• Author: Podcast
  • Narrator: Podcast
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 300:12:38
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Internet radio for Scotlands social services


  • Leading for outcomes: dementia

    23/06/2011 Duration: 10min

    Iriss held the launch of its Leading for Outcomes series, which is designed to support teams towards an outcomes-focused approach to service provision on the 24th of June 2011. Leading for outcomes: dementia - June Andrews, Dementia Services Development Centre. Iriss's partner on Leading for Outcomes. Music Credit: Increase the Dosage by Revolution void

  • Leading for outcomes: parental substance misuse

    23/06/2011 Duration: 17min

    Iriss held the launch of its Leading for Outcomes series, which is designed to support teams towards an outcomes-focused approach to service provision on the 24th of June 2011. Leading for outcomes: parental substance misuse - Ian Turner, Aberlour. Iriss's partner on Leading for Outcomes. Music Credit: Increase the Dosage by Revolution void

  • Leading for outcomes: why outcomes are important to people who use services and their carers

    23/06/2011 Duration: 20min

    Iriss held the launch of its Leading for Outcomes series, which is designed to support teams towards an outcomes-focused approach to service provision on the 24th June 2011. Why outcomes are important to people who use services and their carers - Alison Petch, director of Iriss, speaking on behalf of Isobel Allan. Music Credit: Increase the Dosage by Revolution void

  • Leading for outcomes: partnership working and outcomes

    23/06/2011 Duration: 15min

    Iriss held the launch of its Leading for Outcomes series, which is designed to support teams towards an outcomes-focused approach to service provision on the 24th June 2011. An introduction to outcomes. Ailsa Cook, Joint Improvement Team. Music Credit: Increase the Dosage by Revolution void

  • Young runaways

    06/06/2011 Duration: 19min

    Fiona Mitchell is the co-ordinator for the Scottish Child Care and Protection Network (WithScotland). In this clip she talks about an evaluation to explore the most effective ways of delivering Return Home Welfare Interviews (RHWI) for young runaways, which Fiona was involved in along with Margaret Malloch and Cheryl Burgess (University of Stirling) and Vanessa Chan, Jane Eunson, Lorraine Murray (IPSOS Mori Scotland). The evaluation focused solely on the role of the police in delivering RHWIs so is unable to draw comparisons with delivery by other agencies. The evaluation looked at the operation of a pilot as implemented by Grampian police force in Aberdeen City and Elgin, and one area in Aberdeenshire (Fraserburgh) formed the control area for comparison with original practice in Grampian and current practice outwith the pilot areas.The principal conclusion of the evaluation is that RHWIs are an appropriate intervention; helping identify young people who require further support and referring them to an approp

  • Ireland's Inclusive Research Network - where we've come from-where we want to go

    06/06/2011 Duration: 15min

    Marie Wolfe, Ger Minogue and Rob Hopkins. Recorded at the Scottish Conference on Inclusive Learning Disability Research. Music Credit: Increase the Dosage by Revolution void

  • Being included

    06/06/2011 Duration: 11min

    Being included - 21 years of Central England People First by Ian Davies, Craig Hart and Catherine O'Byrne. Recorded at the Scottish Conference on Inclusive Learning Disability Research. Music Credit: Increase the Dosage by Revolution void

  • Health inequalities

    06/06/2011 Duration: 14min

    Kathryn MacIver. Recorded at the Scottish Conference on Inclusive Learning Disability Research. Music Credit: Increase the Dosage by Revolution void

  • Keys to our research

    06/06/2011 Duration: 07min

    Keys to Our Research: Unlocking the Doors to a Better Future - Ian Brookes, Sylvia Archibald and Kerry McInnes. Recorded at the Scottish Conference on Inclusive Learning Disability Research. Music Credit: Increase the Dosage by Revolution void

  • Change resources for parents with learning difficulties

    06/06/2011 Duration: 23min

    Bianca Wood, Julie Dowds and Laura Martin. Recorded at the Scottish Conference on Inclusive Learning Disability Research. Music Credit: Increase the Dosage by Revolution void

  • The same as you? Evaluation

    06/06/2011 Duration: 22min

    The same as you? Evaluation - Steve Robertson, Sandy Galbraith, Chloe Trew, Marion Thompson and Dr Lisa Curtice, director of SCLD. Recorded at the Scottish Conference on Inclusive Learning Disability Research. Music Credit: Increase the Dosage by Revolution void

  • Scottish Conference on Inclusive Learning Disability Research: welcome and introduction

