Join your host Kenyatta Goins (aka Pastor G) for different weekly talk shows and discussions, including: Pastor G, Blended Families Ministry, Unashamed By Grace, Man Factor, P31 Women, and Unbreakable Live- where we learn Biblical principals on marriage and how to build stronger families one marriage at a time. We have it all: music, live interviews, insight, devotionals, prayer, direction, new and upcoming Christian music artists, healing, and promoting living a Christian life under Grace. And much more coming soon! Check out our website Or feel free to contact us anytime! Phone (520) 812-6363or email us at
WakeUp 08-20-2018
20/08/2018 Duration: 28minWAKEUP “Morning Bible Study”Modern Family - Full EpisodeLISTEN to our all-new radio show, weekdays at 8am right here on Christian Living Radio A morning scripture with you're morning coffee. Enjoy Pastors Scot and Jason Anderson as they look to the Bible to speak to you each morning and then pray over your day. Whether you are sitting down with your coffee, or getting ready, or already on your way, be inspired with the Word of God every single day as you “Wake Up.”To join the growing community of believers who are Waking Up with Pastors Scot and Jason AndersonSubscribe today to the all new CLTV (Christian Living TV) and stay tuned as even more is on the way!Remember to click the LIKE button and Subscribe!
WakeUp 08-17-2018
17/08/2018 Duration: 28minWAKEUP “Morning Bible Study”"PORTAL TO POWER" w/ Dennis BurkeLISTEN to our all-new radio show, weekdays at 8am right here on Christian Living Radio A morning scripture with you're morning coffee. Enjoy Pastors Scot and Jason Anderson as they look to the Bible to speak to you each morning and then pray over your day. Whether you are sitting down with your coffee, or getting ready, or already on your way, be inspired with the Word of God every single day as you “Wake Up.”To join the growing community of believers who are Waking Up with Pastors Scot and Jason AndersonSubscribe today to the all new CLTV (Christian Living TV) and stay tuned as even more is on the way!Remember to click the LIKE button and Subscribe!
WakeUp 08-16-2018
16/08/2018 Duration: 28minMUD POTS - Dennis Burke Guest PastorWAKEUP “Morning Bible Study”LISTEN to our all-new radio show, weekdays at 8am right here on Christian Living Radio A morning scripture with you're morning coffee. Enjoy Pastors Scot and Jason Anderson as they look to the Bible to speak to you each morning and then pray over your day. Whether you are sitting down with your coffee, or getting ready, or already on your way, be inspired with the Word of God every single day as you “Wake Up.”To join the growing community of believers who are Waking Up with Pastors Scot and Jason AndersonSubscribe today to the all new CLTV (Christian Living TV) and stay tuned as even more is on the way!Remember to click the LIKE button and Subscribe!
WakeUp 08-15-2018
15/08/2018 Duration: 28minDEALING WITH PRESSUREWAKEUP “Morning Bible Study”LISTEN to our all-new radio show, weekdays at 8am right here on Christian Living Radio A morning scripture with you're morning coffee. Enjoy Pastors Scot and Jason Anderson as they look to the Bible to speak to you each morning and then pray over your day. Whether you are sitting down with your coffee, or getting ready, or already on your way, be inspired with the Word of God every single day as you “Wake Up.”To join the growing community of believers who are Waking Up with Pastors Scot and Jason AndersonSubscribe today to the all new CLTV (Christian Living TV) and stay tuned as even more is on the way!Remember to click the LIKE button and Subscribe!
WakeUp 08-14-2018
14/08/2018 Duration: 28min"SORRY ABOUT THE WEED"WAKEUP “Morning Bible Study”LISTEN to our all-new radio show, weekdays at 8am right here on Christian Living Radio A morning scripture with your morning coffee. Enjoy Pastors Scot and Jason Anderson as they look to the Bible to speak to you each morning and then pray over your day. Whether you are sitting down with your coffee, or getting ready, or already on your way, be inspired with the Word of God every single day as you “Wake Up.”To join the growing community of believers who are Waking Up with Pastors Scot and Jason AndersonSubscribe today to the all-new CLTV (Christian Living TV) and stay tuned as even more is on the way!Remember to click the LIKE button and Subscribe!
WakeUp 08-13-2018
13/08/2018 Duration: 28minWAKEUP “Morning Bible Study”LISTEN to our all-new radio show, weekdays right here on Christian Living Radio A morning scripture with your morning coffee. Enjoy Pastors Scot and Jason Anderson as they look to the Bible to speak to you each morning and then pray over your day. Whether you are sitting down with your coffee, or getting ready, or already on your way, be inspired with the Word of God every single day as you “Wake Up.”To join the growing community of believers who are Waking Up with Pastors Scot and Jason AndersonSubscribe today to the all-new CLTV (Christian Living TV) and stay tuned as even more is on the way!Remember to click the LIKE button and Subscribe!
