In order to get women, you have to understand them first. For over eight consecutive years, The Chick Whisperer Podcast from X & Y Communications has been the gold standard for men of character who desire high quality women. Scot McKay and his expert co-hosts talk women, dating, sex, seduction and 21st century masculinity in a fast-paced and often hilarious style. Ask whatever questions you want 24/7 via voicemail at +1 (210) 362-4400. Visit and get free, actionable tips in your inbox that'll make you better with women starting today. | Please subscribe to the show to get updates automatically, and if you love the show definitely leave a review!
A Matter Of Trust - MTP272
08/10/2021 Duration: 29minIt's the foundation of every good solid relationship. With it, you and your significant other are set for years of blissful happiness together. Without it, you're likely doomed to failure. We're talking about trust, of course. Emily and I have enjoyed a trusting relationship with each other for nearly sixteen years now, and she finally sat down with me for a deep dive into all aspects of what that trust looks like. What causes men and women to lack (or lose) trust for each other? How do established mindsets wreak destruction on a nascent relationship before it even has a chance? Should two people trust each other at the beginning blindly, or is that earned over time? What is a reasonable amount of suspicion versus simply being paranoid? What do you do when lack of trust becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy? And how can we shake that nagging feeling of unwillingness to trust again after getting hurt over and over...isn't that kind of like not trusting oneself to begin with? And what about the strain that long-di
Little Known Signs A Woman Is Into You - MTP271
01/10/2021 Duration: 47minEverything would be so much easier if we could just figure out, with absolute certainty, whether a woman was sexually interested in us or not. I mean, we're told to look for eye contact, hair twirling, lip biting and other objective signals, but most of us just never, ever see that sort of thing happening right before our very eyes. Is it that we aren't getting the hints? Or could it be that there's a whole different set of clues we should be looking for? And for sure, it's not like all of these signals happen face-to-face. For example, there's no way we can see a woman twirling her hair through a text message, right? With so many potential scenarios both in-person and virtual, there's got to be a better way to accurately gauge a woman's interest level. Plus, there should be a whole different game plan for a woman you already know compared to a cold approach. My long-time friend and fellow dating coach Bobby Rio joins me to talk about all the different ways women indicate they're into us. Although we'll give
Bringing Out The Playful In Women - MTP270
24/09/2021 Duration: 41minWell, this is one of those episodes that had better be a lot of fun, or else we will have missed the point completely. And indeed it is. The deep-dive into how to bring out a woman's playful nature has been a long time coming, and I've finally found the right guest to make it happen. Alicia Munoz is a couples therapist and the wildly-popular author several books, including The Couples Quiz Book. As you may know, I've always believed that one of the greatest skills a man can have is the ability to coax out playfulness in women. After all, 'girls just wanna have fun', and leading in that direction is the very essence of flirtation and absolutely ignites femininity. Yet, many of us as guys are nonplussed by the prospect of doing such, either because we have no idea where to start, we don't exactly grasp the difference between encouraging femininity and actually BEING feminine, or we've been conditioned to be 'stoic' and take ourselves way too seriously. Right off the bat, Alicia brings up the concept of doing vs
Crazy People Need Love Too - MTP269
17/09/2021 Duration: 39minMy guest is the author of 'Mental Illness Is An A**hole', an attention-getting title if there ever was one. Indeed, Gabe Howard has been diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder, which greatly contributed to the downfall of his first marriage. Today, however, he is in a successful long-term relationship spanning ten years. Meanwhile, as you probably know, my own first marriage was rocked by my spouse's mental illness, and I have been vehemently outspoken against getting into relationships with those who are under the care of a psychiatrist for psychoses. I was most certainly up front with Gabe about my opinions, and to his credit he was game to come on the show and present his counter-points anyway. In this episode, he offers plenty of stories and examples...all the while acknowledging others' right to disagree and draw their own conclusions. And you can be sure I didn't hold back on the hard questions. Crazy people may need love too, but can they deserve what they want? Gabe throws his case out on the table in full.
