America Adapts - The Climate Change Podcast

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 250:34:43
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A changing climate presents humanity with only one option: adapt. On the America Adapts podcast, we explore the challenges presented by adapting to climate change, the national movement that has begun to drive change, and the approaches that the field's best minds believe are already working. Join climate change adaptation expert Doug Parsons as he talks with scientists, activists, policymakers and journalists about the choices we face and the people who make them. The climate adaptation conversation, and the movement, starts here. America Adapts - building a community of Adapters!


  • Ivy League Adaptation: A Conversation with Harvard University’s Dr. Jesse Keenan

    09/01/2017 Duration: 01h14min

    Donate to America Adapts (We are now a tax deductible charitable organization!) Subscribe to America Adapts on Itunes Dr. Jesse Keenan, of Harvard University, joins Doug Parsons on the first episode of America Adapts of 2017!  Dr. Keenan is a member of the faculty of the Graduate School of Design where he teaches courses and conducts research in the fields of real estate development, design-development management and technology and climate adaptation science.  Jesse wears several hats: academic, public and professional.  In their conversation, Doug and Jesse dig into the origins of adaptation planning and how the federal government is currently approaching the issue. Jesse has several roles advising the federal government on adaptation and we talked about those many different approaches. We spend considerable time discussing the emergence of ‘resilience’ as the primary word and approach by the government, and increasingly, the private sector. Much of this origin ties into aligning adaptation with disaster ma

  • Year in Review: America Adapts, Top 5 Climate Stories of the Year and Climate Change goes to the Movies!

    22/12/2016 Duration: 01h14min

    Donate to America Adapts (We are now a tax deductible charitable organization!) Subscribe to America Adapts on Itunes It’s the final episode of America Adapts for 2017! In this edition, Doug highlights the first six months of the podcast and thanks his many supporters and listeners.  The podcast features Dan Ackerstein (from Ackerstein Sustainability) and regular contributor,  Tim Watkins.  Tim, Doug and Dan list their top 5 climate change stories of the year. It’s been a very eventful year for climate change and America Adapts discusses with humor and urgency.  The conversation takes an unusual turn for the podcast:  America Adapts goes to the Movies! Dan and Doug discuss how climate change has been portrayed in Hollywood, using 4 examples, and identifying the likelihood of the stories and the soundness of the science within the movies. It’s a funny, informative conversation to close out the year.  Additional Show notes: Movies quotes from the podcast can be found here and here. Dan Ackerstein is a founding

  • Companies vs Climate Change Conference: America Adapts on location in Fort Lauderdale talking mitigation, adaptation and sustainability!

    13/12/2016 Duration: 01h44s

    Subscribe to America Adapts on Itunes In this traveling episode, Doug Parsons takes America Adapts on the road to sunny Ft. Lauderdale, Florida! Doug was invited as press to cover the inaugural Companies vs Climate Change (CvCC) conference.   The purpose of the event was:  to serve as a global forum for companies of all sizes to share best practices for solving climate change with wholly justifiable business value. CvCC strives to serve as a conduit that will bring companies together to create business driven solutions to the climate crisis. This conference  was about three things: 1.Climate change; 2.How can companies address climate change? 3. How can companies collaborate to address climate change?  As you can see, it covered a lot. The city of Ft. Lauderdale was an excellent setting, embedded in the South Florida culture of adaptation.  The plenary speaker was Republican Mayor of Ft. Lauderdale, Jack Seiler.  The Mayor stressed the role businesses must play in meeting the challenges of climate change, a

  • Dr. Michael Mann: Climate Change in the Age of Trump – A Podcast Discussion of the Hockey Stick, The Madhouse Effect, President Trump, ClimateGate and much more!

