Internet radio for Scotlands social services
Social work: experiences of a longitudinal study of children living with significant harm
20/04/2011 Duration: 23minSocial work perspective: a longitudinal study of children at risk of significant harm. Marian Brandon, University of East Anglia. Longitudinal research seminar took place at The Scottish Universities Insight Institute, Glasgow, on the 20th and 21st of April 2011. The intention was to identify the core constituents of a robust longitudinal design that would be fit for the evaluation of the efficacy of everyday professional intervention aimed at improving the lives of vulnerable children. The intention was also to explore the type and range of data that is required to capture fundamental aspects of everyday multi-professional intervention and child well-being. On the basis of this we identify the most appropriate measures to capture intervention and child well-being and develop a robust analytical package for capturing outcomes over the short, medium and longer term. Music Credit: Increase the Dosage by Revolution void
An inspector's view: quantifying intervention and outcomes
20/04/2011 Duration: 28minAn Inspector's view: quantifying intervention and outcomes. Meeting children's needs for care and protection: designing longitudinal research in complex multi-professional environments. Emma McWilliam, Her Majesty's Inspectorate for Education. Longitudinal research seminar took place The Scottish Universities Insight Institute, Glasgow, on the 20th and 21st of April 2011. The intention was to identify the core constituents of a robust longitudinal design that would be fit for the evaluation of the efficacy of everyday professional intervention aimed at improving the lives of vulnerable children. The intention was also to explore the type and range of data that is required to capture fundamental aspects of everyday multi-professional intervention and child well-being. On the basis of this we identify the most appropriate measures to capture intervention and child well-being and develop a robust analytical package for capturing outcomes over the short, medium and longer term. Transcript of episode Music Credit
Exploring outcomes: the Millennium Cohort Study (MCS)
20/04/2011 Duration: 38minExploring outcomes: the Millennium Cohort Study (MCS). Lisa Calderwood, Senior Survey Manager, MCS. Longitudinal research seminar took place at The Scottish Universities Insight Institute, Glasgow, on the 20th and 21st of April 2011. The intention was to identify the core constituents of a robust longitudinal design that would be fit for the evaluation of the efficacy of everyday professional intervention aimed at improving the lives of vulnerable children. The intention was also to explore the type and range of data that is required to capture fundamental aspects of everyday multi-professional intervention and child well-being. On the basis of this we identify the most appropriate measures to capture intervention and child well-being and develop a robust analytical package for capturing outcomes over the short, medium and longer term. Music Credit: Increase the Dosage by Revolution void
Glasgow Parenting Support Framework Evaluation
19/04/2011 Duration: 27minThe intention was also to explore the type and range of data that is required to capture fundamental aspects of everyday multi-professional intervention and child well-being. On the basis of this we identify the most appropriate measures to capture intervention and child well-being and develop a robust analytical package for capturing outcomes over the short, medium and longer term. Glasgow Parenting Support Framework Evaluation: school readiness and longitudinal trajectories using the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) and linked health data. Lucy Thompson, Public Health Resource Unit, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde. Longitudinal research seminar took place at The Scottish Universities Insight Institute, Glasgow, on the 20th and 21st of April 2011. The intention was to identify the core constituents of a robust longitudinal design that would be fit for the evaluation of the efficacy of everyday professional intervention aimed at improving the lives of vulnerable children. Music Credit: Increase th
Key issues for longitudinal research: a view from overseas, the Canadian National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth (CNLSCY)
19/04/2011 Duration: 46minKey issues for longitudinal research A view from overseas, the Canadian National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth (CNLSCY). Stephanie Lalonde, Chief, CNLSCY. Longitudinal research seminar took place at The Scottish Universities Insight Institute, Glasgow, on the 20th and 21st of April 2011. The intention was to identify the core constituents of a robust longitudinal design that would be fit for the evaluation of the efficacy of everyday professional intervention aimed at improving the lives of vulnerable children. The intention was also to explore the type and range of data that is required to capture fundamental aspects of everyday multi-professional intervention and child well-being. On the basis of this we identify the most appropriate measures to capture intervention and child well-being and develop a robust analytical package for capturing outcomes over the short, medium and longer term. Music Credit: Increase the Dosage by Revolution void
Using routine healthcare data for longitudinal analyses
