Big Seance Podcast

214 - True Hauntings with Anne and Renata - Big Seance



  Australia's Anne Rzechowicz and Renata Daniel, simply known as "Anne and Renata", make another return to the Big Seance! This time we discuss their recent haunted international travels, their very popular podcast, True Hauntings, and so many belly laughs! Plus Patrick gives an update on the very cool last minute opportunity he just had to speak at Amy Bruni's Strange Escape's event at Belvoir Winery! Visit for more info! Other Listening Options Direct Download Link   In this episode: Episode Teaser :00 Intro :53 At the last minute, Patrick was asked to be a speaker at Amy Bruni’s recent Strange Escapes event at Belvoir Winery! It was a magical event. Unfortunately, Patrick also brought an attachment home with him! 1:34 A new bio for Anne and Renata! Anne owns Oz Paratech, Renata owns Newcastle Ghost Tours, and together they host the popular True Hauntings Podcast! 5:02 Welcome back, Anne and Renata! Plus spiders! AHHH! 6:38 Catching up with Anne and Renata’s experiences since we last talk