Positive Mindset Podcast

Finding Happiness | Why you need to stop comparing yourself to others!



Do you compare yourself to others? Sometimes we struggle with feeling like we're in competition with our friends and peers. When we compare ourselves to others it can create jealousy and anger towards the other person. This tends to happen when we're not in an abundance mindset and in proper alignment with our vision. By comparing ourselves to them with a negative mindset, we are looking into a mirror and noticing the lack in our lives BECAUSE of what they are accomplishing. Once we become observant of this happening is when we can start to make a change. Find the ability to shine positive light and love on their accomplishments, and move away from the negative feelings that you're having. Once you're able to do that for them, you'll be able to do it for yourself. This will allow you to open up to the flow state and get back into your abundance frequency. “Resentment is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die. ” ― Carrie Fisher Positive Mindset Meditations | Manifesting Financi