19/04/2011 Duration: 45minUsing routine healthcare data for longitudinal analyses. Ruth Gilbert, Director, Centre for Evidence-based Child Health, Centre for Paediatric Epidemiology and Biostatistics and MRC Centre of Epidemiology for Child Health, University College London - Institute of Child Health. Longitudinal research seminar took place The Scottish Universities Insight Institute, Glasgow, on the 20th and 21st of April 2011. The intention was to identify the core constituents of a robust longitudinal design that would be fit for the evaluation of the efficacy of everyday professional intervention aimed at improving the lives of vulnerable children. The intention was also to explore the type and range of data that is required to capture fundamental aspects of everyday multi-professional intervention and child well-being. On the basis of this we identify the most appropriate measures to capture intervention and child well-being and develop a robust analytical package for capturing outcomes over the short, medium and longer term. M
Key issues for longitudinal research design: lessons from Growing Up in Scotland (GUS)
19/04/2011 Duration: 50minKey issues for longitudinal research design: lessons from Growing Up in Scotland (GUS). Paul Bradshaw, Scottish Centre for Social Research. Longitudinal research seminar took place The Scottish Universities Insight Institute, Glasgow, on the 20th and 21st of April 2011. The intention was to identify the core constituents of a robust longitudinal design that would be fit for the evaluation of the efficacy of everyday professional intervention aimed at improving the lives of vulnerable children. The intention was also to explore the type and range of data that is required to capture fundamental aspects of everyday multi-professional intervention and child well-being. On the basis of this we identify the most appropriate measures to capture intervention and child well-being and develop a robust analytical package for capturing outcomes over the short, medium and longer term. Music Credit: Increase the Dosage by Revolution void
Meeting children's needs for care and protection
19/04/2011 Duration: 24minWelcome and introduction from the chair. Brigid Daniel, University of Stirling. Longitudinal research seminar took place at The Scottish Universities Insight Institute, Glasgow, on the 20th and 21st of April 2011. The intention was to identify the core constituents of a robust longitudinal design that would be fit for the evaluation of the efficacy of everyday professional intervention aimed at improving the lives of vulnerable children. The intention was also to explore the type and range of data that is required to capture fundamental aspects of everyday multi-professional intervention and child well-being. On the basis of this we identify the most appropriate measures to capture intervention and child well-being and develop a robust analytical package for capturing outcomes over the short, medium and longer term. Music Credit: Increase the Dosage by Revolution void
Child protection and disabled children: lessons from a scoping study
04/04/2011 Duration: 33minChild protection and disabled children: lessons from a scoping study. Kirsten Stalker, Professor, University of Strathclyde. Recorded Scottish Child Care and Protection Network. Contemporary issues in child protection seminar. Child protection and the needs and rights of disabled children and young people: A scoping study Visible or invisible : the presence of disabled children in child protection policy in the four countries of the UK Transcript of episode Music Credit: Increase the Dosage by Revolution void
Anxiety and child protection: implications for practice
28/03/2011 Duration: 42minAnxiety and child protection - implications for practice. Janice McGhee, Senior Lecturer and Lorraine Waterhouse, Professor, University of Edinburgh. Recorded Scottish Child Care and Protection Network. Contemporary issues in child protection seminar. Music Credit: Increase the Dosage by Revolution void
Inspiring desistance? Arts projects in Scottish prisons
22/03/2011 Duration: 54minProfessor Fergus McNeill, Glasgow School of Social Work. Explores the implications for criminal justice social work of the recent report of the Independent Prisons Commission, 'Scotland's Choice'. Examines whether the idea of offenders paying back in the community represents a necessary and sufficient underpinning rationale for the use of community penalties and, more generally, for the future development of criminal justice social work. Recorded at Glasgow School of Social Work Research Seminar Series. Music Credit: Increase the Dosage by Revolution void
Critical skills for critical times, closing address
17/03/2011 Duration: 17minMike Devenney, Principal, University of the Highlands and Islands, Moray College. Critical Skills for Critical Times conference and workshop organised by Moray Collaborative Learning Network, held at Moray College. Music Credit: Increase the Dosage by Revolution void
Local context: Calum MacPherson
17/03/2011 Duration: 14minCalum MacPherson, Area Manager, HIE Moray. Critical Skills for Critical Times and conference and workshop organised by Moray Collaborative Learning Network, held at Moray College. Music Credit: Increase the Dosage by Revolution void
The improvement service, collaboration and learning
17/03/2011 Duration: 30minColin Mair, Chief Executive, Improvement Service. Critical Skills for Critical Times conference and workshop organised by Moray Collaborative Learning Network, held at Moray College. Music Credit: Increase the Dosage by Revolution void
