This live radio talk show is produced and originated on the campus of Guilford College in Greensboro, North Carolina. The radio call sign is WQFS 90.9 FM. The show was created by Mary Kendall Hope in Guilford's Peace & Conflict Studies program to talk about current issues of conflict. The objective is to create a forum for exploring both sides of current events, national and international conflicts, politics and social justice issues.
Honoring A Legend & A Life: Walter "Buck" Leonard & The Negro Baseball Leagues
04/02/2020 Duration: 52min"If there hadn't been a Walter "Buck" Leonard (1907-1997)... what wouldn't - have happened?" ...the integration of Black players into professional sports teams, an advancement of awareness of the need for social change... Dr. Mark Anthony Neal, Chair of Duke University's African & African American Studies Department and Jonathan Fox Hunter, grandson, historian and spokesperson for the Buck Leonard Museum & Foundation for Sports & Cultural Enrichment joined me on this episode to discuss the life and legacy of the pivotal yet mostly unknown figure in our American history. Growing up in the Depression, young Buck Leonard began supporting his family at age 11 (when his father died) working for many years on the railroad and playing baseball in the community "sand lots." He was discovered by a scout for the Negro Leagues - which formed in 1920. His hard work ethic and strong family values of dedication and integrity propelled him to the top of the leagues as a player, coach, treasurer, secretary and
Meanwhile...Global Warming with Mr. Frank Princiotta, Retired EPA Director
07/01/2020 Duration: 58minDirectly from the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) Mr. Frank Princiotta, Retired Director of the Air Pollution, Prevention, & Control Division discusses the immediate and longer range impact of Global Warming. The present circumstances (catastrophic floods, hurricanes, tornados....) seem invisible to the general public, yet continue to worsen. Causes? Whether one believes it is earth's natural progression or that global warming was caused by man - there is already irreversible damage that mankind must deal with as the keepers of this planet. Mr. Princiotta emphasized that a bleak outlook (world draughts, famine) would be a future reality if global warming goes unchecked. He discussed the distinct indicators that point toward a faster realization of these events in our near future. He discussed the "Hothouse" Earth... in which the rising earth temperature would change the entire planet - limiting man's ability to survive on earth at the same level we now take for granted. We also discussed at length
Can SPORTS Help Bring Us Back Together As a Nation?
21/11/2019 Duration: 56minHow can a nation so divided begin a process of coming back together? Veteran Sports Caster (ESPN, FoxSports, NBC) Bucky Waters & Veteran Coach (Rising Tide Investments) Tim Hucks discuss several specific choices all of us can make as we approach Thanksgiving to lighten the divisiveness and see our common humanity. Sports provides so many opportunities for lightening life. From coaching (and serving as a catalyst/role model for healthy family behavior) to playing and avid fan follower ship - the existence of common sports teams gives Americans ways of talking, laughing together, playing together and finding common ground outside of the political arena. In these times of extreme division, we must find specific simple pathways to see how we are the same. Bucky Waters & Tim Hucks shared their lifetimes of playing & coaching sports through times of extreme racism and political division, and discussed how sports can help people transcend their differences and leave it on the field.
National Employment Rates-An Accurate Representation?
