Podcast by Time to Teach
E26S5 Why You Need To Be On Twitter
05/11/2017 Duration: 50minBeing a connected educator makes a HUGE difference in your professional growth. Don't wait for PD to happen to you. You can make it happen! This episode explores the powerful world that is Twitter and explains how YOU can tap into that power. 0:00 Intro 1:56 Why you need to be on Twitter-Introduction to what I'll be speaking about 2:45 Finding my twitter self 4:50 NEW Segment! Wins and fails for the week 17:25 Why you need to be on Twitter 22:46 Tip 1: Create a Twitter account (just do it!) 22:25 Tip 2: Give yourself time to play around with Twitter 22:46 Tip 3: There are many ways to use Twitter, but as an educator it's powerful to ect with other educators. 28:23 Tip 4: Join Twitter chats (just do it. Why are you still here? GO JOIN A TWITTER CHAT!) 31:40 Finding a chat 35:25 Where to participate in a Twitter chat 39:20 Using Twitter to share your content 44:38 Wrapping up 46:27 Oh, but wait. One more thing: Book clubs on Twitter 49:40 Outro References & Sources: Education Chat Calendar #BookCampPD
E25S5 Non-linguistic Representation Part 1
29/10/2017 Duration: 46minNon-linguistic representation is a powerful strategy to use in both teaching and learning. My grade-level has began a PLC on this very strategy, in search of taking student understanding to the next level. In this new series, PLC, I share my learning with all of you, as well as how I'm incorportating it in my class. Won't you join me in my journey? 0:00 Intro 5:01 ASCD Article on nonlinguistic representation 6:29 Visuals for sight words 8:27 Actually just getting to the ASCD article now, because I lag that much (point 3, students need to explain their representations) 10:59 Back tracking to talk about the article's intro 12:54 Thinking about our second unit, Senses 20:00 The 5 points of the article (don't you like how I started backwards? I couldn't make things more confusing if I tried) 22:52 Crucial information should be depicted in nonlinguistic representation 25:00 Students need to explain their nonlinguistic representation (also my big get away, aka "take away". Don't worry, that's an inside joke with
E24S5 Keeping Teacher Talk Time Minimal
22/10/2017 Duration: 55minTeachers like to talk. A lot. This leaves students with little time to explore, discover, and solidify important concepts and understandings. This episode explores how teachers can minimize their talk time in order to give students ample learning time. Listen to learn strategies to help you maximize your talk time while keeping it short, as well as ways to develop good work habits in your students (because if work time is increased, good work habits is very necessary). 0:00 Intro 1:33 What John Hattie has to say about direct instruction 5:01 Direct Instruction has a decent effect size (0.6) 6:15 Direct instruction explained Tami style 7:11 The MOST effective "thing" 12:08 Teacher credibility as defined by the Hattie man himself 13:39 Up close and personal 15:03 How can we keep direct instruction minimal? 15:30 Good structure 16:06 The structure I use (it belongs to Lucy Calkins) 21:37 What curriculum is not...and what it is 26:00 What time is it? Time to time yourself!!! 29:25 Direct Instruction in small
E23S5 How to Survive a Bad Day
15/10/2017 Duration: 41minEveryone has a bad day every now and again for one reason or another. However, your bad day doesn't have to turn into a horrible day. In this episide, I share some coping strategies I use to help survive a bad day. Listen to find out some tips to use when you find yourself confronted with a bad day. 0:00 Intro 0:44 Tiny topic explanation and backstory to this episode 3:59 Stop and breathe 6:35 Give your permission to not be at 100% 10:03 Something to look forward to 14:45 Figure out the cause 18:15 Communication 21:37 Check your attitude 26:34 Am I giving someone or something too much power over my emotions? 30:53 Take care of yourself in general, and in the moment 33:07 Take a moment 34:43 Enjoy your students 40:11 outro 40:53 Blooper Contact: Twitter: @TamiJ123 Podcast show notes & listen online: Facebook page: Time to Teach Facebook Groups: Teachers for Effective Curriculum
E22S5 Fostering a Love of Reading With Bekki Strong & Lisa Clarke
08/10/2017 Duration: 48minI sit down with our literacy coach, Bekki Strong, and 3rd Grade teacher, Lisa Clarke, to discuss how to foster a love of reading in our students. We do this by examining a few key parts to Alfie Kahn's article, "How To Create NonReaders", as well as discuss some of what we do in our own classrooms and at school. 0:00 Intro 0:47 Introducing 3:39 How to Create Nonreaders article by Alfie Kahn 5:32 Quantify reading assignments 13:34 Student choice in their reading 16:41 Writing Book Reports 21:04 Reading Logs 27:00 What we're doing to try to get our students to love reading 27:45 Family Reading Night 30:44 Lisa's after-school book club 33:23 Book talks 36:32 Wrapping up the article 37:47 Student Segment 47:17 Conclusion 47:30 Outro Contact: Twitter: @TamiJ123 Podcast show notes & listen online: Facebook page: Time to Teach Facebook Groups: Teachers for Effective Curriculum
