• Author: Podcast
  • Narrator: Podcast
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 300:12:38
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Internet radio for Scotlands social services


  • Adopted children, managing family contact, the child's needs and purpose of contact

    16/03/2012 Duration: 10min

    Mary McKenna (independent social work consultant) examines key aspects of managing contact, looking after a child's needs, the purpose of contact, assessing key relationships and the legal context. Recorded at the Scottish Attachment in Action network seminar, why attachment matters for all. Music Credit: Increase the Dosage by Revolution void

  • Birth family contact: continuity or contamination?

    16/03/2012 Duration: 08min

    Mary McKenna (independent social work consultant) in discussion with Barbara Godden about her experience of contact with the birth family of her adopted children, now in their teens. Recorded at the Scottish Attachment in Action network seminar, why attachment matters for all. Music Credit: Increase the Dosage by Revolution void

  • Attachment: the importance of physical and emotional safety

    16/03/2012 Duration: 28min

    Edwina Grant, an independent psychologist and Chair of Scottish Attachment in Action, introduces a meeting of SAIA with a discussion of the importance of physical and emotional safety and 'the dance of attunement'. Recorded at Scottish Attachment in Action network seminar, why attachment matters for all. Music Credit: Increase the Dosage by Revolution void

  • Aberlour Glasgow Bridges service

    06/03/2012 Duration: 12min

    Cheryl Burgess, Research Fellow at the School of Applied Social Science, University of Stirling; and Sandra Sweeten, Aberlour Glasgow Bridges Service Manager. The Aberlour Glasgow Bridges service was set up in Possilpark in North East Glasgow in June 2008, with initial funding for three years. It works with families affected by parental substance misuse. The aim of the service was to develop and deliver interventions with children and parents to improve children's educational, health and well-being outcomes. The service is still in operation, at least until September 2012, with continued funding from Inspiring Scotland Early Years monies, with a slightly different remit. Transcript of episode Music Credit: Increase the Dosage by Revolution void

  • Care and permanence planning for looked after children in Scotland

    16/02/2012 Duration: 10min

    Gillian Henderson, Information and Research Manager; and Malcolm Schaffer, Head of Practice and Policy, Scottish Children's Reporter Administration (SCRA) talk about recent research into the care and permanence planning for looked after children in Scotland. Working to fill a gap in evidence and to inform changes in policy and law through the Scottish Government's Looked After Children Strategic Implementation Group, the SCRA research team analysed the content of both SCRA and court records to map decision-making, placements and time taken to permanence for 100 children. Care planning processes were found to be the main reason for delay in decision-making, rather than court processes as anecdotal accounts suggest. Significant periods of time passed for children from the point that they were first involved with services to when an Adoption Order or a Parental Responsibility Order was made: among the 100 cases reviewed the shortest period was 12 and a half months and the longest 10 years and 10 months. Over the

  • Food and food practices in residential care

    14/02/2012 Duration: 13min

    Food and eating can be used in powerfully symbolic ways to communicate and express and manage a whole range of feelings, behaviours and relationships. While working on her PhD on how young people in residential care formed friends and peer relationships, Dr Ruth Emond became aware of the significance of food in the day to day life of both the children and of the adults. Ruth and her colleague Dr Samantha Punch decided to undertake an ethnography to find out more about the significance and impact of food in residential children's homes. Ruth and Sam talked to about the project and its findings. This episode was originally recorded as a video interview The use of food and food practices in residential care in Scotland. More information on this research: Punch S, Dorrer N, Emond R and McIntosh I Food practices in residential children's homes: The views and experiences of staff and children, Stirling: University of Stirling Download the full research report of the project from ESRC (Economic and Social