    06/12/2016 Duration: 01h13min

    Donate to America Adapts (We are now a tax deductible charitable organization!) Subscribe to America Adapts on Itunes In this week’s episode of America Adapts, host Doug Parsons gets a visit from legendary climate change scientist/activist, Dr. Michael Mann, Distinguished Professor of Atmospheric Science at Pennsylvania State University. Doug and Mike talk about a wide range of issues: from the publication of his new book, The Madhouse Effect: How Climate Change Denial Is Threatening Our Planet, Destroying Our Politics, and Driving Us Crazy; the Presidential Election; the history of climate denialism; to science communication in general.  We discuss Randy Olson’s influence, the scientist turned filmmaker, who connected Doug and Mike, which led to a discussion on effective science communication and the use of storytelling in science.  Regarding Mike’s new book, The Madhouse Effect, in an innovative twist, Mike collaborated with Tom Toles, long time cartoonist with the Washington Post. The book focuses on c

  • California Adapts to Climate Change: A Podcast with Climate Resolve’s Jonathan Parfrey

    29/11/2016 Duration: 42min

    Subscribe to America Adapts on Itunes! In this episode, America Adapts talks with innovative climate leader, Jonathan Parfrey, the Executive Director of Climate Resolve (CR).  The mission of Climate Resolve “is to make Southern California more livable and prosperous today and for generations to come by inspiring people at home, at work, and in government to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and local air pollution, as well as prepare for climate change impacts.” Jonathan talks about how CR approaches climate change at the city scale, with the goal of not only making Los Angeles more resilient in the face of climate change, but also improving the overall quality of life of Angelos. It is not a typical mission for most adaptation professionals,, but as Jonathan explains, it’s a strategy that successfully gets broad public support for their activities. Learn about CR’s “Cool Roofs” program, a citywide program to help low income residents obtain solar panels. Jonathan also talks about efforts to create a more inte

  • Adaptation Consulting with Tribal and Local government partners: A podcast discussion with Sascha Petersen of Adaptation International

    22/11/2016 Duration: 56min

    In this episode of America Adapts, I talk with Sascha Petersen, founder and lead of Adaptation International, an Austin, Texas based consulting firm. Sascha talks about his experiences working on adaptation projects with local governments and tribal interests. Learn the nuances of dealing with adaptation with tribal communities and how those lessons could be applied elsewhere. We also discuss if the private sector world of adaptation is growing and what new opportunities exist for those seeking opportunities outside the government and non-governmental sector.  Sascha has a unique experience in becoming an adaptation professional and we discuss his journey through this process, especially how he pivoted from sustainability and mitigation, to working mainly in adaptation planning.  We also test out how one communicates adaptation in an environment like Texas (it involves a belt buckle and plenty of enthusiasm).   We then pivot and talk about about Sascha’s experiences as the first Managing Director of the Ameri

  • Climate Change Election Episode: Reporting from Cop22, climate negotiations, Marrakesh, Morocco; the National Adaptation Forum and much more climate election coverage!

    15/11/2016 Duration: 01h23min

    Special Election Coverage. In this episode, America Adapts is hosting James Stillwell, Program Manager for Climate Implementation at the University of Maryland, reporting from Marrakech, Morocco from the Cop22 climate change negotiations. Also, I speak with EcoAdapt’s MaryKay Gewiss and Alex Score, on next year’s big National Adaptation Forum. First, I check in with James, who’s in Morocco, following up with his role at the 2016 Paris Climate agreement (previous podcast topic).  We learn what other countries are saying about the climate agreement in light of Donald Trump’s presidential election win.  James seeks to provide a reality check on what happens next. We learn what it might mean if the U.S. exited the agreement; the difficulties involved with such an action; and the rest of the world’s desire to move on even if America does exit the talks.  James also shares his perspective on debating noted climate skeptic, Myron Ebell (available on youtube), the man responsible for the transition at the Environ

  • Climate Savvy, Adaptation Threesome and the National Adaptation Forum! A Podcast with Lara Hansen and Jennie Hoffman