Setting the scene for change
17/03/2011 Duration: 19minRichard Murray, Senior Economic Adviser, Scottish Government. Critical Skills for Critical Times conference and workshop organised by Moray Collaborative Learning Network, held at Moray College. Music Credit: Increase the Dosage by Revolution void
National statistical data returns: linking individual data for looked after children
11/03/2011 Duration: 18minThe evaluation of everyday multi-professional intervention to safeguard and promote the well-being of vulnerable children is limited and restricts both operational planning and professional intervention. The core aim of this programme are to contribute to the development of a platform that will support better understanding of the routes from intervention to outcomes for vulnerable children through utilising administrative datasets and longitudinal research. Recorded at the Data linkage and mining: vision, possibilities and practicalities conference. Music Credit: Increase the Dosage by Revolution void
Assessing the feasibility of linking datasets
11/03/2011 Duration: 43minThe evaluation of everyday multi-professional intervention to safeguard and promote the well-being of vulnerable children is limited and restricts both operational planning and professional intervention. The core aim of this programme are to contribute to the development of a platform that will support better understanding of the routes from intervention to outcomes for vulnerable children through utilising administrative datasets and longitudinal research. Phil Anderson is the head of the Data Linkage Unit facilitates the development and analysis of data in order to support whole-of-government and whole-of-life approaches to policy. The Unit achieves this by investigating data linkage and analytical methods, by undertaking data linkage and analyses of linked data sets, and by providing leadership and assistance to analyses undertaken elsewhere within the AIHW in close collaboration with subject matter staff. His presentation title is: “Assessing the feasibility of linking datasets”. Recorded at the Data link
Good governance in data sharing and data linkage for research and evaluation purposes
11/03/2011 Duration: 25minThe evaluation of everyday multi-professional intervention to safeguard and promote the well-being of vulnerable children is limited and restricts both operational planning and professional intervention. The core aim of this programme are to contribute to the development of a platform that will support better understanding of the routes from intervention to outcomes for vulnerable children through utilising administrative datasets and longitudinal research. Graeme Laurie is Professor of Medical Jurisprudence at the University of Edinburgh and Director of the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) Research Centre for Studies in Intellectual Property and Technology Law. His research interests include the role of law in promoting and regulating science, medicine and technology. He was the Chair of the permanent Ethics and Governance Council of UK Biobank from 2006-2010 and currently the Chair of the Privacy Advisory Committee in Scotland. His presentation title is: “Good governance in data sharing and data
Linking National Health Services data: ISD and the Scottish Health Informatics Programmes
11/03/2011 Duration: 30minThe evaluation of everyday multi-professional intervention to safeguard and promote the well-being of vulnerable children is limited and restricts both operational planning and professional intervention. The core aim of this programme are to contribute to the development of a platform that will support better understanding of the routes from intervention to outcomes for vulnerable children through utilising administrative datasets and longitudinal research. Stephen Pavis joined the Information Services Division (ISD) of National Services Scotland, NHS in 2003 and currently holds the post of Head of Programmes. His portfolio includes responsibility for the development of the Scottish Health Information Service, Medical Record Linkage, NHS Information Governance, and ISD's contribution to Scottish Health Informatics Programmes (SHIP). Previous roles within ISD have included Programme Principal for the Long Term Conditions, Social Care, and Drug and Alcohol Misuse. His presentation title is: Linking national hea
Visualising data: Rikke Iversholt
11/03/2011 Duration: 24minThe evaluation of everyday multi-professional intervention to safeguard and promote the well-being of vulnerable children is limited and restricts both operational planning and professional intervention. The core aim of this programme are to contribute to the development of a platform that will support better understanding of the routes from intervention to outcomes for vulnerable children through utilising administrative datasets and longitudinal research. Rikke Iversholt is a member of Iriss Innovation and Improvement team, she contributes to the development of tools, training and interventions that supports and enables the sustainable transformation of social services in Scotland. Rikke leads on the programme's data visualisation project, for which the objective is to provide new ways for social services staff to understand and gain insights into data that enables them to make better decisions about their service provision. Recorded Data linkage and mining: vision, possibilities and practicalities conferen