Time To Teach

E21S5 Making Your Classroom Student Centered



An effective learning environment is one which centers around the students, not the teacher. This episode explores some ways teachers can create a student centered environment so that learning is maximized.  0:00 Intro  3:24 Definition of Student Centered 4:31 Clutter & junk 11:50 Dump Your Desk  16:08 Say goodbye to sitting in rows 19:30 Guided Choices 22:50 Vary the furniture 28:55 Create Comfortable spaces 32:46 How I implement student choice in my classroom 39:35 Partnerships and group work 48:32 Outro  References: ASCD Article   Contact: Twitter: @TamiJ123 Podcast show notes & listen online: www.timetoteach.libsyn.com Facebook page: Time to Teach https://www.facebook.com/Time-to-Teach-293173721126201/ Facebook Groups: Teachers for Effective Curriculum www.facebook.com/groups/teachersforeffectivecurriculum/ Teachers Who Podcast (a group for educators who also podcast): https://www.facebook.com/groups/465498167130417/ My blog: Notes From a First Grade Classroom Music Credits: Adventures by A Him