"seeking Justice" Live Radio Talk

National Employment Rates-An Accurate Representation?



Why are most Americans working 2-3 jobs and still struggling to survive, and most without benefits? Dr. William "Sandy" Darity of Duke University's Sanford School of Public Policy discusses (as a Professor of Economics) the meaning of "Employment" and measures today's measures of "Employment." He points out that the income inequality and wealth disparity in this country continues to widen and worsen.  Dr. Darity points out that a Federal Job Guarantee program would address this problem by guaranteeing quality jobs to individuals - which are defined by benefits and appropriate salaries. He clearly outlined that Blacks in American suffer two to three times as much as their white counterparts in terms of pay disparity and suffer from the worst wealth inequality. Dr. Darity pointed out many specifics of such a program that would address our increasing gap between the "have's" and "have nots."  I presented that as a professor of peace & conflict studies, the existence of poverty and as a result a difficulty to