Time To Teach

E24S5 Keeping Teacher Talk Time Minimal



Teachers like to talk. A lot. This leaves students with little time to explore, discover, and solidify important concepts and understandings. This episode explores how teachers can minimize their talk time in order to give students ample learning time. Listen to learn strategies to help you maximize your talk time while keeping it short, as well as ways to develop good work habits in your students (because if work time is increased, good work habits is very necessary).  0:00 Intro  1:33 What John Hattie has to say about direct instruction 5:01 Direct Instruction has a decent effect size (0.6) 6:15 Direct instruction explained Tami style  7:11 The MOST effective "thing"  12:08 Teacher credibility as defined by the Hattie man himself 13:39 Up close and personal  15:03 How can we keep direct instruction minimal? 15:30 Good structure 16:06 The structure I use (it belongs to Lucy Calkins) 21:37 What curriculum is not...and what it is 26:00 What time is it? Time to time yourself!!! 29:25 Direct Instruction in small