In order to get women, you have to understand them first. For over eight consecutive years, The Chick Whisperer Podcast from X & Y Communications has been the gold standard for men of character who desire high quality women. Scot McKay and his expert co-hosts talk women, dating, sex, seduction and 21st century masculinity in a fast-paced and often hilarious style. Ask whatever questions you want 24/7 via voicemail at +1 (210) 362-4400. Visit and get free, actionable tips in your inbox that'll make you better with women starting today. | Please subscribe to the show to get updates automatically, and if you love the show definitely leave a review!
Disconnection Syndrome - MTP194
03/04/2020 Duration: 47minBeyond the catchy phrase, what exactly was my long-time friend Dr. Jed Diamond talking about when he coined the term 'Disconnection Syndrome'? Well for starters, you'll find out it's far more complex than people merely being separated from each other. It's a systemic issue that's been brewing for years now, and affects even our relationship with self. To kick off the conversation, Jed defines Disconnection Syndrome and explains how it's directly responsible for many of the ongoing social issues we see in today's world. Discover how this transcends the interpersonal to include how we interact with the world itself, as evidenced by some of the perhaps unexpected environmental effects of the current global pandemic. Meanwhile, what are some of the negative effects that purely electronic interaction has on our real, human abilities to connect? Are there subtle ways we've cheapened our sense of connection without even realizing it? Discover the surprising answers to these questions, along with the shocking ways ou
Rising Above Disruption - MTP193
27/03/2020 Duration: 33minFor those of us who live what I call 'The Suburban Sleepwalk', the present COVID-19 pandemic has represented one of the most profound challenges of our lifetime. We can't just watch this unfold on television...we're LIVING it. Obviously, having our proverbial 'cheese moved' is inherently painful, especially when our relationships and our very livelihood are disrupted. Even though such disruption feels like an imminent threat, how do we not only survive but thrive in context? What if instead of losing our sense of humor we found it? How can we turn lemons into lemonade? And does having our world shaken up quite literally challenge us to reevaluate what is important and valuable to us? Meanwhile, were the survival and preparedness guys really on to something here? What can we expect to be different in our lives--and in the world writ large--once the 'all clear' signal is given? Can we look forward to a kinder, friendlier and perhaps even cleaner world to live in, or will people simply revert back to their respe
The Bad Widow - MTP192
20/03/2020 Duration: 34minMy guest, Alison Pena is known as 'The Bad Widow', and you're about to find out why. Just a few short years ago she found herself heartbroken by the loss of her beloved husband, who passed after a brief illness. But in the midst of her considerable grief and gritting her way through picking up the pieces, something remarkable happened. As you listen to her, you'll quickly realize her story is not only inspiring and unexpectedly uplifting, it's also as powerful a roadmap to understanding and relating to widowed women as you've ever imagined. And of course, if you've lost the love of your life yourself, this episode promises to be a source of inspiration for you. In this episode, we tackle all of the most confusing, frustrating and heartwrenching issues, beginning with why people's behavior tends to be so ironic toward those who are near death. And what about how weird people also get when you've experienced deep personal loss? Wait until you hear Alison's brave and ingenious plan to cut through that shame and
Making Peace With Porn - MTP191
13/03/2020 Duration: 34minI have to tip my hat to my guest, Matt Sinkovitz. Not only has he taken on the topic of how porn affects our lives, he's made it his primary gig. Right out of the gate, we address the concept of porn addiction. You'll appreciate Matt's candid take on this loaded topic. And with the global percentage of Internet traffic that's porn-related, could it be true that virtually everyone is watching it? In that context, how does a guy reconcile his deep feelings of shame and guilt over doing so? What are some of the particularly jarring and at times unexpected sources and consequences of that shame? Do most men really have schlongers as big as male porn stars? Are all porn actresses being exploited and/or trafficked? Isn't porn sex nothing like real-world sex anyway? What's the real-world difference between watching porn and satisfying oneself using pure imagination? Should getting a hot girlfriend or wife be a reasonable cure for the desire to watch porn? Is there a correlation between porn usage and other negative
The Side Hustle - MTP190
06/03/2020 Duration: 33minWant to feel more alive, pursue your passions, make women love you and score some extra money on top of all else? Two words: side hustle. My guest Nick Loper is the man with the plan, and he joins us for the long-overdue deep dive on the subject. So what exactly is a side hustle? And how come nobody ever uses the term 'moonlighting' in the online entrepreneurial space? What does it take to let our ideas become reality and how does that make us feel more alive? Next, we talk about how to launch a side hustle that matters, including specific action steps. Why is starting a side biz like online dating? What is Nick's 'buy buttons theory'? And what if you can't seem to come up with any genius, original ideas? (As a bonus, this is also a ninja strategy for developing your stand-up comedy routine!) How does Nick's 'what sucks' exercise relate to all of this? As counter-intuitive as it sounds, how can building a new source of income actually increase your overall freedom as opposed to bogging you down with more busy
