"seeking Justice" Live Radio Talk

Transforming Our Trash to Enrich Our Good Earth



Composting Trash...Saves money, makes money and enriches our good earth. Who knew? Rhonda Sherman, Director of the NC State University Compost Learning Lab and world renown expert in composting discusses how composting is now done in individual homes & businesses. Rhonda defines vermicomposting - one of the most money making new innovations that saves our earth instead of harming it. While poorly conceived human trash continues to destroy our earth's soil, water and resources, seeking new ways to begin processes of transforming the damage done is what we all can do.  Rhonda's decades of work and 20 years of world experience is available for anyone to benefit from here: https://composting.ces.ncsu.edu/about-composting/ Rhonda's book: The Worm Farmer's Handbook details the specifics of vermicomposting. The 20th Annual Vermiculture Conference will be held October 26 & 27 at NC State. See the link above for details of both.