Christian Living Radio Ministry

Stinkin Thinkin Day -27 8_26_16, 9



DAY 27 – “Why do I struggle so much with change?”Today we’re getting rid of Stinkin’ Thinkin’ and the thought that says, "Why do I struggle so much with change?"Change is a difficult thing for many of us, because it’s not something big we can see right away. It’s a small idea that is taking root in you and change is happening for sure, trust me. Unfortunately, too many people give up when they face tough times. They stop expecting anything good to happen. But the truth is, hardships and trials are really opportunities for you to go higher. I know, at times, you might say what's the use of even trying? You feel like you're not changing, because we as humans can get discouraged by the little progress it appears we are making. But beloved, don’t be fooled by what you see.