A changing climate presents humanity with only one option: adapt. On the America Adapts podcast, we explore the challenges presented by adapting to climate change, the national movement that has begun to drive change, and the approaches that the field's best minds believe are already working. Join climate change adaptation expert Doug Parsons as he talks with scientists, activists, policymakers and journalists about the choices we face and the people who make them. The climate adaptation conversation, and the movement, starts here. America Adapts - building a community of Adapters!
Adaptation in Paradise! Florida Adapts to Climate change
02/08/2016 Duration: 49minEpisode 4: Bob Glazer - In this episode, Doug Parsons talks with Bob Glazer, research scientist with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. Join us and learn how Florida is adapting to climate change. Florida is consistently in the headlines regarding climate change, for better or for worse. Don't let the headlines fool you: Florida is considered a national leader on adaptation planning! Our guest, Bob Glazer, was recently commended by the prestigious Climate Change Adaptation Leadership Award for Natural Resources. We cover topics ranging from sea level rising planning; is there a future for the Key Deer; how south Florida local governments are forging ahead on adaptation planning and much more! For more information on this podcast, visit our website at and don't forget to subscribe to this podcast on Itunes. Also, consider following us on Facebook at America Adapts!
Pandas, gorillas and elephants adapt to climate change! Podcast with World Wildlife Fund.
25/07/2016 Duration: 43minEpisode 3: Dr. Nikhil Advani - In this episode, the host, Doug Parsons has a lively discussion with Dr. Nikhil Advani, Senior Program Manager for Adaptation at the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). Dr. Advani will answer questions ranging from: will pandas become an invasive species in future climates (short answer: no); what is the difference between adaptation in the U.S. and developing countries; WWF's innovative 'crowdsourcing' program; how does a famous global conservation group like WWF communicate a complex subject like adaptation and much much more. For more information on this podcast, visit our website at and don't forget to subscribe to this podcast on Itunes. Also, consider following us on Facebook at America Adapts!
Adaptation Funding Opportunities; Shovel ready adaptation and much more! Podcast with Wildlife Conservation Society
22/07/2016 Duration: 01h02minEpisode 2: Dr. Molly Cross: In the second episode, Doug Parsons talks with Dr. Molly Cross, the Climate Change Adaptation Coordinator with the Wildlife Conservation Society. Listen in as Doug and Molly discuss how to fund adaptation; identifying 'bad' adaptation; the Supreme Court, porn and adaptation (yes, you read that right); on the ground examples, behind the scenes of a Tedx talk and much more! Tim Watkins, a science educator, joins Doug for a brief adaptation round table, discussing climate change and the Republican National Convention. Please, join us to learn what Dr. Cross means by 'getting excited about climate change'!
America's Best Idea: Adapting to Climate Change! National Parks, Scenario Planning and much more!
11/07/2016 Duration: 01h03minDonate to America Adapts (We are now a tax deductible charitable organization!) Subscribe/listen to podcast on Apple Podcasts. Now on Spotify! Episode 1: Dr. Nick Fischelli: In the premiere episode, Doug Parsons talks with Dr. Nick Fisichelli, a forest ecologist and expert in climate change scenario planning. The sometimes humorous conversation covers such diverse topics as climate change planning in the National Parks, adaptation versus resilience, and how scenario planning can be a great tool for planning. Tim Watkins, a science educator, joins Doug for a brief adaptation round table, discussing current events related to adaptation. If you're looking for an informative, yet lively and fun discussion around climate change, please listen in! Subscribe to America Adapts on Itunes Listen here. On Google Play here. Please share on Facebook! On Twitter: @usaadapts Subscribe now to get this in your podcast inbox! Amer