"seeking Justice" Live Radio Talk

Representative Amos Quick, III of North Carolina



I was honored to have as my guest, Representative Amos Quick, III (D) of North Carolina.  Rep. Quick talked at length about the status of the redistricting in NC as our state waits for the Supreme Court to decide whether they will hear a full appeal from NC's GOP of the re-drawn district lines. Rep. Quick also spoke at length about North Carolina's challenges in education, detailing his goals for improvements. He outlined that the four pillars of his work to encompass: Education, Employment, Environment and Empowerment for the citizens he represents. Discussing the need to bolster our NC Law Enforcement, he detailed his legislation to support "whistle blowers" within our police departments - protecting them from retaliation. He discussed how greater transparency, training, and awareness of inappropriate policing strengthened good policing and enhanced support for the police from the community. He discussed the recent controversy surrounding the pipeline, proposed to be built in NC and off shore drilling discu