Christian Living Radio Ministry

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 283:41:51
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Join your host Kenyatta Goins (aka Pastor G) for different weekly talk shows and discussions, including: Pastor G, Blended Families Ministry, Unashamed By Grace, Man Factor, P31 Women, and Unbreakable Live- where we learn Biblical principals on marriage and how to build stronger families one marriage at a time. We have it all: music, live interviews, insight, devotionals, prayer, direction, new and upcoming Christian music artists, healing, and promoting living a Christian life under Grace. And much more coming soon! Check out our website Or feel free to contact us anytime! Phone (520) 812-6363or email us at


  • Industry Celebration Showcase @ Club Hip Hop

    24/03/2017 Duration: 55min

    Steller Award winners, Gospel Music Artisit and more

  • Cathy Dabney Full Interview

    17/02/2017 Duration: 43min

    Check out our phone interview with Cathy Dabney- author, teacher, super mom, motivational speaker, successful entrepreneur, philanthropist, and "soother of souls."Cathy and I are from the same small town in Michigan. She proves that great things can have humble beginnings, and that "being from a small town doesn't have to give you a small minded mentality- you must think big!" As a child, Cathy was obsessed with reading and learning all she could. She was dedicated to constantly educating herself, and has made a name for herself by passing on her vast knowledge to others. Cathy began her professional career at the ripe old age of 15, and has since been unstoppable in everything she pursues.Cathy is currently promoting her new book titled #Unbroken; Betrayal, Mourning, and Rebirth. Look for her at various book signings at a Barnes & Noble near you.You can learn more about Cathy Dabney and her new book on her website

  • Ignite The Fire - Part 2

    28/01/2017 Duration: 01h08min
  • Ignite The Fire - Part 1

    28/01/2017 Duration: 04h58min

    Women's Conference 2017Welcome to the Ignite the FIRE Women's Conference with Pastor Carolyn Smith and Destiny on Purpose Ministries! We have three amazing speakers, so enjoy the FIRE!

  • Men Mentoring Men Show 3 Part 2 of 4

    26/01/2017 Duration: 30min

    Men Mentoring MenWhat picture are you paintingLearn that honor of submission

  • Men Mentoring Men Show 3 part 1 of 4

    26/01/2017 Duration: 29min

    Men of God sharing real life, in a real way.

  • Men Mentoring Men Show 1 Part 2

    25/01/2017 Duration: 01h21min

    Here is the other half of our first show the enemy didn;t want anyone to here! It's a little long but I'm here to tell this, DO MISS, God spoke through us and unleashed some power information.

  • Men Mentoring Men Part 1

    10/01/2017 Duration: 45min

    Five men of God get together and talk openly about real topics, they will discuss the importance of being able to submit to God's will, and submitting to each other, and how that looks from a males perspective and how men can say I love you to one another without any animosity nor fear. Men who help hold each other up with love, accountability and support. God's word is the greatest tool, which hold all the answers, Men Mentoring Men is just the word meant by "Iron sharpening Iron" these men will take you a walk through the real meaning of submission. Weekly they will bring you wisdom from real life application and real life scenarios, you'll get it raw and uncut!

  • Stinkin Thinkin DAY 30 - 12_13_16, 7

    14/12/2016 Duration: 25min

    DAY 30 – "What If I Don't Make It?"Hello there my beloved listersToday we're ridding ourselves of Stinkin’ Thinkin’ and the thought that says, "What if I don't make it?”Something I’ve caught myself during my surgery, BUT GOD, spoke to me and said for me to never speak that over myself AGAIN! So start our discussion on this matter.Eliminating Stinkin” Thinkin” from our thought life, our vocabulary and way we are . Even if you rarely think this, it's a mind-set that the devil subtly uses to suggest the possibility of failure. We have all heard this in one form or another in our life walk. So we need to change each and every thought that says, “What if I don’t make it? I’ve faced death far more times then I should have and this last surgery had me on the edge and my mind wanted to run wild with all the what if’s, so this topic is one I can assure you I know all too well. So I mean to tell you that the VERY second that thought pops into your mind GET RID OF IT!

  • Day 29 Stinkin' Thinkin' - 9_14_16, 7

    14/09/2016 Duration: 26min

    DAY 29 – "I Don't I Just Don’t Fit In.We’re getting rid of Stinkin’ Thinkin’ and the thoughts that say "I don't just don’t fit in."How often have you ever had feelings of rejection and inferiority? Well they can rob you of Gods real plan for your life. It's important we realize that these feelings come from the old BS mind-set. You may have all kinds of thoughts, such as "I don't fit in," and "I could never be like them." This form of Stinkin' Thinkin' can feed this stronghold as well. 