E21S5 Making Your Classroom Student Centered
01/10/2017 Duration: 49minAn effective learning environment is one which centers around the students, not the teacher. This episode explores some ways teachers can create a student centered environment so that learning is maximized. 0:00 Intro 3:24 Definition of Student Centered 4:31 Clutter & junk 11:50 Dump Your Desk 16:08 Say goodbye to sitting in rows 19:30 Guided Choices 22:50 Vary the furniture 28:55 Create Comfortable spaces 32:46 How I implement student choice in my classroom 39:35 Partnerships and group work 48:32 Outro References: ASCD Article Contact: Twitter: @TamiJ123 Podcast show notes & listen online: Facebook page: Time to Teach Facebook Groups: Teachers for Effective Curriculum Teachers Who Podcast (a group for educators who also podcast): My blog: Notes From a First Grade Classroom Music Credits: Adventures by A Him
E20S4: So You Want to Start a Podcast
30/09/2017 Duration: 39minToday is September 30th, International Podcast Day. To celebrate, here is a bonus episode with 5 plus 2 extra factors (that makes 7, see how smart I am?) to keep in mind if you are thinking about starting your own podcast. No time stamps for this episode. Note: The audio uploaded incorrecty the first time. If you are listening and the audio cut of, download it again. I have since fixed the audio. Not sure what happened the first time, but something went awry. Correction: The Maroon 5 reference is actually Hoobastank. I cleary don't know my band names. Clearly.
E19S4: Positive Classroom Climate Set Up: A Guide (Part 2)
24/09/2017 Duration: 01h01minA positive classroom climate is critical to student success. This episode (part 2) takes a deep dive into the elements that go into creating such a climate. Here I share information from scholarly literature, as well as my own active research, on how to create a postive climate in your own classroom. If you didn't listen to the first part yet, you'll want to go back and listen to it first. You can do that by clicking here. 0:00 Intro 3:54 Beginning today's discussion (yes, it took me that long to get started). 5:12 Personal Investment theory (students invest time and energy in tasks that are meaningful). 8:40 Student payoff and why it matters. 11:00 Student treatment as a means of motivation. 12:20 Relevant and meaningful lessons. 16:50 Performance tasks. 18:19 Vary instructional styles and methods. 20:24 Build relationships with your students. 23:29 Minimal direct instruction. 25:55 Collaboration and student voice. 34:14 Goal achievement theory 43:05 Formative Assessments & on going feedback 45:46 M
E18S4: Tami & Daynna Get Real About Classroom Climate
17/09/2017 Duration: 35minMy TA Daynna and I sit down to discuss how we create a positive classroom climate in our classroom. With our own unique trials and triumphs, we share our challenges and our attempts at creating an atmosphere of concern, care, and learning. Listen to find out what we do to create a positive classroom climate in our class. 0:00 Intro 1:20 Daynna's backstory 2:56 How we help our students transition from the Early Childhood section to our Elementary section 6:10 Creating a feeling of being at "home" 7:30 Some of the differences between kindergarten and pre-first at our school 10:00 Getting to know students 11:35 Color system and our attempt to de-emphasize the colors 15:55 Our class economy and how it works in our class 21:41 Table group jobs in our classroom 25:40 Flexiblity with where students sit 31:10 Getting to know students by starting with a blank slate 33:00 Summarizing what we feel are the major points of what helps us to create a positive classroom climate 33:45 Conclusion 34:20 Outro Contact: Tw
E17S4: Creating a Positive Classroom Climate At The Secondary Level: An Interview with Brad Shreffler
10/09/2017 Duration: 01h04minMeet Brad Shreffler, an educator from Florida. He's an English teacher turned digital coach, turned curriculum resource teacher. Educator, blogger and podcaster, Brad's enthusiasm and passion is nothing short of contagious. In this episode, Brad and I discuss how to create a positive classroom climate at the secondary level. His student-centered style of teaching has proven effective in managing disruptions and behavior, all while effecting learning. This episode will leave you surprised, intrigued, and eager to try some of his strategies in your own classroom today. 0:00 Intro 4:22 Brad Shreffler introduces himself 6:36 Brad shares his belief about writing referrals 7:56 Relationship management 9:49 Mutual respect in relationship building 13:00 I share my personal struggle with the stop-light color 15:23 Process behind the teacher referral at Brad's school 16:15 Getting respect from students 19:40 Student collaboration in Brad's classroom 23:16 Brad describes how he taught while never actually lecturing
E16S4: Positive Classroom Climate Set Up: A Guide (Part 1)
