Patrick Keller, of, invites you to an open discussion on all things paranormal, but specifically topics like ghosts and hauntings, paranormal research, spirit communication, psychics and mediums, and life after death. The candles are already lit, so come on in and join the séance!
218 - The History of Witches in American Film and Television with Heather Greene - Big Seance
15/08/2022 Duration: 51minThe history of witchcraft and witches in American film and television is truly fascinating and goes back to silent films! Patrick has a conversation with writer and journalist, Heather Greene, who wrote the amazing book, Lights, Camera, Witchcraft. Topics include The Craft (1996), the different incarnations of Sabrina the Teenage Witch, Hocus Pocus (1993), Satanic Panic, Rosemary’s Baby (1968), the “Production Code”, the Wicked Witch of the West, boy witches, SCOTUS and the end of Roe v. Wade, and modern day witchcraft! Visit for more info. Other Listening Options Direct Download Link In this episode: Episode Teaser :00 Intro :46 Heather Greene is a freelance writer, journalist, and editor. She received a BA in film at Wesleyan University and an MA in film studies from Emory University. She also studied film and theater at Cornell University and the University of Paris. Heather has written for Religion News Service, Turner Classic Movies, The Wild Hunt, Circle Magazine,, and
217 - Physical Medium Scott Milligan Wants to Melt Your Fear of the Ouija Board - Big Seance
01/08/2022 Duration: 43minPhysical and trance medium, Scott Milligan, wants to melt your fear of the Ouija board. In a Facebook LIVE video from July of 2022, Scott persuaded viewers to come to the board at their best and treat the space as a place of peace. He also shared stories of physical phenomena from seances, including an important and moving lesson from a fabulously dressed spirit. Visit Other Listening Options Direct Download Link In this episode: Episode Teaser :00 Intro :30 Scott Milligan is the world's foremost tutor of physical mediumship, trance, and altered states. With 25 years of sitting in the darkness of the seance room, Scott's physical phenomena and direct voices of his spirit team and deceased loved ones are extremely powerful to witness. He and former guest of the show, Sandra Champlain of We Don’t Die Radio, have done lots of collaborating, and so between all that content and Scott’s Facebook profile, there is SO much to watch, listen to, and learn if you want it. 1:10 Some background on w
216 - The Black Flame Society Podcast with Ally and Wil - Big Seance
18/07/2022 Duration: 01h03minAre you as passionate about Hocus Pocus as Ally and Wil of The Black Flame Society Podcast? Join Patrick and listen in as they discuss their favorite moments, characters, meeting cast members, Hocus Pocus tattoos, the magic of getting the opportunity to interview producer and creator David Kirshner, and Halloween nostalgia! Share in the excitement for the release of Hocus Pocus 2 with the return of Bette Midler, Sarah Jessica Parker, Kathy Najimy, and Doug Jones! Plus the terrifying hauntings that Wil experienced growing up! Visit for more info. Other Listening Options Direct Download Link In this episode: Episode Teaser :00 Intro :44 Bios for Ally of @HocusPocusCollector and Wil of @SpookyWil! 1:24 The story of how Ally and Wil joined forces to produce and co-host the popular Black Flame Society Podcast! 2:31 Halloween culture, merchandise, and trick-or-treating in the US vs. UK. 6:25 How Hocus Pocus came into Ally and Wil’s lives! Plus being terrified of Billy Butcherson! 9:06 The mag
215 - Amy Bruni's Strange Escapes at Belvoir Winery - Big Seance
