America Adapts - The Climate Change Podcast

Disaster Management meets Climate Adaptation: Disasterologist Samantha Montano talks hurricane response, recovery and finding common ground between emergency management and adaptation planning.



In this episode, host Doug Parsons speaks with doctoral student Samantha Montano, a “Disasterologist”, an expert in emergency management.  Samantha also blogs on this subject at her web site:  Samantha recently published a news article for Vox magazine, highlighting the recent, unprecedented flooding in Louisiana, and  how underprepared the country is deal with natural disasters and how climate change is only going to make responding to these disasters harder.  In this episode, Samantha explains what the country’s emergency management system is; she also talks about what inspired her  to join this field, going into detail of her time living in New Orleans, helping with the recovery in post Hurricane Katrina.  Samantha also discusses the media’s failure to appropriately cover the recent catastrophic flooding event in Louisiana and what role the media has in natural disasters. Doug and Samantha discuss how the adaptation field can learn from the emergency management universe and how the