Growing Up, Not Growing Old - MTP189
28/02/2020 Duration: 32minMan, isn't it true how some people grow older, but they somehow never grow up? My guest is Josh Burnette, author of Adulting 101, and he has very specific theories as to how and why this happens. What's going on in our minds when we opt to avoid evolving into mature, responsible adults? Is what we're holding onto really better than what we gain by growing up? Obviously, being a child--or worse, a Neanderthal--isn't attractive to women at all, and it won't ever advance your career. Is there a 'bigger picture' to adulting that extends beyond our sense of self? What is more important to a true adult than mere happiness? What are some of the key life lessons that adults have figured out? And what does Josh do to motivate guys toward adulthood? What specific tips does he give? And who's going to be around for guys in real life to lead by example? What happened in Josh's life when he got married and became a father? Clearly, one must BE and adult before one can effectively raise kids, right? So wait a minute, does
I Need You Tonight, 'Cuz I Ain't Sleeping - MTP188
21/02/2020 Duration: 37minLet's face it. If I know anything about you guys who listen to this show, it's that you're not getting any sleep. It may seem heroic now, but it's not healthy and it's pretty much killing us. Enter Mollie McGlocklin, a sleep optimization expert who knows how to put this topic to bed, once and for all. Fortunately, she didn't take my advice and call her upcoming new podcast 'Sleep With Mollie' or 'Let's Go To Bed'. She wisely chose 'Sleep Is A Skill' as her brand, and her mission is to give us a wake up call when it comes to healthy sleep. So don't worry, sleepyhead...this ain't one of those weird but crazy-popular podcasts designed for insomniacs. So then, what did Mollie discover through her own sleepless experiences? And why is it that we have such a harder time getting to sleep in today's world? Why is everyone up all night and getting up at the crack of lunch? How exactly is that making us sicker? Meanwhile, is there really an ideal sleep amount, or does that vary? Why do older folks actually need less sl
Self-Pleasure, And Other Masturbatory Euphemisms - MTP187
14/02/2020 Duration: 55minWell, if there has ever been an overdue topic, this one is it. On this show we shamelessly discuss the 'm word', courtesy of my charming guest Helena Nista. Helena is originally from Poland and now living in Australia. She is a sex therapist, tantric practitioner and occasional body worker (yes, it's what you think). According to her, the body is capable of 'tons and tons of multi-layered amazing, ecstatic, blissful pleasurable experiences', and she is all about helping us realize those blissful states. She believes that practicing with oneself allows us as men to achieve better sexual control and discover more intense, full-body orgasmic experiences. Discover the fascinating reasons why most people are so bad at self-pleasuring, perhaps without even realizing it. What does Helena have to say about the No-Fap Movement? Do men lose their sexual energy when they masturbate? And what makes her so confident that she knows how men experience orgasms, even as a woman? Discover why Helena believes self-pleasure is f
Saving Sex For Marriage - MTP186
07/02/2020 Duration: 58minMy guest Rob Kowalski grew up without a dad, and ended up becoming a male stripper in his early adult years. Finally, after leading a rambunctious life of sex and debauchery with countless women, he had a faith conversion experience which inspired him to stop having sex outside the bonds of holy matrimony. Now in his mid-forties, Rob is still unmarried...and yes, he's still not having sex. In most faith based settings, both teens and adults are simply told to stay away from sex until marriage, without really being told why. But in this episode, you'll hear Rob's resolute, logical case for abstention until marriage, and why even masturbation is out of bounds. Are people getting the timing of marriage all wrong vis-a-vis modern postponement of adulthood? And how does the virtue of delayed gratification enter into all of this? And is sex outside of marriage inherently disrespectful, if not downright abusive to women because they're wired differently? What if the big disconnect really is that we as men are still
Bounce Back From Burnout And Live The Dream - MTP185
31/01/2020 Duration: 38minWhen my co-host Jennifer Dougherty was in the business world, she started to feel a bit burned out. What did she do to pull herself out of that conundrum and change her mindset? Well, it all led to her to write a book on how she beat burnout and got focused. How can you too genuinely come to grips with what your dreams really are, and why you're dreaming them? And what if you're already doing that which you genuinely dreamed of doing, and yet are still feeling crispy around the edges? How does that mess with your productivity, let alone your mindset? How do talent, passion, strategy and hard work intersect to contribute to dream realization? What are the ironic bad feelings people can experience even after apparently accomplishing what they dreamed of doing? Are dreams overrated, given how people tend to feel once they've fulfilled them? Is it unreasonable and possibly even counter-productive to encourage our kids to dream big? And what of the idea that we often don't even realize what we wanted all along unt