  • Permanence panel: part two

    11/02/2012 Duration: 29min

    This mock Adoption and Permanence Panel considers the case of nine month old Douglas who is being considered for adoption. All characters are fictional although the facts of the case are drawn from real cases. The recording provides insight into the process and deliberations through which the panel reaches a decision. In this, the second of two episodes, the panel considers the view of the mother and her extended family on the future care of Douglas. His current foster parent is invited to join the meeting and we hear assessment from the medical and legal advisers, to the panel. Finally the panel chair sums and moves to a decision. The members of the the panel are: Panel Chair, Member of the local authority childcare team (Dave), Legal adviser to the panel (Margaret), Deputy Chair (Anne), Social worker to Douglas (Jean) ,Medical advisor (Helen), Foster carer (Yvonne) The main functions of an Adoption and Permanence Panel are to consider whether: Adoption is in the best interests of a particular child and if s

  • Permanence panel: part one

    11/02/2012 Duration: 36min

    This mock Adoption and Permanence Panel considers the case of nine month old Douglas who is being considered for adoption. All characters are fictional although the facts of the case are drawn from real cases. The recording provides insight into the process and deliberations through which the panel reaches a decision. In this, the first of a two part episode, we learn about the background to the case: the mother's lifestyle and family background, her attachment to Douglas and her current relationship with her parents. The episode concludes with an assessment of the mother's future ability to meet the needs of her child. The members of the the panel are: Panel Chair, Member of the local authority childcare team (Dave), Legal adviser to the panel (Margaret), Deputy Chair (Anne), Social worker to Douglas (Jean), Medical advisor (Helen), Foster carer (Yvonne) The main functions of an Adoption and Permanence Panel are to consider whether: Adoption is in the best interests of a particular child and if so, whether a

  • Growing up in Scotland (GUS)

    06/02/2012 Duration: 14min

    An overview of the Growing Up in Scotland (GUS) study, which captures a picture of what life is like for children in Scotland, and the different pathways that children take as they grow up. The study tracks several groups of children through their lives collecting demographic and socio-economic data, as well as that from 1-1 interviews with parents with the aim of generating a view of the whole child. This talk was originally published as video Growing up in Scotland (GUS) : a study following the lives of Scotland's children. For further information about the research design, data collection and data content, including accessing the dataset itself and it's supporting documentation, please visit the 'using GUS data' page or visit the GUS data page on the Economic and Social Data Service website. Transcript of episode Music Credit: Something Elated by Broke For Free

  • Revealing lives: children and young people's experiences of parental alcohol problems

    03/02/2012 Duration: 14min

    Dr Louise Hill describes her qualitative research study on children young people affected by parental alcohol problems. Around 65,000 children and young people in Scotland are living with a parent or carer with an alcohol problem. The study involved researching the views and experiences of 30 young people and children between 9 and 20 years old throughout Scotland. The research has implications and presents challenges for professionals working in this field. Transcript of episode Music Credit: Something Elated by Broke For Free

  • Lessons from a scoping study on disabled children and child protection

    01/02/2012 Duration: 09min

    Professor Kirsten Stalker undertook an eight month scoping study, involving an international literature review, interviews with ten key informants from England and Scotland, guided conversations with four disabled children and some policy analysis. The review revealed that disabled children are significantly more likely to be abused that non-disabled children. There is also evidence that the abuse of disabled children often does undetected and is under-reported. The interviews also highlighted the separation between child protection social workers and children's disability social workers, and the potential need for greater communication and coordination between these professionals The reports mentioned in this episode along with a video version of the talk Lessons from a scoping study on disabled children and child protection Strathprints, the University of Strathclyde research repository Stalker, Kirsten (2012) Researching the lives of disabled children and young people. Children & Society, 26 (3). ISSN

  • Understanding child trafficking and the challenges for practice

    15/01/2012 Duration: 14min

    Paul Rigby, Researcher in child protection, Glasgow Social Work Services and on secondment at the Criminal Justice Social Work Centre, University of Edinburgh. In this clip, Paul Rigby talks about some recent work undertaken in Glasgow focused on the issue of child trafficking. Drawing on three reports, he highlights learning about the incidence in child trafficking among the population of 500 unaccompanied children referred to Glasgow social work, themes emerging from a study of professionals' experiences of working, and the findings of a more recent piece of work, due to be published, exploring the use of National Referral Mechanism. He highlights the importance of locating work with children and young people who may have been trafficked within child protection procedures and practice. As trafficking transcends borders, he identifies a need for more international liaison as part of case enquiries and assessment of risks for children and young people. Learning from practice indicates a need to ensure that a