10/07/2022 Duration: 01h15minPatrick recently had the amazing opportunity to be a speaker and “paranormal celebrity” for Amy Bruni’s Strange Escapes event at Belvoir Winery/Odd Fellows Home with Adam Berry, Chip Coffey, John Tenney, Aaron Sagers, and Greg Lawson! He also had several fascinating experiences leading 200 attendees in groups through 8 hours of paranormal investigations of the bunker at Belvoir over two days. Visit for more info. Other Listening Options Direct Download Link In this episode: Episode Teaser :00 Intro :39 Patrick is feeling much better now! Thank you for the thoughts and prayers! 1:20 A couple of weeks ago, Patrick had the amazing opportunity to be a speaker and “paranormal celebrity” for Amy Bruni’s recent Strange Escapes event at Belvoir Winery/Odd Fellows Home with Adam Berry, Chip Coffey, John Tenney, Aaron Sagers, and Greg Lawson! 2:27 Patrick’s Saturday morning talk on “Being a Paranerd!” 3:58 One of Patrick’s responsibilities was to lead 200 attendees in groups through 8 hours of pa
214 - True Hauntings with Anne and Renata - Big Seance
02/07/2022 Duration: 01h10minAustralia's Anne Rzechowicz and Renata Daniel, simply known as "Anne and Renata", make another return to the Big Seance! This time we discuss their recent haunted international travels, their very popular podcast, True Hauntings, and so many belly laughs! Plus Patrick gives an update on the very cool last minute opportunity he just had to speak at Amy Bruni's Strange Escape's event at Belvoir Winery! Visit for more info! Other Listening Options Direct Download Link In this episode: Episode Teaser :00 Intro :53 At the last minute, Patrick was asked to be a speaker at Amy Bruni’s recent Strange Escapes event at Belvoir Winery! It was a magical event. Unfortunately, Patrick also brought an attachment home with him! 1:34 A new bio for Anne and Renata! Anne owns Oz Paratech, Renata owns Newcastle Ghost Tours, and together they host the popular True Hauntings Podcast! 5:02 Welcome back, Anne and Renata! Plus spiders! AHHH! 6:38 Catching up with Anne and Renata’s experiences since we last talk
213 - Investigating Waverly Hills Sanatorium - Big Seance
09/06/2022 Duration: 01h31minWaverly Hills Sanatorium, the enormous Louisville, Kentucky facility built in 1910 to treat patients with tuberculosis, is a mecca for paranormal investigators! It is said that up to 6,000 people died there, and those deceased patients were all likely removed via the infamous, super creepy, 600-foot body chute! Patrick got the chance to join Karen Frazier, Cheryl Knight, and his friends "the Matts", for a private overnight investigation! Visit for more info! Other Listening Options Direct Download Link In this episode: Episode Teaser :00 Intro 1:30 Patrick recently joined author and author and psychic medium Karen Frazier, Cheryl Knight, owner and editor of Paranormal Underground Magazine, Chad, Jason, Rachel, Teresa, Wade, Natalie, and his friends “the Matts”, for a private investigation of the Waverly Hills Sanatorium! 2:11 A brief history of Waverly Hills Sanatorium from an article in the Louisville Courier Journal by Lucas Albach. 2:55 The audio clips included in this episode come f
212 - Pam Hupp and Countdown to Murder with Rebecca F. Pittman - Big Seance
15/05/2022 Duration: 01h25sRebecca F. Pittman is the author of Countdown to Murder: Pam Hupp. Ripped from the headlines, this case has spawned multiple podcasts, including Dateline NBC's most-popular podcast to date: The Thing About Pam, which also inspired the NBC mini-series starring Renee Zellweger. Pam Hupp is in prison for the murder of Louis Gumpenberger and is currently going to trial for the murder of Betsy Faria, where Prosecuting Attorney Mike Wood will be seeking the Death Penalty. Visit for more info. Other Listening Options Direct Download Link In this episode: Episode Teaser :00 Intro :58 Rebecca F. Pittman is a bestselling author. Her History and Haunting series of non-fiction books have been spotlighted on numerous television, radio, and podcast programs. Based on the Top-10 Most-Haunted Venues in the world, the books offer a comprehensive history of the person, place, or event. It was while writing The History and Haunting of Lizzie Borden that Ms. Pittman found her second calling--that of armcha
211 - Celebrate Half-O-Ween with 3 of the Biggest Halloween Content Creators - Big Seance