    07/11/2016 Duration: 58min

    In this very special Halloween Episode, I talk with adaptation planning legends Lara Hansen and Jennie Hoffman. Lara is the Executive Director of Ecoadapt and Jennie is Founder and Principal at Adaptation Insight.  This was the first ‘threeway’ conversation on America Adapts, where we discussed the 5 year anniversary of Jenny and Lara’s groundbreaking book, Climate Savvy.  We learn the origins of the book, and how writing it went hand in hand with the establishment of their nationally recognized group, EcoAdapt.  Their book was one of the first to comprehensively lay out how one adapts to climate change, specifically in the natural resource world.  After digging into the book, we debate,  is the field of adaptation elitist? Is focusing on adaptation taking attention away from mitigating against carbon emissions (we all said no!)?  We also learn if some communities actually mitigate more effectively after they embrace adaptation.  Other topics covered:  the positives and negatives of the failed Cap and Trade

  • Climate Central: Spreading climate science news, tools and research - Podcast with Senior Climate Central writer Brian Kahn!

    01/11/2016 Duration: 01h12s

    In episode 16 of America Adapts, I talk with Brian Kahn, Senior Science Writer with Climate Central. Climate Central (CC) is exactly what it sounds like: a central location for key science information and resources.  Climate Central is a relatively new organization and Brian walks us through their unique model for providing climate science.  Brian explains how CC uses social scientists to find ways to get science news to resonate with the public. Brian also explains their unique Climate Matters program, which engages with meteorologists all over the country, providing climate graphics and resources.  We then talk about some of Brian’s own articles, the process of writing and selecting the topics, when a story connects, or when one is not well received, and how he can work with fellow Climate Central experts to figure why an article might have not connected as intended..  A few of his stories include:  Heat, Then Deluge Fell a Town’s Beloved 600-Year-Old Oak, Carbon Dioxide Passed Critical Threshold in 2015

  • De-Extinction, Climate Change and the Future of Conservation: A Podcast with author M.R. O’Connor.

    24/10/2016 Duration: 54min

    In episode 15, Doug Parsons speaks with M.R. O’Connor, author of the book, “Resurrection Science: Conservation, De-Extinction and the Precarious Future of Wild Things.” De-extinction is exactly what you think it is: bringing back extinct species using modern technology. Think Jurassic Park, but looking at more recent extinctions like the Passenger Pigeon, Wooly Mammoth and the Tasmanian Tiger.  Our conversation, much like the book, is more than that though, we talk about environmental justice, ethics and the history of conservation biology.  Each chapter in the book covers a different species and the massive efforts we take to ensure their survival: these include a Tanzanian Spray Toad, the Florida Panther, Southwest pupfish, all the way to efforts to resurrect the Passenger Pigeon. We talk about the amazing and tragic history of the Passenger Pigeon and one scientist's efforts at bringing this species back into our lives.  Is it Frankenstein meets conservation? We dig into many of the topics from the book bu

  • Sea Level Rise, the Florida Everglades and the role of research in Adaptation: Podcast with Dr. Evelyn Gaiser of Florida Coastal LTER

    17/10/2016 Duration: 49min

    In this week’s episode, America Adapts host, Doug Parsons, talks with Dr. Evelyn Gaiser from Florida International University.  We primarily cover two topics: what is the  Florida Coastal Everglades Long Term Ecological Research Program and Dr. Gaiser’s role in adaptation planning in South Florida.  But that is just a sampling of all the topics we cover. We begin by learning the many hats Evelyn wears at FIU:   She’s the Executive Director at FIU’s School of Environment, Arts and Society and she’s the Lead Principal Investigator at the Florida Coastal Everglades Long Term Ecological Research Program (which we’ll call the LTER).  First, we learn how Evelyn started her work in ecology at the University of Georgia’s Savannah River Ecological lab.  Dr. Gaiser also takes us into the Everglades, learning what makes this expansive park unique and incredibly important to everyone living in south Florida.  We talk about the amazing, rich biodiversity of the Everglades and Evelyn explains the park’s unique ecological f

  • What really happened at the climate negotiations in Paris; Universities Teaching Adaptation and much more! A podcast with University of Maryland’s James Stillwell

