America Adapts - The Climate Change Podcast

State Level Adaptation Planning: A Podcast with Climate Change Coordinator Davia Palmeri



In this episode, host Doug Parsons speaks with Davia Palmeri, Climate Change Coordinator with the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies.  Davia talks about the unique role that state agencies play in conserving wildlife. We learn a bit of the history behind wildlife management in the United States.  Doug and Davia then dig into the role state agencies have played in adaptation planning at the state and national level.  Davia explains the role of AFWA’s Climate Change committee and how it provides resources for adaptation planning to the states.  We discuss missed opportunities for long term wildlife funding with the failed Cap and Trade Bill.  Davia also discuss some of her favorite climate change resources, ranging from the Climate Smart report, to the Climate Change Academy hosted by the National Conservation Training Center.  We also discuss the National Fish, Wildlife and Plant Adaptation Strategy: the first of its kind.  Davia also highlights the new National Adaptation Leadership Awards and the up