13/11/2019 Duration: 57minWhy are most Americans working 2-3 jobs and still struggling to survive, and most without benefits? Dr. William "Sandy" Darity of Duke University's Sanford School of Public Policy discusses (as a Professor of Economics) the meaning of "Employment" and measures today's measures of "Employment." He points out that the income inequality and wealth disparity in this country continues to widen and worsen. Dr. Darity points out that a Federal Job Guarantee program would address this problem by guaranteeing quality jobs to individuals - which are defined by benefits and appropriate salaries. He clearly outlined that Blacks in American suffer two to three times as much as their white counterparts in terms of pay disparity and suffer from the worst wealth inequality. Dr. Darity pointed out many specifics of such a program that would address our increasing gap between the "have's" and "have nots." I presented that as a professor of peace & conflict studies, the existence of poverty and as a result a difficulty to
An Inglorious Anniversary: The KKK in North Carolina
07/11/2019 Duration: 56minNeo-nazi - a term now uttered in the same breath as The KKK. A recent movie "Inglorious Bast---s" revealed the dark nature motivating likeminded nazi followers. Would Grand Dragon (leader) Bob Jones have agreed that the KKK and nazism were the same? On this episode Actor John Paul Middlesworth who portrays Bob Jones in an Odyssey production in the Triangle - talks about his life and the terrible 40th anniversary of the Greensboro Massacre. In the production "Past Imperfect" many of North Carolina's historical figures with sullied pasts are portrayed, maybe none as terribly motivated as Bob Jones. John Paul Middlesworth reads excerpts from his monologue of Jones, providing historical context & meaning. Mr. Middlesworth, who is also an English Instructor at Durham Technical Community College discusses with me a time in North Carolina history in which the state was referred to as "Klansville." We delve deep into the mindset of this time, seeking to understand why followers of the KKK came together, hoping
"Evangelical": The Hijacking of the Religious Right
29/10/2019 Duration: 54minFrom its earliest Greek meaning "Evangelical" meant "good news." Today the meaning has turned from into an association with conservative support of the current White House Administration. When did this "hijacking" of the term originate? And how/when has religious been conflated into a "religious right" throughout history? Dr. Bill Lawrence, Former Dean & Professor Emeritus of Southern Methodist University discusses the answers to all of these questions with a detailed history of how this happened. From the Nazi usurpation of followers of religion to more our American history of this turn in religious support in the 1970's, the slow and steady take over and re-write of the "religious" narrative appears to have culminated in the Trump Administration support by the son of famed Evangelist, Billy Graham. Franklin Graham's open, public resounding support of the behavior exhibited by this administration demonstrates the pentacle of the corruption of this ideology. More recent reporting from the Associated Pres
Impeachment: A Multi-"Side" Analysis
26/10/2019 Duration: 57minWith comparisons dating back to both Clinton & Nixon, one Conservative, Dan Friedman and one Progressive, Solomon Gibson, III respectfully discuss the Impeachment Inquiry. Both political perspectives are represented well in this episode, with very different opinions and perspectives. Both Dan and Solomon have been down this road with me before, discussing controversial topics from their respective political perspectives. Today, their discussion was lively, presenting a general populous view point of both the Impeachment proceedings and whether or not the Senate would remove the President. Solomon & Dan presented their thoughts on the impact that Impeachment is having now. They also talked about the impact Impeachment will have on the 2020 election, including potential Democratic front runners & whether Trump will be the nominee.
Making Friends in Times of Division
17/10/2019 Duration: 56minReaching out in kindness...beginning a new conversation then friendship... how does one do this in such a time of division in our country? Dr. Daniel Steinert, Director of Music Ministries talks about specific instances in which he is doing just that. He spoke about what inspired him - ODD moments? God moments? And how his choices to just reach out to those who may need a friend created new friendships and began lasting relationships. Reaching across communities can make a difference. We often think that small acts of kindness are wonderful when others do them, but what prompts us to consider being kind ourselves? How do we transcend above political affiliations? How do we find common ground. Dr. Daniel Steinert offers options on ways he has done this and sheds illumination, insight and inspiration to ways we all are able to love ourselves first, then reach out to spread our agape love to others and extend empathy and understanding.
Impeachment: What if we DO? What if we DON'T?