    06/06/2011 Duration: 07min

    Welcome and introduction by Alison Petch, Director of Iriss. Recorded at Scottish Conference on Inclusive Learning Disability Research. Music Credit: Increase the Dosage by Revolution void

  • Working with parental mental health problems

    06/06/2011 Duration: 40min

    Bryony Beresford at University of Stirling. Recorded Scottish Child Care and Protection Network. Contemporary issues in child protection seminar. Music Credit: Increase the Dosage by Revolution void

  • User views of punishment

    01/06/2011 Duration: 08min

    What the punished think of their punishment. Beth Weaver is lecturer at the Glasgow School of Social Work, University of Strathclyde. Here she talks about research she has been working on with Sarah Armstrong (University of Glasgow) entitled 'What the punished think of their punishment'. The research involved speaking with 35 men and women ranging in age from 19 to 55 about their experiences of punishment. The aim was to accurately describe the experience for offenders of doing a short sentence, in prison or the community. Here Beth talks about the key findings from the research and the implications for policy and practice. The research being discussed is available to download What Do the Punished Think of Punishment?: The comparative experience of short term prison sentences and community-based punishments and has been awarded a prize from the Howard League for Penal Reform. Music Credit: Increase the Dosage by Revolution void

  • Working with men who are violent in relationships

    22/05/2011 Duration: 42min

    Dave Morran at University of Stirling. Recorded Scottish Child Care and Protection Network. Contemporary issues in child protection seminar. Music Credit: Increase the Dosage by Revolution void

  • Marriage, divorce or civil partnership: the evidence for integration

    19/05/2011 Duration: 31min

    Alison Petch's (Director, Iriss) presentation to the annual ADSW Conference at Crieff Hydro on 20th May, 2011. Note: This recording is of lower than normal sound quality. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

  • Making sense of child and family assessment

    15/05/2011 Duration: 39min

    Duncan Helm. Focuses on how practitioners carry out analysis in child care family assessments. Theories of judgement are applied to help understand the processes through which practitioners make sense of information in assessments. In particular the presentation focuses on the nature of judgements made under pressures of time and conditions of uncertainty. Frameworks for practice are considered and contemporary literature is explored to identify what helps and what hinders accurate, empathetic assessments of risk and need in child welfare and protection. Recorded Scottish Child Care and Protection Network. Contemporary issues in child protection seminar, Perth Concert Hall. Music Credit: Increase the Dosage by Revolution void

  • Public criminology: academics engaging with public life discussion

    12/05/2011 Duration: 47min

    Research soundbite - the role and value of criminology in a democratic society. This discussion explores the role and value of criminology, and academia more broadly, in a democratic society. The recent publication by Ian Loader and Richard Sparks, Public Criminology?, is taken as the starting point for discussion, and after outlining some of the key points of the book, participants respond with their own experiences and perspectives. Participating in this recording are: Richard Sparks, Professor of Criminology (University of Edinburgh, Scottish Centre for Crime and Justice Research) Sarah Armstrong, Research Fellow (University of Glasgow, Scottish Centre for Crime and Justice Research) Ian Loader, Professor of Criminology (University of Oxford, Director of the Centre of Criminology) Fergus McNeill, Professor of Criminology and Social Work (University of Glasgow, Scottish Centre for Crime and Justice Research) Jonathan Simon, Professor of Law (University of California Berkley)For further details of the book u

  • Young people's views of the child protection system

    08/05/2011 Duration: 41min

    Richard Woolfson. Recorded Scottish Child Care and Protection Network, Contemporary issues in child protection seminar series, Perth Concert Hall. Music Credit: Increase the Dosage by Revolution void

  • Women's imprisonment: is there a better way?

    02/05/2011 Duration: 25min

    This discussion on whether women's imprisonment is the best way to deal with female offenders and the possible alternatives features Gill McIvor, Professor of Criminology, Scottish Centre for Crime and Justice Research; Mary Belgan, Service Manager, 218 Centre; Nancy Loucks, Chief Executive, Families Outside; and Margaret Malloch, Research Fellow, SCCJR. This recording was first released on video as part of the Iriss Crime and Justice Research Collection (2011). Further reading Understanding the Drivers of Female Imprisonment in Scotland Evaluation of the 218 Centre EVALUATION OF THE 218 SERVICE: EXAMINING IMPLEMENTATION AND OUTCOMES Women, Punishment and Human Rights Music Credit: Something Elated by Broke For Free

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