The Chick Whisperer Podcast

Think Yourself Funny - MTP238



His name is Dr. Peter McGraw, and he's indeed quick on the draw. He has to be, considering he's quite literally a professor specializing in the psychology of humor, and the director of the Humor Research Lab (aka HuRL) at University of Colorado at Boulder. By now we all know how making women laugh is a legitmate superpower when it comes to charming and attracting them. And yes, you can get the job done by helping women have fun, but there's something about a man who knows how to craft legit humor that absolutely mesmerizes them. Yet, most of us can count on one hand the number of men we know who have developed such a skill and have incorporated it to the level of 'unconscious competence'. Why is that? Well, for starters, the idea of what 'funny' really is and how it works is completely esoteric to most people. It's as if you either get it or you don't. Well, upon listening to this remarkably practical (and yes, funny) episode, the joke will no longer be on you. Listen as Peter and I equip you with real-world