you most have an abundance of LOVE!
03/02/2021 Duration: 14minWhat is going to consume you? It’s time to have a conversation about finding the light (Love) in your life. What we focus on expands, so if we are not in control of what we focus on, what control do we have of our experience? Controlling our mindset and strengthening our ability to have positive intentions will allow us to see the light in our world. Or more importantly, allow us to be in the frequency of that light or love. This is where things get amazing! Since what we focus on expands, we will be able to expand the love/light in our lives! “What we focus on determines how we feel. And how we feel - our state of mind - powerfully influences our actions and interactions.” - Tony Robbins Join the Positive Mindset Email list to stay up to date on the latest episodes! Join the Positive Mindset Community Facebook Group Support the Podcast Say Hi on
Unlimited Time | Giving yourself the freedom to create NOW!
02/02/2021 Duration: 12minIs time a Gift or a Curse? If we knew we only had a specific amount of time left, we would not waste it. It’s the not knowing and believing that we have plenty of time left that allows us to procrastinate. Procrastination keeps us from getting into our highest frequency and is thus the curse of time. If you knew that you were going to only live until 50, would you wait until retirement to travel the world? If you knew you only had one month left, would you still want to work at your job? This is why our daily program is so important. Your highest self vibrates at a certain frequency. It takes daily actions to maintain that frequency. So if you are living as your highest self and loving your daily process, you wouldn’t change anything. Even if you knew the end was tomorrow! That is how time can be a GIFT! You can choose right now to live the life you want to live. You have been given this time on earth to learn this and impact the world in a POSITIVE way! Join the Positive Mindset Email list to stay up to dat
Manifesting your DREAMS | Featuring New York Times Bestseller Christy Whitman!
01/02/2021 Duration: 56minDo you have THE DESIRE FACTOR? In today’s Positive Mindset Podcast we talk with New York Times #1 bestseller Christy Whitman about the journey of taking our everyday desires and using them to manifest a more personal, more dynamic sense of fulfillment. Christy goes over what she calls The Seven Essential Laws (The Principle of Alignment, The Principle of Focus, The Principle of Joyful Expectancy, The Principle of Having, The Principle of Loving, The Principle of Surrender, and The Principle of Action. We also talk about how do we prevent people from limiting our desires without threatening our relationships. Christy shares a personal experience that will illustrate how you can apply this to your life now! We go into what is the one secret desire most people have. It’s probably NOT what you think! Listen to the full episode below and if you enjoy the podcast, make sure to check out her new book THE DESIRE FACTOR. Preorder THE DESIRE FACTOR Check out the trailer for the new
The abundance factor | Why you should connect to source to have it all!
29/01/2021 Duration: 15minWe work on using the Law of Attraction and manifestation techniques so that we can attract the material desires that we want, and there's inherently nothing wrong with that. If you're doing it in a loving, caring way and not just trying to have everything for yourself. Most of us just want to be in flow with abundance and for everyone else around us to be inflow as well. But we are falling short of our true potential by only focusing on the material aspect of what we can attract in this universe. Having true abundance changes when you start looking at it from a higher perspective. Think about dealing with stress and emotions in life and how they affect us. Think about the feeling of when you go through the hardest times in life when you just don’t think you can make it. Those times can have us really feeling the “lack” vibration and not in abundance. But if you realize that everything is connected, and energy flows within its similar level of frequency. Imagine the power you would have if you could be in
Is it to late to change your Mindset? | How to know what frequency you belong in!
28/01/2021 Duration: 17minYou are never too far gone from the ultimate love vibration. It's never too late to start moving forward because pure love will never turn it back from you. This was on my mind because I've been doing a lot of intentional thinking and intentional mindset control before I do an activity. Since I started doing this I sometimes forget to do the intention prayer before I do the activity. I would start doing whatever action and then I would realize I forgot to do my prayer, so I would stop in the middle of what I was doing and do my intention prayer. At first, I was feeling like I was failing but then I realized that we get it into our heads there's good and bad. And this is true in the sense that we live in a cause and effect world, but on the larger stage, it’s all really just frequencies. At any point in time, you can make the decision of what frequency that you want to be in. But you have to follow it up with constant action that backs that up! “Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be u