Join your host Kenyatta Goins (aka Pastor G) for different weekly talk shows and discussions, including: Pastor G, Blended Families Ministry, Unashamed By Grace, Man Factor, P31 Women, and Unbreakable Live- where we learn Biblical principals on marriage and how to build stronger families one marriage at a time. We have it all: music, live interviews, insight, devotionals, prayer, direction, new and upcoming Christian music artists, healing, and promoting living a Christian life under Grace. And much more coming soon! Check out our website Or feel free to contact us anytime! Phone (520) 812-6363or email us at
Living Word Bible Church Champion Marriage Class
05/11/2017 Duration: 03minJoin us for our panel discussion where no question is too big or small! LWBC Champion Marriage Class is building strong homes and families through great communication.
Living Word Bible Church Champion Marriage Class
05/11/2017 Duration: 06sJoin us for our panel discussion where no question is too big or small! LWBC Champion Marriage Class is building strong homes and families through great communication.
Champion Marriage Class!
29/10/2017 Duration: 06minChampion Marriage Class! Let's listen to Gary and Dee Blazina as they discuss: what does Your Communication Sound Like?
Champion Marriage Class
22/10/2017 Duration: 52minLWBC Champion Marriage Class with Team Sample! Join us as Steve and Doretha speak on The Signs In Your Marriage. Every Sunday morning at 9:15am, Living Word Bible Church in Mesa AZ.
Champion Marriage Class
08/10/2017 Duration: 44minToday's class is on Triggers and how they affect our lives
Champion Marriage Class
01/10/2017 Duration: 01h08minChampion Marriage Class at Living Word Bible Church in Mesa AZ. Join us as we have our monthly panel discussion. No question will go unanswered!
Champion Marriage Class. Are you a Doer? Or a Hearer only?
17/09/2017 Duration: 01h08minGet ready Champion Marriage Class for a powerhouse couple! Gary and Dee Blazina are bringing us wisdom and a Mighty Word!
Champion Marriage Class with special guest speaker Dr. Dionne Arceneaux
10/09/2017 Duration: 54minPastor Di is bringing us the Word in class today! Join us as she teaches us on "Speaking Love"
Champion Marriage Class with special guest speaker Dr. Dionne Arceneaux
10/09/2017 Duration: 08minPastor Di is bringing us the Word in class today! Join us as she teaches us on "Speaking Love"
Champion Marriage Class at Living Word Bible Church
03/09/2017 Duration: 01h14minJoin us in Champion Marriage Class for a Word on Law vs Grace!
Champion Marriage 8_27_17
27/08/2017 Duration: 56minJoin us as our panel answers questions from the class. No question is too small, hard, difficult, weird, or anything else they can't handle!
Champion Marriage Class Panel
27/08/2017 Duration: 01h05minJoin us as our panel answers questions from class. No question is too small, hard, difficult, wierd, or anything else they can't handle!
Championship Marriage Class LWBC 08-13-17
13/08/2017 Duration: 01h14minSteve and Doretha Sample are bringing us a Biblical Word on Trust In God In Your Marriage
Michelle Brooks-Thompson Part 1
04/08/2017 Duration: 29minLIVE telephone interview PART 1 with Michelle Brooks-Thompson, in this interview we get in on the person, and what is the testimony that she wants to share with the world. If you know that you are a \WINNER, UNDEFEATED and VICTORIOUS, then you should have a #Triumphant praise!!! What was meant to kill and destroy you, did not succeed! God gave you power and victory to overcome! #IAmTriumphantHave you ever contemplated suicide?Have you ever suffered with depression?How you ever had a time in your life when you believed that giving up was the only way out?Have you ever struggled with maintaining faith? Have you ever felt like you were a failure?Are you going through a situation right now and you feel defeated in the midst of it? I have personally been there! I have felt some of these emotions! It was only through faith and trust in God that I made it through my wilderness experience! I'm still here because of God's grace and the victory He's given to me!"I Am Triumphant" is a song of encouragement. It is an a
CATCH THE VISION 2017 at the Arizona Grand
19/05/2017 Duration: 51minJ.D. Hill's 11th Annual "Catch The Vision" Celebrity Golf ClassicArizona Grand Golf Resort "Our vision is to support recovery and nuture our youth" PROVERBS 29:18 - "Without a vision the people perish"Special Guest and Clebrities:Ray Perkins Cardinals & Cowboys, Larry Watson Lions, Frank Sanders Cardinals, Kahill Hill 49ers, Bruce Cooper Channel 12, Earl Edwards 49ers, Brian Jennings 49ers, Tyron Stowe Cardinals, Shelby Hill Cowboy, CFL, Kwamie Lassiter Cardinals, Mark Walzak Cardinals, Jamie Hendrix-Jimi Hendrix sister, Mike Bankston Cardinals, Larry Kentera Coach @ ASU, Byron Evens Eagles, Kerry Justin Seahawks, Jim Baker ASU & Jets, Mike Vanderjagt Colts & Cowboys, Sid justin Rams, Ron Pritchard ASU & Texans, Bryant Westbrook Lions, Packers & Cowboys, Ray Green Carinals,Bob Wallace Bears, Danny Pittman Giants & Cardinals, Steve Holden Browns, Seth Joyner Eagles, Marsharne Graves Colts & Broncos, Derrick Kanard Cowboys & Cardinals, Dave Akins NFL Coach, Derrel Clack Cowboys,
Life Changers Worship Center
06/05/2017 Duration: 03h40min1660 S. Alma School Rd.Spring Wellness Fair
Life Changers Worship Center
06/05/2017 Duration: 01h41s1660 S. Alma School Rd.Spring Wellness Fair
2017 Spring Community Health Fair
06/05/2017 Duration: 32minealth Fair in Mesa AZ! Come join us at 1660 S. Alma School Rd.
Industry Celebration Showcase @ Club Hip Hop
24/03/2017 Duration: 53minSteller Award winners, Gospel Music Artisit and more