  • Rachel Loomis "Safe in His arms" - 9_10_16, 1

    10/09/2016 Duration: 04min

    Rachel Loomis, a Christian singer and songwriter, inspirational writer who have pushed the envelope with her sound of inspiration and praise. She has been known for her outreach involvement in youth facility and street ministries. She brings a fresh anointing from heaven to earth. A sense of God's presence, grace, encouragement, and a uplifting of the broken hearted as she worships in spirit and in truth. Rachel was raised in Lansing, Michigan and her childhood consisted of traveling with the family gospel singing ministry `Songs of Deliverance´ has layed a strong foundation of a purpose driven life. Her passion and heart's desire is glorify God, to share the inspired life changing power of God through praise and to edify others in His love. Her life testimony is proof that God takes our pain, mistakes, and tests and turns them into a beautiful testimony to be used for His purposes. Everyone that encounters Rachel has been encouraged and embraced by the radiance of God's love that shines through her whether i

  • Day 28 of Stinkin Thinkin - 8_29_16, 11

    30/08/2016 Duration: 24min

    DAY 28 – “I can’t stand that person! They make me sick!”We’re getting rid of Stinkin’ Thinkin’ and the thoughts that say, "I can’t stand that person! They make me sick!”We’ve all had that someone in our life at one point or another, that we can barely stand to be around. Come on now, who's with me? Tell the truth now, you know it! Just thinking about that person right now is making you sick in your stomach, right? They can say and do things that make you absolutely crazy, and you don’t even know why- they just do! Well beloved this type of thinking is what we need to work on getting rid of.

  • Stinkin Thinkin Day -27 8_26_16, 9

    27/08/2016 Duration: 40min

    DAY 27 – “Why do I struggle so much with change?”Today we’re getting rid of Stinkin’ Thinkin’ and the thought that says, "Why do I struggle so much with change?"Change is a difficult thing for many of us, because it’s not something big we can see right away. It’s a small idea that is taking root in you and change is happening for sure, trust me. Unfortunately, too many people give up when they face tough times. They stop expecting anything good to happen. But the truth is, hardships and trials are really opportunities for you to go higher. I know, at times, you might say what's the use of even trying? You feel like you're not changing, because we as humans can get discouraged by the little progress it appears we are making. But beloved, don’t be fooled by what you see.

  • Stinkin Thinkin Day 26 - 8_25_16, 9

    26/08/2016 Duration: 39min

    DAY 26 – "This Is Just The Hand That Was Dealt To Me."Today we're getting rid of the thought that says, "This Is Just The Hand That Was Dealt To Me. I'll just have to settle with what I have."Sometimes we think we have to take what is handed to us, that we just need deal with it and that’s life. To settle means to accept something that is not ideal or desirable, because you don't believe it can be better. Many us have settled for less than God's best in our lives.The bible is full of blessing which show the grace and love of our heavenly Father. One story shows a clear picture of how easy it is to full into complacency or settling for less. John 5:1-10 tells the story of the lame man.

  • Stinkin Thinkin Day 25

    25/08/2016 Duration: 20min

    DAY 25 – “I Wish I Was A Stronger Christian.”Today we're getting rid of the thought that says, "I Wish I Was A Stronger Christian." Have you ever had thoughts that you’re not strong enough, especially when you’re in the midst of a storm? Who hasn't had those thoughts at some time in their life? I know I have for sure. These thoughts creep in saying: You’re not strong enough to fight this illness, not strong enough to overcome the temptation you're facing; not strong enough to keep going; not strong enough to make it through the trial you're facing.

  • Stinkin Thinkin Day 24 - 8_23_16, 6

    24/08/2016 Duration: 27min

    DAY 24 – “When will my money get right? Where’s my peace?”Today we're getting rid of the thought that says, "When will my money get right, and where’s my peace?”Most Americans live from paycheck to paycheck. Under those conditions, even one problem can send a person spiraling downward financially. When your money isn’t right EVERYTHING tends to look differently. Lack of finances produces anything but peace. You can’t rest- your mind is always on making a way or getting ready for the bill collector calls, and you're constantly thinking on how you're going to pay for this and that. There just isn’t any peace.

  • Stinkin Thinkin Day 23- 8_23_16, 12

    23/08/2016 Duration: 32min

    DAY 23 – “One day I’ll Get It.”"…Joshua said to the people: 'Shout, for the LORD has given you the city!'…And it happened when the people heard the sound of the trumpet, and the people shouted with a great shout, that the wall fell down flat"(Joshua 6:16 & 20, NKJ)Jericho had a massive wall built around the city that no army could penetrate. But that didn't stop God from giving them the success of victory.Today we're getting rid of the thought that says, “One Day I’ll Get It, Maybe I Can Succeed.”Sometimes our thoughts can hold us back from our success. We must remember that we were made successful through God the Father.This last weekend I went up North to the mountain in Williams to a retreat with over 505 men. The theme was MOBILIZE!

  • Stinkin Thinkin Day 22

    19/08/2016 Duration: 37min

    DAY 22 – Getting Rid Of ExcusesSpeaking of success, true success will never come to the person who makes excuses. You see I could have made all kinds of excuses because I just had Neck surgery, and even yesterday I had yet another procedure done on my low back, so I could really make some excuses. I’ve chosen to eliminate excuse-making mental road blocks, such as: "I can't do it without . . .", “I shouldn’t go cause i”m in pain” "I don't have enough resources . . .", "If I only had . . ."

  • Stinkin Thinkin Day 21- 8_18_16, 9

    19/08/2016 Duration: 38min

    DAY 21 – “No Victories For Me."Today we’re getting rid of the thought that says, “No Victories For Me."Realizing that we’re trying to obtain something we already have, is often our biggest problem. We've all cracked up laughing at a dog or cat chasing a laser light or it’s own tail. But they always come up short and never end up catching it’s tail… because the tail is already a part of the animal and the laser was never there in the first place. That's what it's like when we don't renew our mind to the victory that is already ours. We end up chasing our own tails.

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