03/09/2017 Duration: 42minA positive classroom climate is critical to student success. This episode takes a deep dive into the elements that go into creating such a climate. Here I share information from scholarly literature, as well as my own active research, on how to create a postive climate in your own classroom. You don't want to miss this! 0:00 Intro 4:33 Classroom Climate as a passion 6:50 Education as a way to make a difference 8:00 Our impact on students 10:55 Backstory on how I became interested in establishing a positive classroom climate 14:06 Positive Classroom Climate defined 15:00 Curricula separate from Climate 18:12 Why Classroom Climate Matters 18:49 Mutual respect 21:40 Academic efficacy 23:15 A higher sense of class belonging 24:00 Building relationships 28:44 Refrain from engaging in arguments 30:06 Encourage students 31:24 Sorry, my dog Basil starts barking in the background here 31:39 Deliberate, trusting relationships 38:36 Perception of teacher as supportive as predictor of decreased disruptive behavior 41:
E15S3 Thinking About Classroom Management
27/08/2017 Duration: 51minWith the beginning of the school year, we are busy setting up systems that help us manage students and behavior. In this episode, I grapple with wanting to walk away from the stoplight system I have always used in favor of building relationships and focusing on natural and logical consequences instead. What does one do when students are at stake, but multiple factors go into making these kinds of decisions? In this episode, I will explore the humiliating system I have used for years (not with the intention to humiliate), and explore better alternatives. These are alternatives I have used in conjunction with the stoplight system, and that get to the core of a student's behavior. Listen to learn how visual behavior systems can feel humiliating to students, and the alternatives that better serve the student, the class, and the teacher. 0:00 Intro 3:46 My personal crossroads in classroom management 14:20 Stoplight, visual systems and how I attempt to put a positive spin on it 14:47 Examples of logical con
E14S3 Building Classroom Community The Right Way
20/08/2017 Duration: 44minBuilding classroom community is less about the activities you do with your class than the relationships you build in those first weeks of school. Don't give up all those wonderful activities you're doing, but do keep in mind what's at the heat of those activities. Listen to find out the key components involved in effective classroom community building. 0:00 Introduction 6:00 Remembering the big idea behind classroom community building 8:00 Building relationships with students 9:00 Scholastic article that gets to the heart of classroom community 10:56 Nurturing, secure and safe environment 12:26 Building community through identity 14:30 Building community through familiarity 18:54 Using warmth and beauty 22:08 Trust 25:50 The story of when I lost my highschool student's trust...forever 31:30 Classroom meetings 33:36 Predictability 37:05 Getting the family involved 43:00 Recap of key components 44:00 Outro Resources: Scholastic article on Classroom Community Contact: Twitter: @TamiJ123 Podcast show notes
E13S3 (Back To School)-Rethinking Homework: An Interview With Math Coach Aimee Buchanan
13/08/2017 Duration: 59minMeet Aimee. She's an instructional math coach who has opened the door to homework changes in our elementary school section. Finding herself at a crossroads when her students grew frustrated and anxious around their math homework (all while losing valuable play and family time), Aimee began to ponder the value of traditional homework. She started to read a growing body of research that disproved the idea that homework has academic benefits in the early grades. Join us in a provocative conversation about the trials and tribulations of homework, and alternative activities to do instead that promote growth and learning. A few notes: We were recording on site at our school, and, as luck would have it, there was construction going on. So, you might hear a little bit of background sounds from time to time because hey, that's what happens when you record at a school! Also, Around 36 minutes into the interview the AC kicked on by itself. Sorry. Show Notes: 0:00 Introduction 0:55 Meeting Aimee 6:29 Aimee explains the b
E12S3: Starting Positive: 6 Key Ideas (Back to School Series)
09/08/2017 Duration: 38minThe beginning of the school year is such a special time of year. Teachers excitedly get their classrooms set up, organized, and decorated. There is a buzz of excitement and energy around school. Expectations are high, and hope lingers in the air like a cool breeze on a hot day. Simply put, there is a special kind of feeling that ensues during this time of year, and it's the kind of feeling one would like to bottle up and enjoy at a later time (you know, for when we're exhausted and in need of a "pick-me-up"). In this episode, I explore 6 key ideas to keep in mind as you start the new school year. These ideas will help us not only begin the school year positively, but to maintain that positivity during the school year. Are you ready to be a positive force at your school? Resources Brad Shreffler's Podcast" Planning Period" Contact: Twitter: @TamiJ123 Podcast show notes & listen online: Facebook page: Time to Teach F