  • A RIGHT blether with Scotland's Commissioner for Children and Young People (Part 2)

    06/01/2012 Duration: 28min

    Katie Brown, Head of Participation and Education, Scotland's Commissioner for Children and Young People (SCCYP) shares her experiences of being involved in developing and delivering a large-scale programme of participative consultation with children and young people from across Scotland. 'A RIGHT blether' created an opportunity for children and young people to share their opinions and experiences, to say what's important to them, and to inform the work of the Commissioner. In this clip, Katie outlines what children and young people considered to be 'Right Brilliant Things' in their lives and the result of the vote. In a ballot, children and young people were asked to identify what they thought was most important to them in four categories. Each category contained different options that had emerged from earlier stages of the consultation, and children signalled a preference overall for: (In the home) help us to be safe and secure in our home; (Where we learn) help us have the same chances, no matter how much m

  • A RIGHT blether with Scotland's Commissioner for Children and Young People (Part 1)

    06/01/2012 Duration: 10min

    Katie Brown, Head of Participation and Education, Scotland's Commissioner for Children and Young People (SCCYP) shares her experiences of being involved in developing and delivering a large-scale programme of participative consultation with children and young people from across Scotland. 'A RIGHT blether' created an opportunity for children and young people to share their opinions and experiences, to say what's important to them, and to inform the work of the Commissioner. In this clip, Katie tells us about the focus, creativity, challenges (including the extensive flurry of snow experienced across Scotland at the peak of consultation activity!) and excitement involved in such a large scale consultation. Designed to raise awareness and understanding of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), as well as the role of the Commissioner, and to create opportunities for children and young people's voices to be heard (in line with Article 12 of the UNCRC), 'A RIGHT blether' culminated in a v

  • The rights and status of children of prisoners in Scotland

    06/01/2012 Duration: 14min

    Nico Juetten, Parliamentary Officer for Scotland's Commissioner for Children and Young People discusses the findings of work undertaken to explore the rights and status of the children of prisoners in Scotland. Not seen, not heard, not guilty: Review 2011 reports on a review of progress since a previous research report was published in 2008. Drawing on desk-based research and a collation of information from relevant agencies and organisations with a perspective on the effects of parental imprisonment, the more recent review grouped the original 28 recommendations into four themes - the rights of children in criminal justice debates; the rights and status of children in decision-making about parents who offend; support for children of prisoners; and contact and visiting during parental imprisonment - which Nico talks about briefly here. Substantial progress has been made since 2008 but it is variable and patchy. It is widely recognised parental imprisonment and its impact on children is a legitimate and valid

  • When in doubt, go to the library

    08/11/2011 Duration: 12min

    North Lanarkshire librarian Lynn Clark speak about the importance of libraries. Recorded at North Lanarkshire Council's event Self Directed Support: The Bigger Picture.

  • Grasping Health in Scotland: the role of politics and policy in creating the 'Scottish effect'?

    08/11/2011 Duration: 29min

    Dr Chik Collins' presentation at at North Lanarkshire Council's event Self Directed Support: The Bigger Picture.

  • Reflections on 'freedom to live a valued life'

    08/11/2011 Duration: 19min

    Dr Lynne Friedli's presenation at North Lanarkshire Council's event Self Directed Support: The Bigger Picture.

  • Self-directed support: the bigger picture in North Lanarkshire

    08/11/2011 Duration: 04min

    Councillor Barry McCulloch, the convenor of the Housing and Social Work Services Committee at North Lanarkshire Council delivers a short input at the council's public event The Bigger Picture.

  • Self-directed support: the journey so far

    08/11/2011 Duration: 08min

    Linda Rice, Locality Manager at North Lanarkshire Council, speak about the changes in services that have been implemented through the introduction of self directed support. Recorded at North Lanarkshire Council's event Self Directed Support: The Bigger Picture.

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