12/10/2019 Duration: 01h01minImpeachment? It may not be a question at this point, but a Senate Hearing may... so predicts Dr. Thom Little, Professor of Political Science at UNCG & nationally Thom schedules events and lends his professional guidance through the State Legislative Leadership Foundation - which trains leaders (federal & state) throughout our nation from all political parties & perspectives. What about Impeachment? Thom presented that just during this past week he changed his mind on impeachment (whether The House would actually bring articles) to YES, he feels they will. But unlike our 24 hour & weekly news & comedy shows, he feels the Articles won't be brought before Thanksgiving. He predicts February. Thom dropped a bombshell of both process & prediction - that I hadn't considered about the Senate process - lead by Mitch McConnell - predicting that McConnell will essentially quash the opportunity for the Impeachment articles to even come to trial in the same way he prevented the nomination of Merr
Liberty & Power: The Populous Rise of Presidents Jackson & Trump
02/10/2019 Duration: 56minHis picture hangs in the Oval Office, but why? President Andrew Jackson's picture & a smaller statuette of President #7 is displayed among #45's chosen trinkets. Dr. Harry Watson, Professor of History at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in his book: Liberty & Power presents an analysis of the populism that swept President Jackson into the White House, and admittedly, many of the comparisons of the two ring similar. From the "spoils system" of firing elites and experts in Washington and replacing them with the friends of Mr. Jackson to the infamous populous support of both Presidents against "elitism." These two share some common descriptors. However, as a member of the 1% Mr. Trump himself was a member of the elitist class. A deeper analysis of the specifics of both Presidents' electoral campaigns, time in office and departure from office yields an uncanny deja vu that harkens back to Mark Twain's famous quote "history doesn't repeat itself, but it often rhymes." From one type of electo
Improving Justice Systems with Sheriff Charles Blackwood
27/09/2019 Duration: 01h01minSheriff Charles Blackwood of Orange County North Carolina came to discuss the new jail being built in the area and the systematic improvements that he has experienced over his long career that truly help inmates and community members to be safer. Sheriff Blackwood, who came to this office in 1980 and worked his way through the ranks in the decades that have followed to become Sheriff in 2014 discussed in detail how the community has changed over those decades - including the affect of social media and smart phones on everyone in our society in the last 10-12 years. He discussed the impact of this change in society has had on his officers. Regarding improving prison systems, Sheriff Blackwood shared the differences between a cold release - simply letting an individual go back into the same atmosphere that may have produced crime - and a better system that surrounds an individual with counseling and support with a potential job that could assist him or her into a better environment and better chance at a more
Transforming Our Trash to Enrich Our Good Earth
19/09/2019 Duration: 55minComposting Trash...Saves money, makes money and enriches our good earth. Who knew? Rhonda Sherman, Director of the NC State University Compost Learning Lab and world renown expert in composting discusses how composting is now done in individual homes & businesses. Rhonda defines vermicomposting - one of the most money making new innovations that saves our earth instead of harming it. While poorly conceived human trash continues to destroy our earth's soil, water and resources, seeking new ways to begin processes of transforming the damage done is what we all can do. Rhonda's decades of work and 20 years of world experience is available for anyone to benefit from here: Rhonda's book: The Worm Farmer's Handbook details the specifics of vermicomposting. The 20th Annual Vermiculture Conference will be held October 26 & 27 at NC State. See the link above for details of both.
The U.S. Immigration Crisis: What Lies Underneath
13/09/2019 Duration: 01h01minIs it a crisis - Immigration - or is it normal American experience. Ambassador Michael Cotter (retired) and I discussed the many of the details underneath our Immigration crisis that both political parties seem reticent to even bring up. The hidden conflicts embedded within the Immigration of job loss, cultural shift, economic & income inequality seem to lie buried underneath political labels. Does Immigration have racist undertones? Absolutely. But what about everything else underneath that our political leaders need to be discussing and dealing with. From the history of Immigration to present, we discuss current challenges that are not being discussed in our media or by our leaders.
Lessons from The Greatest Generation
07/09/2019 Duration: 54minGreat Grandson of W.K. Kellogg, Randy Mapes patiently shared with me LIVE his family's famous history of Battles, contentiousness and the legacy of benevolence that influences his life today from his Grandfather Ralph Kellogg. Growing up in the Greatest Generation, Randy's Grandfather learned to look beyond the corporate success of the Kellogg family and reached out to those in his community through the Kellogg Foundation in Brutus, Michigan. Randy's patience was on clear evidence in this LIVE interview with me, as I struggled with engineering challenges (while interviewing him). He flawlessly stayed right with me, telling the beautiful stories of his own work to help Veterans in need with medical assistance, do community work, maintain daily faith and carry on the legacy left to him by his Grandfather Ralph Kellogg. He discussed the 6 lessons we can all learn from the Greatest Generation of 1. Personal Responsibility 2. Integrity 3. Humility 4. Work Ethic 5. Financial Prudence and 6. Faithful Commitment.
