Internet radio for Scotlands social services
Taking a lead in promoting choice, control and valued opportunities for socially excluded and vulnerable people
08/11/2011 Duration: 30minPeter Bates, from the National Development Team for Inclusion, speaks about the promotion of choice for excluded and vulnerable people. Recorded at North Lanarkshire Council's event Self Directed Support: The Bigger Picture.
Steady state of change
08/11/2011 Duration: 11minRoddy Thomson, Director of VAMW Care, speaks about self directed support from a provider's perspective. Recorded at North Lanarkshire Council's event Self Directed Support: The Bigger Picture.
Girders into Ploughshares
08/11/2011 Duration: 22minBobby Miller, Manager Younger Adults at North Lanarkshire Council speaks about the council's journey towards self directed support. Recorded at North Lanarkshire Council's event Self Directed Support: The Bigger Picture.
Self-directed support: the Scottish Government perspective
08/11/2011 Duration: 14minCraig Flunker from Scottish Government's Adult Care and Support Division speak about government's perspective on self directed support at North Lanarkshire Council's event Self Directed Support: The Bigger Picture.
Whole system change: the meaning of personalisation
08/11/2011 Duration: 40minDr Simon Duffy speaks on the topic of personalisation. Recorded at North Lanarkshire Council's event Self Directed Support: The Bigger Picture.
Self-directed support and dementia in Scotland
10/10/2011 Duration: 11minOrganisers and participants in the Ayrshire pilot study talk about SDS. This recording was made on Tuesday 11th October 2011 during a conference on self-directed support (SDS) and dementia in Scotland organised by Alzheimer Scotland. Organisers and speakers talks about the importance of SDS and the forthcoming legislation while participants in the Ayrshire pilot study describe the impact on their lives.
Personal experiences of self-directed support from Ayrshire
10/10/2011 Duration: 31minPersonal experiences of self directed support from Ayrshire self-directed support pilot study. This talk was recorded on Tuesday 11th October 2011 as part of the Alzheimer Scotland Self-directed support and dementia in Scotland event. Music Credit: Increase the Dosage by Revolution void
Our future our lives: Scottish Dementia Working Group
10/10/2011 Duration: 12minDavid Bachelor - Scottish Dementia Working Group on "our future our lives". This talk was recorded on Tuesday 11th October 2011 as part of the Alzheimer Scotland self-directed support and dementia in Scotland event. Music Credit: Increase the Dosage by Revolution void
Moving forward together: self-directed support and dementia in Scotland
10/10/2011 Duration: 22minHenry Simmons Chief Executive of Alzheimer Scotland "moving forward together". This talk was recorded on Tuesday 11th October 2011 as part of the Alzheimer Scotland Self directed support and Dementia in Scotland event. Music Credit: Increase the Dosage by Revolution void
National Dementia Strategy
10/10/2011 Duration: 20minPenny Curtis outlines the Scottish Government National Dementia Strategy. This talk was recorded on Tuesday 11th October 2011 as part of the Alzheimer Scotland self directed support and Dementia in Scotland event. Music Credit: Increase the Dosage by Revolution void
Is self-directed support a threat or an opportunity?
10/10/2011 Duration: 19minCouncillor Douglas Yates asked whether SDS is a threat or an opportunity. This talk was recorded on Tuesday 11 October 2011 as part of the Alzheimer Scotland self-directed support and dementia in Scotland event. Music Credit: Increase the Dosage by Revolution void
A Better Life - older people with high support needs
12/09/2011 Duration: 23minPhilly Hare, Programme Manager, Joseph Rowntree Foundation Philippa Hare is a Programme Manager at the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, working on JRF's Empowerment theme. She currently co-leads the 'A Better Life' programme on older people with high support needs, and the new 'Dementia and Society' programme. As a qualified social worker, Philly has experience within the NHS, Local Authorities and voluntary sector in many areas of adult social care, working to support older people, carers and people with mental or/physical impairments. Music Credit: Increase the Dosage by Revolution void
Long term conditions and social care
12/09/2011 Duration: 20minNicola Sturgeon, Deputy First Minister and Cabinet Secretary for Health, Wellbeing and Cities Strategy. Nicola Sturgeon was born in Irvine in 1970 and educated at Greenwood Academy. She studied law at the University of Glasgow, where she graduated with LLB (Hons) and Diploma in Legal Practice. Before entering the Scottish Parliament she worked as a solicitor in the Drumchapel Law and Money Advice Centre in Glasgow. She was elected MSP for Glasgow in 1999, and is now MSP for Govan. Before being appointed Deputy First Minister and Cabinet Secretary for Health and Wellbeing after the May 2007 election she had been Shadow Minister for Education, Health and Community Care and Justice. Music Credit: Increase the Dosage by Revolution void
Living well with long term conditions: what next for social care?
12/09/2011 Duration: 27minDr Jim McCormick became Scotland Adviser to the Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF) in November 2007 and was previously director of independent think-tank the Scottish Council Foundation (SCF) for five years. He is co-founder of a research partnership, McCormick-McDowell, and an Institute for Public Policy Research (ippr) Research Associate. His main professional interests include tackling poverty, schools reform and policies for older people. He is Chair of the Scottish Government's workstream on Learning in Custody and a Board member of Govanhill Community Development Trust. Before joining SCF, he worked at ippr and in the European Parliament in Brussels. Music Credit: Increase the Dosage by Revolution void
Why attachment matters: please touch - Laura Steckley (part 1)
08/09/2011 Duration: 48minLaura Steckley (part one), Why attachment matters: Please touch. Recorded at the Scottish Attachment in Action Conference, Why attachment matters: please touch.
Why attachment matters: please touch. Interviews with organisers and delegates
08/09/2011 Duration: 08minWhy attachment matters: Please touch. Recorded at the Scottish Attachment in Action Conference on 9th September 2011. Fiona Lettice (Development Manager for Adoption UK in Scotland), Laura Steckley (Glasgow School of Social Work), Judith Furnival (SAIA committee member) and Paul Gilroy (Head of Service for Crossreach Residential Schools) talk about the background to conference and the importance of touch.
Why attachment matters: please touch - Dan Hughes
08/09/2011 Duration: 33minDr. Dan Hughes. Recorded at the Scottish Attachment in Action Conference, Why attachment matters: please touch. Music Credit: Increase the Dosage by Revolution void
Why attachment matters: please touch - Laura Steckley (part 2)
08/09/2011 Duration: 54minLaura Steckley (part two), Why attachment matters: Please touch. Recorded at the Scottish Attachment in Action Conference, Why attachment matters: please touch. Music Credit: Increase the Dosage by Revolution void
Safeguarding infants from emotional maltreatment: what works?
29/06/2011 Duration: 01h27minPreventing and Responding To Emotional Abuse - What Works. Jane Barlow, Professor, University of Warwick. Recorded Scottish Child Care and Protection Network,Contemporary issues in child protection seminar. Music Credit: Increase the Dosage by Revolution void
Using the guides in practice: the statutory sector and training
23/06/2011 Duration: 12minIriss held the launch of its Leading for Outcomes series, which is designed to support teams towards an outcomes-focused approach to service provision on the 24th June 2011. Using the guides in practice: the statutory sector and training. Martin Kettle, Glasgow Caledonian University and South Lanarkshire Council. Music Credit: Increase the Dosage by Revolution void