Christian Living Radio Ministry

LAND ATTACK Morning Show



Land Attack Morning Proudly presents it’s new show to our station, today's topic is about the up coming 2018 Conference at The Carpenters House Church in Avondale, AZ. We will be talking with it's senior pastor and founder Pastor Ronn Hale discussing the conference and it's guest speaker Dr. Bill Winston.In this episode Kenyatta Goins (Pastor G) in conjunction with Land Attack Morning Show will be conducting this Live interview, please feel free to call in (520) 812-6363 or chat online with us, and don't forget to click the like and share button Dr. Bill Winston Living Word Christian Centerwww.christianlivingradio.comTwitter: @CLR_MinistryFacebook: @Christian Living radio.comInstagram: ChristianLivingRadio YouTube: Christian Living Radio Email: