Young runaways



Fiona Mitchell is the co-ordinator for the Scottish Child Care and Protection Network (WithScotland). In this clip she talks about an evaluation to explore the most effective ways of delivering Return Home Welfare Interviews (RHWI) for young runaways, which Fiona was involved in along with Margaret Malloch and Cheryl Burgess (University of Stirling) and Vanessa Chan, Jane Eunson, Lorraine Murray (IPSOS Mori Scotland). The evaluation focused solely on the role of the police in delivering RHWIs so is unable to draw comparisons with delivery by other agencies. The evaluation looked at the operation of a pilot as implemented by Grampian police force in Aberdeen City and Elgin, and one area in Aberdeenshire (Fraserburgh) formed the control area for comparison with original practice in Grampian and current practice outwith the pilot areas.The principal conclusion of the evaluation is that RHWIs are an appropriate intervention; helping identify young people who require further support and referring them to an approp