E11S3: Rethinking Homework: An Interview with Tiffany Pollari
06/08/2017 Duration: 59minSilly, sassy, and never short on sarcasm, Tiffany Pollari is one parent who has a lot to say about homework. She's got a complicated relationship with it; she neither loves it nor hates it, but she's got a few words for it. In this interview full of humor and wit, Tiffany shares some of her ups and downs with the "h" word that is better known as "homework". 0:00 Introduction 4:40 Introducing Tiffany Pollari. Qualified mother, sister, and accountant manager. 7:40 Tiffany makes a prediction as to whether we agree on homework practices or not. 9:55 Tiffany's thoughts on homework. 13:45 Discussion on what happens when parents have to teach themselves their child's homework before they can help. 14:57 Tiffany explaines the kind of homework that is onerous to parents and why. 15:50 Tiffany discusses why she thinks homework can be a good thing and why students should continue to have homework. 16:38 Tiffany shares how she thinks homework can be implemented in a healthy way. 21:15 Tiffany tells us her beliefs
Episode 10: It's Time to Worry (Literally)
30/07/2017 Duration: 41minIn general, we humans spend a lot of mental energy worrying about things. We worry about anything and everything. We worry when it's appropriate to worry and when it isn't. So much worrying can make focusing on immediate tasks difficult, and impede our sleep. This can negatively affect our personal lives as well as our professional lives. Teaching is a big job, so it's important to feel mentally and emotionally well, as much as possible. Wellness positively affects our performance as educators. Listen to find out how to conduct a designated worry time so your overall time spent on worries decreases, while increasing your overall wellness. 0:00 Introduction 1:35 Introducing the idea of designating a specific time to worry 3:50 Article "Create Worry Time" 4:30 Steps involved in designating a worry time 8:12 Managing Your Worry time 12:40 How this works 16:09 Implementation 25:40 3 Ways to conduct Worry time 35:35 Summary 39:00 Conclusion References: Article: "What to Do During Obsessing" View article her
Episode 9: Digital Tools & Resources At Your Door (Series: Fast Forward)
23/07/2017 Duration: 52minIn this episode, I discuss digital tools that I am loving. These are tools that enhance teaching and student learning, and are tools you might want to add to your toolbox as well. Try them out this summer and you'll be ready for the fall with a few new digital tools. 0:00 Introduction 2:28 Getepic for read alouds 13:49 imgur 21:51 Canva 26:34 Padlet 32:23 Google Drive 43:44 Story Jumper Contact: Twitter: @TamiJ123 Podcast show notes & listen online: Facebook page: Time to Teach Facebook Groups: Teachers for Effective Curriculum Teachers Who Podcast (a group for educators who also podcast): Music Credits: Adventures by A Himitsu @a-himitsu Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0 Music released by Argofox Music provided by Audio Library
Episode 8: Other Digital Matters That Matter
10/07/2017 Duration: 37minIn this episode, we explore all other digital matters and concerns not discussed in episode 7. The beginning of the school year is one of the busiest times of the school year. This makes summer the perfect time to take care of your digital tasks, resulting in a lightened work load come fall. Listen to find out what digital tasks you should tend to now in order to begin the new school year with a lightened load. 0:00 Introduction 1:52 Lesson Planning 6:37 Emergency Sub plans 8:08 Policies and Procedures 16:26 Learn a New Digital Tool for Productivity 25:37 Social Media 28:16 Online Courses 31:18 Educational podcasts 36:36 Conclusion Resources My first-week plans Podcast I am loving: Google Teacher Tribe Podcast Online courses: Coursera All about podcasts Google tools I love Google Calendar Google Keep Padlet Contact: Twitter: @TamiJ123 Podcast show notes & listen online: Facebook page: Time to Teach Facebook G
Episode 7: It's a Digital Mess: Clean Up Time
05/07/2017 Duration: 39minJust as with a physical mess, digital messes have a negative impact on productivity. Both kinds of clutter are distracting and overwhelming. In this episode, listen to find out what digital items you should work on this summer, including strategies to help you clean up digitally. Spending time this summer to clean up digital items will allow you to start fresh in the fall. Happy cleaning 0:00 Introduction 3:28 Pacing Guide 8:11 Tiffany's map story 13:36 Unit Map 22:37 Digital files 28:05 Email 30:00 Class website 31:43 Digital forms of communication 33:56 Handouts 38:07 Conclusion 38:22 Bloopers Resources Unit 1 Document (actual document) UbD Blank Templates Class Newsletter (serves as homepage on my website) Contact: Twitter: @TamiJ123 Podcast show notes & listen online: Facebook page: Time to Teach Facebook Groups: Teachers for Effective Curriculum