WakeUp 08 10_18
10/08/2018 Duration: 28minZombie ChristianWAKEUPLISTEN to our all-new radio show, weekdays at 8am right here on Christian Living Radio A morning scripture with your morning coffee. Enjoy Pastors Scot and Jason Anderson as they look to the Bible to speak to you each morning and then pray over your day. Whether you are sitting down with your coffee, or getting ready, or already on your way, be inspired with the Word of God every single day as you “Wake Up.”To join the growing community of believers who are Waking Up with Pastors Scot and Jason AndersonSubscribe today to the all new CLTV (Christian Living TV) and stay tuned as even more is on the way!Remember to click the LIKE button and Subscribe!
WakeUp 08 09_18
09/08/2018 Duration: 28minWAKEUPLISTEN to our all-new radio show, weekdays at 8am right here on Christian Living Radio A morning scripture with your morning coffee. Enjoy Pastors Scot and Jason Anderson as they look to the Bible to speak to you each morning and then pray over your day. Whether you are sitting down with your coffee, or getting ready, or already on your way, be inspired with the Word of God every single day as you “Wake Up.”To join the growing community of believers who are Waking Up with Pastors Scot and Jason AndersonSubscribe today to the all new CLTV (Christian Living TV) and stay tuned as even more is on the way!Remember to click the LIKE button and Subscribe!
WakeUp 08 08_18
08/08/2018 Duration: 28minIt Wasn't MeWAKEUPLISTEN to our all-new radio show, weekdays at 8am right here on Christian Living Radio A morning scripture with your morning coffee. Enjoy Pastors Scot and Jason Anderson as they look to the Bible to speak to you each morning and then pray over your day. Whether you are sitting down with your coffee, or getting ready, or already on your way, be inspired with the Word of God every single day as you “Wake Up.”To join the growing community of believers who are Waking Up with Pastors Scot and Jason AndersonSubscribe today to the all new CLTV (Christian Living TV) and stay tuned as even more is on the way!Remember to click the LIKE button and Subscribe!
WakeUp 08 07_18
07/08/2018 Duration: 28minCan't Stop PraisingWAKEUPLISTEN to our all-new radio show, weekdays at 8am right here on Christian Living Radio A morning scripture with your morning coffee. Enjoy Pastors Scot and Jason Anderson as they look to the Bible to speak to you each morning and then pray over your day. Whether you are sitting down with your coffee, or getting ready, or already on your way, be inspired with the Word of God every single day as you “Wake Up.”To join the growing community of believers who are Waking Up with Pastors Scot and Jason AndersonSubscribe today to the all new CLTV (Christian Living TV) and stay tuned as even more is on the way!Remember to click the LIKE button and Subscribe!
WakeUp 08 06_18
07/08/2018 Duration: 28minBeing a builderWAKEUP "MORNING BIBLE STUDY"LISTEN to our all-new radio show, weekdays at 8am right here on Christian Living Radio A morning scripture with your morning coffee. Enjoy Pastors Scot and Jason Anderson as they look to the Bible to speak to you each morning and then pray over your day. Whether you are sitting down with your coffee, or getting ready, or already on your way, be inspired with the Word of God every single day as you “Wake Up.”To join the growing community of believers who are Waking Up with Pastors Scot and Jason AndersonSubscribe today to the all new CLTV (Christian Living TV) and stay tuned as even more is on the way!Remember to click the LIKE button and Subscribe!
WakeUp 08-03-2018 Radio
03/08/2018 Duration: 28minWAKEUP “Morning Bible Study”LISTEN to our all-new radio show, weekdays at 8am right here on Christian Living Radio A morning scripture with your morning coffee. Enjoy Pastors Scot and Jason Anderson as they look to the Bible to speak to you each morning and then pray over your day. Whether you are sitting down with your coffee, or getting ready, or already on your way, be inspired with the Word of God every single day as you “Wake Up.”To join the growing community of believers who are Waking Up with Pastors Scot and Jason AndersonSubscribe today to the all new CLTV (Christian Living TV) and stay tuned as even more is on the way!Remember to click the LIKE button and Subscribe!