    10/10/2016 Duration: 01h03min

    Donate to America Adapts (We are now a tax deductible charitable organization!) In this exciting episode of America Adapts, Doug Parsons speaks with James Stillwell, the Program Manager of Climate Implementation at the University of Maryland’s (UMD) School of Public Policy.  First, we talk about James’ background and what led him to UMD.  Then we learn about James’ role in the international climate change negotiations that occurred last year in France which led to the historic Paris Agreement.  James walks us through many riveting and fascinating details on what it was like being on the ground in Paris during this planet saving event.   James played a key role assisting UMD’s special advisor to the UN secretary-general on climate change, Robert Orr.  Learn how some of the negotiations came down to the wire and how ultimately the final product exceeded everyone’s ambitions. Also learn how adaptation was addressed in parallel negotiations in Paris. James then takes us back to UMD and how it co-hosted “Climate A

  • State Level Adaptation Planning: A Podcast with Climate Change Coordinator Davia Palmeri

    02/10/2016 Duration: 01h09min

    In this episode, host Doug Parsons speaks with Davia Palmeri, Climate Change Coordinator with the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies.  Davia talks about the unique role that state agencies play in conserving wildlife. We learn a bit of the history behind wildlife management in the United States.  Doug and Davia then dig into the role state agencies have played in adaptation planning at the state and national level.  Davia explains the role of AFWA’s Climate Change committee and how it provides resources for adaptation planning to the states.  We discuss missed opportunities for long term wildlife funding with the failed Cap and Trade Bill.  Davia also discuss some of her favorite climate change resources, ranging from the Climate Smart report, to the Climate Change Academy hosted by the National Conservation Training Center.  We also discuss the National Fish, Wildlife and Plant Adaptation Strategy: the first of its kind.  Davia also highlights the new National Adaptation Leadership Awards and the up

  • Disaster Management meets Climate Adaptation: Disasterologist Samantha Montano talks hurricane response, recovery and finding common ground between emergency management and adaptation planning.

    26/09/2016 Duration: 55min

    In this episode, host Doug Parsons speaks with doctoral student Samantha Montano, a “Disasterologist”, an expert in emergency management.  Samantha also blogs on this subject at her web site:  Samantha recently published a news article for Vox magazine, highlighting the recent, unprecedented flooding in Louisiana, and  how underprepared the country is deal with natural disasters and how climate change is only going to make responding to these disasters harder.  In this episode, Samantha explains what the country’s emergency management system is; she also talks about what inspired her  to join this field, going into detail of her time living in New Orleans, helping with the recovery in post Hurricane Katrina.  Samantha also discusses the media’s failure to appropriately cover the recent catastrophic flooding event in Louisiana and what role the media has in natural disasters. Doug and Samantha discuss how the adaptation field can learn from the emergency management universe and how the

  • The Endangered Species Act and climate change; wildlife adaptation planning; challenges and opportunities for state wildlife agencies and much more! Guest Dennis Figg, Legendary Missouri Conservationist!

    19/09/2016 Duration: 01h13min

    Show me adaptation in Missouri, the ‘Show Me’ state: Doug talks with Dennis Figg, longtime wildlife conservation leader from the state of Missouri.  Learn how climate change will fundamentally alter future wildlife management. Listen in as Doug and Dennis list their top 3 challenges facing the wildlife community.  They also discuss the limitations of the Endangered Species Act in the face of climate change and the overall approach of threatened and endangered species.  Learn about Missouri’s unique wildlife and Dennis’ decades working to protect this region. They also discuss the role of science in wildlife management and the challenges of developing effective policies from field research.  They also discuss the overall capacity of wildlife professionals to deal with the threat of climate change and how climate change will radically alter our perceptions of invasive species.  Dennis shares his experiences from his early days as a wildlife conservationist ,  all the way to his evolution into one of the countr

  • Did Florida Ban Climate Change? The Amazing Untold story of the Climate Change Story of the Year!

