Join your host Kenyatta Goins (aka Pastor G) for different weekly talk shows and discussions, including: Pastor G, Blended Families Ministry, Unashamed By Grace, Man Factor, P31 Women, and Unbreakable Live- where we learn Biblical principals on marriage and how to build stronger families one marriage at a time. We have it all: music, live interviews, insight, devotionals, prayer, direction, new and upcoming Christian music artists, healing, and promoting living a Christian life under Grace. And much more coming soon! Check out our website Or feel free to contact us anytime! Phone (520) 812-6363or email us at
The Jacked In Radio Show
15/05/2018 Duration: 01h06minThe Jacked in Radio Show where we get Jacked in to God's Presence through the word and through Music With your Host Jeremy Jackson
The Power Of Words With Kenyatta & Roberta Goins
25/02/2018 Duration: 01h09minLet's listen to Kenyatta and Roberta Goins as they teach on The Power Of Words.
Live In Studio With AJ WebStar
09/02/2018 Duration: 14minAnthony Webstar MY LIFEPeople seem to be uninterested with the most valuable things right in front of their face. But as soon as they lose hold of what was theirs they realize what they had, how important it was, and realize they may never get the chance to interact with it again. Unless they are granted a 2nd chance. My yearning living in faith every day is “My Life”. The title of this book was derived from me without even knowing. My life has been a storm, a whirlwind, a tsunami, and a hurricane all in one. But true believers with faith knows that “there is a blessing in the storm”. Me being the 5th out of 12 children put me in the middle of all of the chaos and turmoil for your entire life. Even through all of that position made me who I am today. Anytime my brothers or sisters would fight or have bad disagreements, I was always the one trying to be the mediator of the situation to cool everyone down. Days where we all had homework I would be the main sibling checking and
LIVE In Studio Interview Apostle Webster
09/02/2018 Duration: 37minApostle JW Webster This man of God was dead in his mothers womb for over two weeks. After being born with high blood pressure, pneumonia, hepatitis and sugar diabetes, the doctors said, If he lives he will be a vegetable. However, God had another plan for his life.Dr. J.W. Webster has been a minister of the Gospel for over a 38 years. He has a fruitful pastoral, prophetic, and teaching ministry. He is an ordained Apostle, he received his Masters Degree from Grace Prophetic Bible College located in Rockford IL. He received his Th.D. and Ph.D. from Tabernacle Bible College and Seminary located in Tampa, FL.He also serves as the Executive Director of One Hundred Fold Fellowship, a Fivefold Ministry relating and co-laboring for common purposes. He is the host of Mysteries Revealed, a radio broadcast that has aired in several states. He is the author of; Husbandry: The Forgotten Gift, the first of a three book series. He is the President and Founder of Teleios Training Center (TTC) an online Bible Training Center
LWBC Champion Marriage Class. Got Prayer?
28/01/2018 Duration: 01h51sLet's listen in LWBC Champion Marriage Class to Kenyatta (Pastor G) and Roberta Goins as they ask a very important question... Got Prayer???
Choose To Trust Pastor Dionne Arceneaux
14/01/2018 Duration: 01h29sLWBC Champion Marriage Class with Pastor Dionne Arceneaux, teaching us to Choose To Trust.
Dr. Bill Winston @ The Carpenter's House
13/01/2018 Duration: 02h20minLets listen in to the final night of the 2018 Advancing The Kingdom Summit, with special guest speaker Dr. Bill Winston. Summit conclusion at 7pm. #drbillwinston #advancingthekingdomsummit #thecarpentershouse #pastorsronnanddonnetahale #christianlivingradio
Friday Morning Workshop Bill Winston
12/01/2018 Duration: 02h05minJoin us at The Carpenters House in Avondale AZ for the 2018 Advancing The Kingdom Summit, with special guest speaker Dr. Bill Winston. FMA Workshop on 1/12 at 10am, and Summit conclusion at 7pm. #drbillwinston #advancingthekingdomsummit #thecarpentershouse #christianlivingradio
12/01/2018 Duration: 02h17minWe are in Avondale Arizona at The Carpenter's House Worship Center with Dr. Bill Winston
LWBC Champion Marriage Class!
07/01/2018 Duration: 35minGood morning LWBC Champion Marriage Class! Let’s listen to Gary and Dee Blazina as they teach us to Think FFAASSTT!#championmarriage #livingwordmesa#stronghomesandfamilies #thinkffaasstt#christianlivingradio
LAND ATTACK Morning Show
21/12/2017 Duration: 58minLand Attack Morning Proudly presents it’s new show to our station, today's topic is about the up coming 2018 Conference at The Carpenters House Church in Avondale, AZ. We will be talking with it's senior pastor and founder Pastor Ronn Hale discussing the conference and it's guest speaker Dr. Bill Winston.In this episode Kenyatta Goins (Pastor G) in conjunction with Land Attack Morning Show will be conducting this Live interview, please feel free to call in (520) 812-6363 or chat online with us, and don't forget to click the like and share button Dr. Bill Winston Living Word Christian Centerwww.christianlivingradio.comTwitter: @CLR_MinistryFacebook: @Christian Living radio.comInstagram: ChristianLivingRadio YouTube: Christian Living Radio Email:
LWBC Champion Marriage Class
17/12/2017 Duration: 56minLWBC Champion Marriage Class with Steve and Doretha Sample teaching on Closing The Gap.
LWBC Champion Marriage Class
10/12/2017 Duration: 49minLWBC Champion Marriage Class with Gary and Dee Blazina: To Get or to Give... That is the Question!
Living Word Bible Church Champion Marriage Class
03/12/2017 Duration: 01h26minGood morning LWBC Champion Marriage Class! Let’s listen to Kenyatta and Roberta Goins as they bring us a teaching about Labels.#championmarriage #livingwordmesa#stronghomesandfamilies #labels#christianlivingradio
LWBC Champion Marriage
26/11/2017 Duration: 58minLWBC Champion Marriage Class with Gary and Dee Blazina. Thankful? Really, Pilgrim!?!
K.I.N.G Kingdom Increase Network Gathering Conference
19/11/2017 Duration: 03h47minKingdom Increase Network Gathering with Apostle Stacy Lee, and guest speakers Pastor Lufile & Faraila Ehambe at The Primus University Center in 11070 N. 24th Ave. Phoenix, AZ 85029Next K.I.N.G event is set for Friday February 2nd at 7:00pm and Friday the 3rd at 10:00am
LWBC Champion Marriage Class
12/11/2017 Duration: 49minLWBC Champion Marriage Class. Teaching on the importance of having a vision and writing it down.
Living Word Bible Church Champion Marriage Class
05/11/2017 Duration: 08sJoin us for our panel discussion where no question is too big or small! LWBC Champion Marriage Class is building strong homes and families through great communication.
Living Word Bible Church Champion Marriage Class
05/11/2017Join us for our panel discussion where no question is too big or small! LWBC Champion Marriage Class is building strong homes and families through great communication.