Big Seance Podcast

205 - Moments from the Dead of Winter Event 2022 - Big Seance



  On the road at Troy Taylor’s Dead of Winter event for 2022 at the historic and haunted Mineral Springs Hotel in Alton, Illinois. Interviews of Becky Ray, the author of Kansas City Hauntings, Psychic Medium Julia Ringering, Chris and Kelly from Travelers Moon, Rebecca Williamson from the Cambre House, and Megan and Jamie of Riverbend Paranormal, and Troy Taylor himself! Visit for more info.   Other Listening Options Direct Download Link   In this episode: Intro :00 Patrick once again attended Troy Taylor’s Dead of Winter event in Alton, Illinois, which is food drive to help local food banks. This year speakers included Heather Moser, Tobias and Emily Wayland from the Singular Fortean Society, and the Sisterhood of Magick and Wonders. And you always get to hear a LIVE recording of an episode of Troy and Cody Beck’s American Hauntings Podcast. :54 Patrick spent most of his time in the vendor room, and he captured several interviews. Please enjoy mingling and getting to know these fascinat