02/05/2022 Duration: 54minHave you ever celebrated Half-O-Ween? What's it all about? Join Patrick in celebrating the halfway point between last Halloween and next Halloween with three of the best Halloween content creators, including Miranda Enzor from Spooky Little Halloween, Chelsea Celaya from Cheers with Chelsea, and Andrew Noles from Your Best Halloween Ever! Plus lots of discussion of your favorite holiday with the Halloween community! Visit for more info. Other Listening Options Direct Download Link In this episode: Episode Teaser :00 Intro 1:15 Happy Half-O-Ween! It’s the halfway point between last Halloween and next Halloween! 1:57 A technical glitch may have affected some listeners who utilize Stitcher, Tunein, Spotify, Podchaser, or Radio Public from having access to the last three episodes. You may need to check to see if you missed episodes 208, 209, or 210. Apologies! 2:25 Welcome to three of the best Halloween content creators around: Miranda Enzor from Spooky Little Halloween (who was interviewed
210 - Carefree Medium Susanne Wilson - Big Seance
11/04/2022 Duration: 01h08minSusanne Wilson, the Carefree Medium, joins Patrick to discuss her mentors in mediumship and how she was a completely different person who was driven by achievement before her 2007 Near Death Experience dramatically changed her life! Plus she answers Patrick's question on whether it's okay to hang around a bit before crossing into the light, and shares the amazing story of synchronicity on how from Spirit, Rosemary Ellen Guiley brought her and Karen A. Dahlman together. Visit for more info. Other Listening Options Direct Download Link In this episode: Episode Teaser :00 Intro :56 has a brand new look! 1:40 Susanne Wilson’s Bio 2:45 So many listeners over the years have requested that Patrick have Susanne Wilson on the show! 3:52 How did Susanne get the title of the “Carefree Medium?” 4:28 Losing the fear of death and dogma. 6:14 Susanne’s Grandfather was a Presbyterian minister, a mentor, and a great influence in her life. 7:52 Advice for listeners who have loved ones who don
209 - Best of Jim Harold's Campfire - Big Seance
29/03/2022 Duration: 01h28minListen to the crackling campfire as we enjoy a special sampling of Jim Harold's Campfire, which has been sharing stories told by ordinary people who've had extraordinary experiences for 17 years! Learn why "people not ready yet", hear about an evil scarecrow, a beautiful and touching story of fate, a time slip by the creek, a hair-raising night in law enforcement, that "blasted clown doll", and a UFO abduction while riding a bike! Plus a brand new interview with Jim! Visit for more info. Other Listening Options Direct Download Link In this episode: Episode Teaser :00 Intro :51 Jim Harold is back in the parlor! 1:32 Jim on seventeen years of Jim Harold’s Campfire! 2:35 Jim Harold is currently a financial supporter of the Big Seance, but his support goes way back to when Big Seance first launched in 2014. 3:34 An introduction to this sneak peek of the best of Jim Harold’s Campfire. 4:57 “Stories told by ordinary people who’ve had extraordinary experiences.” What has Jim learned since hear
208 - Real Chills with Comedian Meg Goetz - Big Seance
22/03/2022 Duration: 50minPhiladelphia-based comedian Meg Goetz shares chilling stories of growing up in a haunted house that was built in the 1700s. She's also the host of the Real Chills Podcast, which she credits for helping her to grow more open to ideas in the paranormal. And wait till you find out where her grandma is buried! Visit for more info! Other Listening Options Direct Download Link In this episode: Episode Teaser :00 Intro :47 Please welcome Philadelphia-based comedian and host of the Real Chills Podcast, Meg Goetz! 1:28 Comedy as therapy. 2:53 Meg hasn’t yet figured out how to incorporate the paranormal into her comedy. 3:45 “But my energy is very like, I’m gonna be cute and fun, but we’re gonna talk about my grandma being buried in a pet cemetery.” 5:23 Patrick wants to be buried simply, without any trouble, yet at the same time wants a giant monument in an old forgotten cemetery that people can be creeped out over years later. 6:56 Meg’s dad wants her to basically go to jail for his burial.
