Positive Mindset Podcast

Unlimited Time | Giving yourself the freedom to create NOW!



Is time a Gift or a Curse? If we knew we only had a specific amount of time left, we would not waste it. It’s the not knowing and believing that we have plenty of time left that allows us to procrastinate. Procrastination keeps us from getting into our highest frequency and is thus the curse of time. If you knew that you were going to only live until 50, would you wait until retirement to travel the world? If you knew you only had one month left, would you still want to work at your job? This is why our daily program is so important. Your highest self vibrates at a certain frequency. It takes daily actions to maintain that frequency. So if you are living as your highest self and loving your daily process, you wouldn’t change anything. Even if you knew the end was tomorrow! That is how time can be a GIFT! You can choose right now to live the life you want to live. You have been given this time on earth to learn this and impact the world in a POSITIVE way! Join the Positive Mindset Email list to stay up to dat