Time To Teach

Episode 10: It's Time to Worry (Literally)



In general, we humans spend a lot of mental energy worrying about things. We worry about anything and everything. We worry when it's appropriate to worry and when it isn't.  So much worrying can make focusing on immediate tasks difficult, and impede our sleep. This can negatively affect our personal lives as well as our professional lives. Teaching is a big job, so it's important to feel mentally and emotionally well, as much as possible. Wellness positively affects our performance as educators. Listen to find out how to conduct a designated worry time so your overall time spent on worries decreases, while increasing your overall wellness.   0:00 Introduction 1:35 Introducing the idea of designating a specific time to worry 3:50 Article "Create Worry Time" 4:30 Steps involved in designating a worry time 8:12 Managing Your Worry time 12:40 How this works 16:09 Implementation 25:40 3 Ways to conduct Worry time 35:35 Summary 39:00 Conclusion   References: Article: "What to Do During Obsessing"   View article her