Big Seance Podcast

217 - Physical Medium Scott Milligan Wants to Melt Your Fear of the Ouija Board - Big Seance



  Physical and trance medium, Scott Milligan, wants to melt your fear of the Ouija board. In a Facebook LIVE video from July of 2022, Scott persuaded viewers to come to the board at their best and treat the space as a place of peace. He also shared stories of physical phenomena from seances, including an important and moving lesson from a fabulously dressed spirit. Visit Other Listening Options Direct Download Link   In this episode: Episode Teaser :00 Intro :30 Scott Milligan is the world's foremost tutor of physical mediumship, trance, and altered states. With 25 years of sitting in the darkness of the seance room, Scott's physical phenomena and direct voices of his spirit team and deceased loved ones are extremely powerful to witness. He and former guest of the show, Sandra Champlain of We Don’t Die Radio, have done lots of collaborating, and so between all that content and Scott’s Facebook profile, there is SO much to watch, listen to, and learn if you want it. 1:10 Some background on w