Everything Else Is...Just Waiting - MTP184
24/01/2020 Duration: 44minYou guys tend to love those shows where we do a deep dive into a particularly intelligent realm of thought and seek out truly profound breakthroughs. When I happened across a piece by my long-time Danish friend Michael Lassen on virtuous patience vs. simply waiting around, I instinctively knew it was a moral imperative as men to have him on the show. So for starters, what's the difference between accepting and embracing a certain situation? Is waiting really a virtue? And what's the concrete difference between waiting and patience? Further, is patience meant to be aimed at achieving perfection, or is that counter-productive? How patient should you be when the woman you want is dating another guy who is no good for her? Discover Michael's three-faceted approach to gaining personal power, regardless of the outcome of any particular situation. Then, find out what my own personal interaction with Navy SEALs has revealed about how they are trained to harness personal power in the exact same way. Also, if patience
You Deserve A Good Spanking - MTP183
17/01/2020 Duration: 51minWe never want to let things get too straight-laced around here, so for a change of pace I 'talk smack' this episode with my new friend Jillian Keenan, who is an international journalist and spanking expert. So the obvious first question is how does one become a spanking expert to begin with? Jillian's surprising answer sets the tone for the rest of the show, beginning with why women LOVE to be spanked during sex, and how spanking takes on profound sexual importance for some. Next, discover the mindblowing physiology behind why women find spanking sexually pleasurable. What is the difference between spanking as a kink vs. as a fetish? Why is it that spanking is so closely tied to playful flirtation? And of course, I'd be in for a 'red ass' if I didn't acknowledge how the classic representations of spanking in film didn't factor into all this. Is scolding--or even downright disciplinary shame--a part of what makes spanking so sexy? What goes on at organized 'spanking parties'? What is a 'service switch'? And ho
What Wrecks Relationships - MTP182
10/01/2020 Duration: 41minMy new friend and fellow 'Balti-moron' Dave Elliot talks about relationships between men and women in a visceral, down-to-earth manner that I'm sure you're going to appreciate. Among his numerous interesting ideas is his brilliant A.L.L.W.A.Y.S. framework for predicting whether or not a relationship is built to last. After all, you and your woman want to always stay together, but there are also all sorts of ways to stay together. So first off, how is it that some people can date for literally years, but their marriage is wrecked within just a few months of saying 'I do'? And on the other hand, what are those seven major factors that genuinely and accurately determine whether or not a couple will defy the divorce rate odds and be happy together for decades? Dave and I talk clearly and candidly about what it takes. This episode is all about knowing your own values and avoiding the fear of going deep with a woman you've just met only to encounter bitter disappointment...and instead boldly seeking out and finding
2020 Hindsight...And Foresight - MTP181
03/01/2020 Duration: 30minThis episode may come off as a bit weird up front, as it's the first show we've ever published to BOTH The Mountain Top and X & Y On The Fly feeds. But hey...we figured this is a timely conversation everyone can and should have, and also (more obviously) we're co-hosting this one together. So on with it... In this fast-paced show we talk candidly--and at times controversially--about how dating, relating and even socializing itself have changed in the last decade, and how we ourselves control what the next decade holds. What about online dating, apps and social media? Shouldn't it be easier than ever for men and women to meet, attract each other and build relationships? But instead, men and women appear to have lost touch with how to relate to each other. It's as if we as a human race have gotten better than ever at mere social manipulation, and place a higher value on that than real connection. As a result, are people justified in questioning the value of even pursuing a relationship nowadays? Have people
What Older Men Know That Younger Guys Don't - MTP180
27/12/2019 Duration: 45minA blast from the past has resurfaced, and it's none other than my long-time friend and frequent oldskool David D. co-collaborator Will H., aka 'Big Will'. Together, he and I are like two examples of the 'old bull' from ye olde 'two bulls on the hill' joke. We were sure to poke a lot of fun at ourselves and tell embarrassing stories in this episode, and we sincerely trust that you young bulls out there will be fully equipped to 'walk down there and get 'em all' after you're finished listening. And rest assured, whatever age you are you're going to get lots of laughs out of this show. Will H. is known for his humorous way of bringing logical fact to light, and we've never had a dull moment recording together. So of course, we fully address why younger women tend to love older men so much...and better yet, how younger guys can bridge the gap. What are the most infamous fashion faux pas committed by men...along with the social ones that basically act as chick repellent? How is it that older guys can possibly be m