The Good Earth. The Not So Good Earth. Part II: Defining Sustainability
29/08/2019 Duration: 01h01minOur Good Earth & Not So Good Earth series (Part II) continued with Dan Schnitzer, Director of Sustainability for Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools (CHCCS) in North Carolina. Dan first defined "sustainability" from multiple perspectives - to include a deep analysis & consider of our human sustainability on this planet - regarding how humans have been treating our earth with waste products in the past - and how we hope to better sustain our earth in the future by producing, using, and composting human waste - as opposed to dumping waste into landfills and water systems. Dan educated me in our interview with the deeper and most innovative methods that are being used to "compost" waste in the CHCCS (school) system - detailing how during the initial implementation of this composting system - the school system had immediately realized a savings in money, resources, energy and time. The composting program virtually paying for itself with a minimal investment. Dan further provided a deeper understanding of ho
The Good Earth. The Not So Good Earth: Letting the Children Lead Us
22/08/2019 Duration: 53minSeason 7 begins with a look at The Good Earth. The Not So Good Earth - examining ways we can transform the damage humans have done for lack of knowing how to better care for our earth. Alexis Besosa presented an innovative program called "Creation Care" from Christ United Methodist Church based that was being used in Elementary Schools and churches throughout (in this geographic area) to reduce landfill waste and transform "trash" into compostable material. Surprisingly, these programs are saving money and diminishing landfill trash by large percentages (80%+). Alexis presented that she first was inspired by the Chapel Hill/Carrboro school system which was beginning a sustainability program to compost children's lunches. She decided to present this concept to the Preschool at Christ United Methodist church and with work and acceptance by the Board of Trustees, the Creation Care initiative was formed and is presently finding tremendous support. She highlighted several other churches, businesses, grocery store
Representative Graig Meyer (D) North Carolina District 50
27/06/2019 Duration: 56minCompleting June's "The Best of Congressional Representation" with my interview of Graig Meyer (D) of North Carolina's District 50. Representative Meyer spoke about his large and diverse geographic area of constituency - covering both farming areas and the metropolitan population of Durham. He discussed contemporary issues facing both political perspectives, detailing his approach and leadership objectives.
Representative Amos Quick, III of North Carolina
20/06/2019 Duration: 44minI was honored to have as my guest, Representative Amos Quick, III (D) of North Carolina. Rep. Quick talked at length about the status of the redistricting in NC as our state waits for the Supreme Court to decide whether they will hear a full appeal from NC's GOP of the re-drawn district lines. Rep. Quick also spoke at length about North Carolina's challenges in education, detailing his goals for improvements. He outlined that the four pillars of his work to encompass: Education, Employment, Environment and Empowerment for the citizens he represents. Discussing the need to bolster our NC Law Enforcement, he detailed his legislation to support "whistle blowers" within our police departments - protecting them from retaliation. He discussed how greater transparency, training, and awareness of inappropriate policing strengthened good policing and enhanced support for the police from the community. He discussed the recent controversy surrounding the pipeline, proposed to be built in NC and off shore drilling discu
Patrick Morgan & Valeria Cesanelli Attorneys at Law
03/06/2019 Duration: 59minPatrick Morgan and Val Cesanelli discuss the ways in which they assist clients in family & criminal law. They described how they listen in detail to the needs of their clients, taking into account the "big" picture perspective of the dispute, considering all possible options to address the problem. Their holistic approach to assisting clients (taking into account the budgetary allowances available to those they serve) reveal the caring and depth of expertise these professionals offer to those who seek their advisement. From family/domestic cases of divorce, custody and property, Val Cesanelli presented a variety of considerations she uses when meeting with clients. She discussed a couple of unique situations she had addressed in the past (preserving anonymity) and how her own background as a mother assists her in helping others. Patrick Morgan discussed how he approaches cases of criminal charge and traffic/DWI situations. He and Val presented that their different expertise sometimes benefitted the situ
Representative Verla Insko (D) North Carolina
25/05/2019 Duration: 01h40sNorth Carolina Representative Verla Insko (D) began our discussion with the news of Theresa May's (Prime Minister of England) resignation and the influence of Russian meddling on the Brexit conflict that likely forced May from office. She continued to highlight the European elections in countries such as Germany (Angela Merkel) that have also seen divisions stimulated by far right influence. She noted that these uprisings and resultant problems seem to have been caused by the same social media influence from Russian backed groups seeking to diminish the strengths of democracies world wide. Representative Insko highlighted many of the specific pieces of legislative work she has participated in writing and fighting for including reforms to early childhood education, fair and equal budgetary allocations for education, medicaid expansion, the light rail in the Triangle of N.C. and the plans to address the deep re-districting challenges that the state of North Carolina has faced over the decades. She honestly rec