    12/09/2016 Duration: 01h19min

    America Adapts talks with Tristram Korten, investigative reporter from Florida who was responsible for the most covered climate change story of the year!  Learn the specific details on how Tristram broke the climate change story of the year, uncovering the fact that the Florida Governor had banned the use of climate change for state employees. Hear the untold stories of who was involved; what the ultimate fall out was from this story, and what it means for the future of Florida.  This amazing story was covered by almost every major news outlet, from Huffington Post, Washington Post, the New Republic, New York Magazine, USA Today, Time , CNN, and Newsweek; the international media also got involved, where Tristram describes when the French media conducted a surreal and humorous interview with him.  In addition, The Daily Show and even President Obama referenced this groundbreaking story.  Also, Doug and Tristram discuss the fall out of from the story and did it lead to any changes in government policy;

  • Rivers, watersheds and climate change adaptation!

    05/09/2016 Duration: 56min

    Episode 8:  Rivers, watersheds and climate change adaptation!  America Adapts talks with Watershed/Adaptation Planner Rebecca Esselman of the Huron River Watershed Council.  Learn how HRWC became one of the first local watershed groups to bring in adaptation staff.  Many river advocates have long argued that watersheds should be the landscape model for conservation planning. Listen in as Doug talks with Rebecca on the challenges and opportunities that local watershed groups have when dealing with climate change adaptation.  The Huron River is a major urban river, part of the greater Detroit watershed.  Rebecca describes working with local watershed stakeholders on how they need to focus on future threats like climate change and what that means for present day decision making. Also hear more about some of their current adaptation projects, one of which is funded by the Doris Duke Foundation’s Adaptation Fund.  Rebecca also proposes developing a “climate network” of local groups to keep the momentum going on e

  • Human Dimensions of climate change adaptation: A Discussion with Britt Basel - Adaptation Consultant

    28/08/2016 Duration: 54min

    Episode 7:  Britt Basel, Adaptation Consultant with Ecothropic.  Listen in as Doug Parsons talks with Britt, an adaptation expert, whose work has spanned the globe.  In this episode, we discuss Britt’s unique experiences working with the people of the Solomon Islands doing adaptation planning.  Find out how gender can play a role in the process of adaptation planning.  Britt vividly describes her experiences working individually, with both the women and men of the Solomon Islands.  Britt shares what it was like facilitating a woman’s adaptation workshop, followed by a men’s only workshop, and the cultural aspects needed to merge those two efforts in the development of an effective adaptation plan (Britt has created an amazing, and short, youtube video explaining these efforts on the Island here).  Britt and Doug also discuss the role of human dimensions in adaptation planning. Britt is also an expert storyteller and we talk about how that skill will be critical in helping communities identify effective ways

  • Lights, Camera, Adaptation! Using visuals to tell your adaptation story!

    21/08/2016 Duration: 01h04min

    Episode 6: Adam Spencer with Filmmakers for Conservation. Adam and Doug discuss how you can use visuals to tell your adaptation story. Adam has just started turning his environmental film making skills toward adaptation. We discuss using film, TV, and even graphic novel comics as mediums to discuss climate change adaptation. Will a conservation meme change the course of history? We also get into a spirited discussion on how conservation funding undervalues communication and what steps we might take to bring more creative approaches to science communication.  As a bonus, Adam, an environmental film/documentary aficionado shares with us his all time favorite environmental films. For more information on this podcast, visit our website at and don't forget to subscribe to this podcast on Itunes. Also, consider following us on Facebook at America Adapts!  

  • A Conversation with the American Society of Adaptation Professionals

    15/08/2016 Duration: 01h15min

    Episode 5: Beth Gibbons, Managing Director of the American Society of Adaptation Professionals talks shop with Doug Parsons. Beth is the new Managing Director of ASAP: if you are an existing member, hear what Beth has to say about the future of ASAP; and, if you are considering joining, learn more about how the society can be relevant to your work, or how you can be relevant to the society!  Also, Beth and Doug discuss (and sometimes debate!) what happens next with adaptation policy; getting out of the shadow of mitigation; should adaptation professional be certified; and much more.  Tune in for all things adaptation and if you should join A.S.A.P., ASAP! (sorry, couldn’t resist) For more information on this podcast, visit our website at and don't forget to subscribe to this podcast on Itunes. Also, consider following us on Facebook at America Adapts!

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