WakeUp 08-02-2018
02/08/2018 Duration: 28minWAKEUP “Morning Bible Study”LISTEN to our all-new radio show, weekdays at 8am right here on Christian Living Radio A morning scripture with your morning coffee. Enjoy Pastors Scot and Jason Anderson as they look to the Bible to speak to you each morning and then pray over your day. Whether you are sitting down with your coffee, or getting ready, or already on your way, be inspired with the Word of God every single day as you “Wake Up.”To join the growing community of believers who are Waking Up with Pastors Scot and Jason AndersonSubscribe today to the all new CLTV (Christian Living TV) and stay tuned as even more is on the way!Remember to click the LIKE button and Subscribe!
WakeUp 2018-07-31 Radio
31/07/2018 Duration: 28minWAKEUP “Morning Bible Study”LISTEN to our all-new radio show, weekdays at 8am right here on Christian Living Radio A morning scripture with your morning coffee. Enjoy Pastors Scot and Jason Anderson as they look to the Bible to speak to you each morning and then pray over your day. Whether you are sitting down with your coffee, or getting ready, or already on your way, be inspired with the Word of God every single day as you “Wake Up.”To join the growing community of believers who are Waking Up with Pastors Scot and Jason AndersonSubscribe today to the all new CLTV (Christian Living TV) and stay tuned as even more is on the way!Remember to click the LIKE button and Subscribe!
WakeUp 07-28-2018
30/07/2018 Duration: 28minWAKEUP “Morning Bible Study”LISTEN to our all-new radio show, weekdays at 8am right here on Christian Living Radio A morning scripture with your morning coffee. Enjoy Pastors Scot and Jason Anderson as they look to the Bible to speak to you each morning and then pray over your day. Whether you are sitting down with your coffee, or getting ready, or already on your way, be inspired with the Word of God every single day as you “Wake Up.”To join the growing community of believers who are Waking Up with Pastors Scot and Jason AndersonSubscribe today to the all new CLTV (Christian Living TV) and stay tuned as even more is on the way!Remember to click the LIKE button and Subscribe!
WakeUp 07-27-2018
27/07/2018 Duration: 28minWAKEUP “Morning Bible Study”LISTEN to our all-new radio show, weekdays at 8am right here on Christian Living Radio A morning scripture with your morning coffee. Enjoy Pastors Scot and Jason Anderson as they look to the Bible to speak to you each morning and then pray over your day. Whether you are sitting down with your coffee, or getting ready, or already on your way, be inspired with the Word of God every single day as you “Wake Up.”To join the growing community of believers who are Waking Up with Pastors Scot and Jason AndersonSubscribe today to the all new CLTV (Christian Living TV) and stay tuned as even more is on the way!Remember to click the LIKE button and Subscribe!
WakeUp 2018-07-26 Radio
27/07/2018 Duration: 07minWAKEUP “Morning Bible Study”LISTEN to our all-new radio show, weekdays at 8am right here on Christian Living Radio A morning scripture with your morning coffee. Enjoy Pastors Scot and Jason Anderson as they look to the Bible to speak to you each morning and then pray over your day. Whether you are sitting down with your coffee, or getting ready, or already on your way, be inspired with the Word of God every single day as you “Wake Up.”To join the growing community of believers who are Waking Up with Pastors Scot and Jason AndersonSubscribe today to the all new CLTV (Christian Living TV) and stay tuned as even more is on the way!Remember to click the LIKE button and Subscribe!
Cyiza Music Ministry Interview
01/07/2018 Duration: 41minThe members of this incredible, and well received Trio is blessed with a gift from God touse their voices to tell others of the good news of Jesus Christ, through music in aSouthern Gospel style. All three members are singer song writers, and one is aproducer, and another an Audio Engineer.Cyiza Music Ministry (also referred to as CMM), and is pronounced (Cheeza), havereached thousands around the world through music and multimedia, focused onpointing towards the Redeemer, Jesus Christ. CMM stands on the Word of God as theiranchor and guidance.The use of music videos, concerts, interviews, and articles are meant to point to a risenSavior. The goal of CMM is that through hearing the songs or watching the videos, thehearer/viewer will be brought one step closer into the loving arms of Jesus Christ.Sam Cyiza and his wife Jessica had their own solo ministry, but when they met and gotmarried, they formed Cyiza Music Ministry. Subsequently, Sam's brother, Daniel, also aSoloist, joined them, to form a Trio. CMM w
Pastor G and Roberta Secrets
26/06/2018 Duration: 49minSubscribe today to the all-new CLTV (Christian Living TV) and stay tuned as even more is on the way!Remember to click the LIKE button and Subscribe!
Jacked In Radio Show
23/05/2018 Duration: 50minWhere we get Jacked in through Music and the Word of God. Playing music from the 90's to today to brighten your day and challenge your walk with God.