207 - K-Town from Mysterious Radio - Big Seance
07/03/2022 Duration: 54minK-Town, the host of the popular Mysterious Radio podcast talks with Patrick about conspiracies, mysteries, haunted Knoxville, mediumship, life after death, a new podcast called Paranormal Fears, and Bigfoot! Plus hear the story of the ghost of a former tenant who never left! Visit for more info. Other Listening Options Direct Download Link In this episode: Episode Teaser :00 Intro :57 About K-Town and Mysterious Radio 1:39 K-Town and Mysterious Radio have been on fire lately! 2:55 Before Mysterious Radio, K-Town once co-hosted an amazing and very popular LGBTQ+ podcast called Same Sex Dialogue. 4:03 More about Mysterious Radio and how K-Town was inspired to branch out into the mysterious world of the paranormal! 5:50 K-Town has even niched down and launched another podcast named Paranormal Fears. 7:34 The sensitive topic of censoring in the podcasting space. 8:45 Does K-Town get the giggles or roll her eyes at some of the stories or conspiracies she hears on her show? 10:03 As a ki
206 - Paranormal Research and Haunted Houses with Brandon Massullo - Big Seance
28/02/2022 Duration: 59minParapsychologist and Clinical Therapist Brandon Massullo returns to discuss three different scientific papers he has co-authored involving the research and study of “haunted houses” and paranormal tourism. Plus his view on environmental influences of paranormal experiences vs. the interaction of the person experiencing it. And there’s big news about a paranormal experience Brandon recently had himself! Visit for more info. Other Listening Options Direct Download Link In this episode: Episode Teaser :00 Intro :50 Brandon Massullo’s Bio 1:31 Patrick and Brandon reminisce about the Haunted America Conference a few years back. 3:41 Brandon has co-authored three academic papers in recent years. These include Things That Go Bump in the Literature: An Environmental Appraisal of “Haunted Houses”, Environmental "Gestalt Influences" Pertinent to Studies of Haunted Houses, and Understanding Consumer Enchantment via Paranormal Tourism: Part I—Conceptual Review. 6:27 Environmental variables and
205 - Moments from the Dead of Winter Event 2022 - Big Seance
19/02/2022 Duration: 37minOn the road at Troy Taylor’s Dead of Winter event for 2022 at the historic and haunted Mineral Springs Hotel in Alton, Illinois. Interviews of Becky Ray, the author of Kansas City Hauntings, Psychic Medium Julia Ringering, Chris and Kelly from Travelers Moon, Rebecca Williamson from the Cambre House, and Megan and Jamie of Riverbend Paranormal, and Troy Taylor himself! Visit for more info. Other Listening Options Direct Download Link In this episode: Intro :00 Patrick once again attended Troy Taylor’s Dead of Winter event in Alton, Illinois, which is food drive to help local food banks. This year speakers included Heather Moser, Tobias and Emily Wayland from the Singular Fortean Society, and the Sisterhood of Magick and Wonders. And you always get to hear a LIVE recording of an episode of Troy and Cody Beck’s American Hauntings Podcast. :54 Patrick spent most of his time in the vendor room, and he captured several interviews. Please enjoy mingling and getting to know these fascinat
204 - The 10th Anniversary of and the Top 10 Podcast Episodes
05/02/2022 Duration: 01h10minCelebrate the 10th Anniversary of with this special episode of the podcast! We’ll be looking back at the TOP 10 most popular episodes! Visit for more info! Other Listening Options Direct Download Link In this episode: Intro :12 It’s been 10 years since Patrick’s very first blog post at! "In 2012, my small paranormal investigation team had been out and about for 2 years, I would soon be inspired by Sarah Estep to do my own EVP experiments at home, and I was about 3 years into my spiritual shift that you hear me talk about often. I had just taken a channeling class where I met my spirit guide, Merlin. And I was binging every book on paranormal and spiritual topics that I could get my hands on! I was also binging every episode of both The Ghost Whisperer and Ghost Hunters. I needed a place to share my thoughts on this new journey, and I had TONS of them! Blogging was all the rage, and so on February 5th 2012, I wrote my very first blog post at
203 - Astrology for 2022 with Dena DeCastro - Big Seance