Why Do Techie Guys Struggle With Women? - MTP179
20/12/2019 Duration: 29minMy co-host and returning guest Myke Macapinlac began his career as a techie guy in the IT world. Like many men in such a position, he often felt there was a 'glass wall' separating him from others socially. Yet, it's often as if techie guys feel if they only work harder, make more money and get that coveted promotion, then attracting women--and their social life in general--will take care of itself. Unfortunately, that simply isn't the case for most. So why do left-brained guys in particular struggle so much socially? What are the three major traits that make someone more sociable--or even likable--to begin with? What was it about early pickup advice that appealed to techie guys so much? How can you overcome crippling 'analysis paralysis', and how come plenty of other guys don't seem to be affected by it in the least? What does it really mean to 'be inside your head' as opposed to 'in your body'? And hey, what happens when we meet a woman who is a left-brained, technical type? Finally, what else can left-brai
Storytelling That Captivates - MTP178
13/12/2019 Duration: 39minGiven how central this topic has historically been to the world of men's dating advice, it's hard to believe we've never done a show on it until now. But given how so many men struggle when talking to women, the idea of telling an actual end-to-end story seems overwhelming. Enter my guest co-host, Paul Smith, who has written several books on storytelling, including his latest 'The 10 Stories Great Leaders Tell'. To kick things off, we settle any confusion between what makes for a truly engaging story compared to a 'cool story, bro'. What is the proper role of humor in storytelling, and how important is it? On the other hand, what is the absolute most crucial prerequisite skill for effective storytelling? What are the three elements of a good, solid story? What are the eight questions you have to ask yourself when constructing a storyline? What does it take to craft meaningful stories for specific situations rather than telling the same few stories over and over? What is the difference between inductive vs. de
The Truth About Women And Romance Novels - MTP177
06/12/2019 Duration: 42minYou asked for this, and it's long overdue... I can't count how many guys over the years have asked me why women LOVE romance novels like 50 Shades Of Grey so much. Well, I've invited popular romance novel author Porscha Sterling on as my co-host to break down exactly why women get so turned on by this genre. What's more, we talk about all of the different tips we as men can glean from romance novels to attract and delight women just like the central characters in the books do. So how about it, then...why do women prefer romance novels over the visceral visual stimulation of porn (or do they)? And do women really want the 'bad boy' persona in real life quite the same way they seem to desire it in the novels? How does all of this alpha imagery reconcile with all of the conflicting messages on masculinity that we see in the media? I mean, could it be true that what women SAY they want compared to what they REALLY want could be at odds, or is it all just a political power play? something even deeper and m
When Former Pickup Artists Father Daughters - MTP176
29/11/2019 Duration: 36minSo many of us as men are terrified of fatherhood to begin with. But if and when the time comes, we almost invariably hope for a know, a "chip off the old block". But every man who fathers a little girl immediately realizes that daughters are equally amazing in their own unique and wonderful ways. But for many men, that signals somewhat of a transformation of how they view women in general. This is all-important because of the tremendous influence we as fathers have on our daughters (and also on our sons, of course), regardless of what some naysayers may want us to believe. Well, my guest is NLP coach Mark Sing, who is the perfect co-host for this episode because he is the proud new dad of a three-month old little girl. His perspective, combined with that of a grizzled fatherhood vet like me makes for one rambunctious show. Get ready for an honest, down-to-earth discussion about the intricacies of being a man who not only loves women, but loves certain women particularly dearly. Is your role as a pro
Be A Man Who's Prepared For Anything - MTP175
22/11/2019 Duration: 50minThe motto of the Boy Scouts of America is 'be prepared'. Unfortunately, scouting isn't much of a thing anymore compared to what it used to be. As a result, a whole lot of us as men aren't really, um...prepared anymore. If you think about it, it's easy to feel as if we don't have to be. There are automatic transmissions, wrinkle-free shirts and oil change places out there. But...when that time presents itself where it's time to be a hero in a certain small way--and we just can't--it really sucks. It kicks you in your manhood. Well, my guest Jonathan Catherman has always loathed that feeling, which led him to writing a whole manual for men on how to be ready for 100 different situations that all men should be prepared for. If you're looking for a fast-action episode that's chock full of practical knowledge, then you just found it, Bubba. Now, obviously being prepared for the small things in life makes us tons more confident when the larger issues present themselves, but the impact our preparedness has on our ab