17/01/2022 Duration: 59minAfter most recently giving us the whopping "WTF" forecast for the Summer of 2020, our favorite astrologer Dena DeCastro prepares us for what every one of us wants to know - the astrology for 2022! Will the year bring relief? What do the planets have to say about the year ahead? Other topics include "The Great Resignation", Mercury/Venus/Mars Retrogrades, avoiding escapism, new beginnings, leaps of faith, the shadow, relationships, the economy, and the US Pluto Return! Visit for more info. Other Listening Options Direct Download Link In this episode: Episode Teaser :00 Intro :38 Would you consider sharing an episode of the Big Seance with a friend? 1:19 Dena DeCastro’s Bio 2:30 Forecast for 2016, Summer of 2016, 2018, 2019, and the “WTF” forecast for the Summer of 2020. 3:20 Something about the Venus Retrograde wants to follow us when Dena visits! 4:21 Dena took a “brave leap into the unknown” for this episode! 5:45 An “Astrological Traffic Jam in Capricorn.” 2020 and 2021 were year
202 - Anthropologist and Psychic Medium Kenneth Joholske - Big Seance
01/01/2022 Duration: 01h08minHave you witnessed an armoire levitating and moving a distance of four feet before settling back down? Anthropologist and Psychic Medium Kenneth Joholske has! In this interview, Kenneth tells stories from paranormal investigations, his mediumship, and tales from his summers at Lily Dale, Western New York's historic home for mediumship and spiritual healing since 1879. Visit for more info! Other Listening Options Direct Download Link In this episode: Episode Teaser :00 Intro :50 Happy New Year! And RIP Betty White. 1:30 Send in your predictions for 2022! Use or email 2:26 Kenneth Joholske’s Bio 3:23 Welcome to the parlor, Kenneth! 4:54 What is Cultural Anthropology? 5:34 Balancing being both a scientist and a medium. 6:12 Encountering poltergeist phenomena. 6:58 “And then all of the sudden, the armoire picks up off the floor and floats four feet to the right and then lays itself down. And I’m like, what?!” 8:37 Missed Moments and tech i
201 - Highlights from Patreon Paranerd Parties - Big Seance
10/12/2021 Duration: 01h36minOne of the benefits of being a Patreon supporter of the Big Seance Podcast is getting to attend monthly Patreon Paranerd Parties on Zoom! Whether you're into mediumship, the spirit box, or just fun ghost stories, we hope you'll enjoy this episode full of highlights and Patrick's favorite clips from recent parties! Visit for more info. Other Listening Options Direct Download Link In this episode: Intro :00 Please enjoy these highlights from recent Patreon Paranerd Parties that are held monthly on Zoom for Patreon supporters! Interested in becoming a Patreon supporter? Visit for more info! :58 Heads up! Spirit Box and “Estes Method” ahead! After recent feedback, it's clear that you're passionate about this topic! We're looking to cover this more in the future. 1:58 "What’s this? A party?" 4:34 "You’re drinking a bucket of what?" 5:39 Being called “Fat Cookie!” And does Patrick have more intuition than he thinks? 6:20 Learning to use the Ouija Board with Karen A
200 - Dr. Callum E. Cooper on Parapsychology - Big Seance
15/11/2021 Duration: 01h24minIn this special 200th episode, Patrick finally got to talk to UK parapsychologist, Dr. Callum E. Cooper. Topics include Parapsychology as a study and a career, Dr. Cooper’s research and book on Telephone Calls from the Dead, three must-read books, bereavement and recovery, clearing up misinformation on the discovery of EVP, inducing After Death Communication, and the truth about the “Estes Method.” Plus the second installment of the return of Tim Prasil’s Spectral Edition. Visit for more info. Other Listening Options Direct Download Link In this episode: Episode Teaser :00 Intro 1:49 It’s the 200th episode, and we’re also approaching the 10-year anniversary of! 2:30 Dr. Callum E. Cooper’s Bio 3:17 Callum is such a kind gentleman! 5:25 Dr. Cooper’s Telephone Calls from the Dead and the work of Raymond Bayless and D. Scott Rogo. 7:11 Some background on Patrick’s spiritual shift that began around twelve years ago around the time he discovered Callum’s book, Telephone Cal
199 - Dallisa Hocking's Spooky Halloween Show - Big Seance
04/11/2021 Duration: 01h19minExperiencing Halloween Withdrawal? Not exactly ready to quit celebrating your favorite holiday? Though it's November, enjoy this replay of Dallisa Hocking's Spooky Halloween YouTube Show! Both Patrick and Karen A. Dahlman were asked to be guests on this show, and it was a lot of fun! Thank you, Dallisa of! Visit for more info! Other Listening Options Direct Download Link In this episode: Intro :00 It’s November, but we’re going to squeeze every last drop out of Halloween! Enjoy this replay of Dallisa Hocking’s Halloween YouTube special that Patrick was invited to be a part of recently, as well as our friend Karen A. Dahlman. Be sure to check it out on YouTube if you want visuals! :55 The next episode will be #200!!! To celebrate that milestone, we’ll chat with the lovely Dr. Callum E. Cooper, professor and parapsychologist from the UK. 2:30 The replay of Dallisa Hocking’s Spirit and Spark Spooky Halloween Special! 3:19 A special THANK YOU to Patreon supporters at