Confidence, Arrogance And Straight-Up Swagger - MTP268
10/09/2021 Duration: 40minSwagger is a loaded word, isn't it? You may picture someone who is not just super-confident, but downright arrogant, right? Well, my guest Leslie Ehm is the author of a popular book meant to challenge old stereotypes surrounding swagger and redefine them. It's called, Swagger: Unleash Everything You Are To Become Everything You Want. In it, not only does she throw down the differences between mere confidence, arrogance and swagger; she explains how the true essence of it all is about personal power. In fact, she has a whole swagger PROCESS by which you can getchasum for yourself. So then, for starters what are Leslie's three elements that drive swagger? How can you leverage your unique traits and talents to increase it? What inherent risks come with being your authentic self that can actually serve to build swagger? What is the one key factor that makes your personal brand of swagger charming to others rather than off-putting? What should you think and do when people disagree with you, or flat-out don't like
Sex In Space For Worldly Men - MTP267
03/09/2021 Duration: 34minMy guest Roman Chiporukha and his wife run a high-end travel adventure curation service for the uber-wealthy. Not only does he know a lot of famous and powerful people, his gig has been expanded of late to include space tourism curation as well. In fact, Roman has already seated at least one civilian astronaut on a trip to the ISS in the near future. As you might imagine, Roman has traveled the world extensively (and expensively?) himself. All of this, of course, makes for a fascinating discussion of how being 'worldly' serves us as men. But it also makes a conversation about space travel and colonization a moral imperative. So what has Roman discovered about culture, human perceptions and especially relating to women through all his travels? Well, wait until you hear his ninja advice for charming women no matter where in the world you go. As our conversation moves toward the cosmos, we cover all sorts of wild, futuristic questions. What is sex going to be like in space? How will the first small colonies of p
What To Do When She's Mad At You - MTP266
27/08/2021 Duration: 43minCo-Host Dr. Mark Goulston ( My Guest Dr. Mark Goulston is a psychiatrist and the world's foremost expert in relational conflict management. He's the author of many NYT bestselling books, including Talking To Crazy: How to Deal with the Irrational and Impossible People in Your Life. Conventional wisdom on how to deal with irrational people is typically that you simply can't. But Mark will systematically dismantle that notion in this episode, offering truly genius ways to communicate with angry, unreasonable and even antagonistic people...even getting them to work WITH you instead of against you. Nowhere is this skill set more important than in our relationships with women, and Dr. Goulston does not disappoint. He brings solid strategies and practical steps to 'taming the shrew', and you'll likely be amazed by how so many of us as men tend to do the exact opposite of what works when arguing with women. Why does telling someone to 'calm down' always seem to make them even mor
Risque Business: Sexual Conversation With Women - MTP265
20/08/2021 Duration: 01h03minMy returning guest is the ever-charming Preity Uupala, who brought up the idea of sexual conversation as a topic. Who was I to miss the opportunity to hear from a woman about something so confusing to so many men? I mean, it's easy to wonder how we got nearly eight billion people on this planet when it's so hard for men and women to even talk about sex together, let alone have it. For sure, lots of guys are like the proverbial bull in a china shop when it comes to this. But in times like these, it's FAR more common for many of us to retreat from daring any sexual conversation with woman at all for fear of dire consequences. Meanwhile, women everywhere are craving flirty, sexy and even downright horny conversation with a man who understands the balance and can dance the dance of attraction. In this episode, Preity does her best to present her five rules of sexual conversation, and all the while I do my best to catch her off guard and mess up her composure. In the end, it's a compelling mix of solid information
Everything You Never Learned About Sex - MTP264
13/08/2021 Duration: 38minIf you're like any other red-blooded guy out there, the chances are very good that your father never told you about girls, dating and sex. Unfortunately, that left most of us to get what little information we got from deeply flawed sources. Even worse, most of us remained absolutely mystified by girls well into adolescence, early adulthood or possibly even beyond. Well, my guest Michael McPherson is on a one-man mission to make up for lost time. In this all-important episode we hit the ground running, talking first about WHY fathers can't seem to have the 'birds and bees' conversation with their sons--and how single moms (at best) don't tend to do much better. How has porn become the de facto teacher of sex for today's generation of boys...and what are the real-world ramifications of that? What does 'liquid courage' really teach us about sex? What happens when relationships become purely sex focused? How has not learning about women and sex at an early age affected our long-term vision of our own masculinity?
Savage Breasts, Sex Goddesses And You - MTP263
06/08/2021 Duration: 40minCo-Host Timothy Ward ( Men and women were clearly designed to get along and be in partnership together, yet in real-world practice that is often replete with challenges. What's up with that? Well, despite the somewhat lofty title of his book Savage Breast: One Man's Search For the Goddess, my guest Tim Ward has happened upon some truly original and at times mindblowing concepts that are flat-out guaranteed to transform how you view relationships between men and women. According to him, all of the answers we seek with regard to understanding women and relating to them just might be found by extending our understanding beyond Western culture...and perhaps even looking into our distant past as homo sapiens. Indeed, there is a wealth of archetypal information and mapping available to us that's actually pretty straightforward, yet often overlooked. Now see though, here's the thing...this is largely a Western world problem. Discover why people of other cultures and (to us) exo
Dealing With People You Can't Stand - MTP262
30/07/2021 Duration: 51minCo-Host Rick Kirschner ( My guest is the legendary author of the wildly popular book How To Deal With People You Can't Stand, which has now been published in at least 27 languages. Rick is happily retired nowadays, so he rarely has to deal with such people anymore. For my part, I'm simply thrilled he came out of retirement to join us on this episode. But hey...we all indeed know people who bore us to death with their stuff, always talk about themselves, only contact us when they need something, and/or always attempt to play oneupmanship with us. Then there are the legions of people nowadays who never follow through on what they say they're going to do, the ones who talk behind our back, fake people, people who try to undermine us, people who run 'game' on us, and who try to proselytize us to their MLM downlines. And then, of course, there are always the women who drive us nuts, but we're hot for them anyway. Well, not only has Dr. Kirschner thought through the answers
Be A Man Of Influence Without Being A Manipulative Jerk -MTP261
23/07/2021 Duration: 43minMy guest co-host this week is a disciple of Robert Cialdini himself, only not quite retired just yet and IMHO a bit more practical in how he speaks about his area of expertise. The topic, of course, is influence...more specifically, how to be more influential and gain personal power, all without being obnoxious, unethical or creepy about it. Why is it that so few men are truly influential? Could it be because most of us simply don't know how power and influence work? What is the relationship between wisdom, benevolence and leadership relative to influence? How about the art of persuasion...can it EVER be ethical, or is it simply a dirty word? What are the key differences between influence and straight-up manipulation? How is dating and attraction like sales? Let's just say solid sales strategies are VERY similar to effective attraction principles, whether you like it that way or not. Could that be why the pickup artist era was infamous for such manipulative or even flat-out sleazy tactics? Wait until you hear
Make Better Decisions, Do Better With Women - MTP260
16/07/2021 Duration: 59minCo-Host Gleb Tsipursky ( My guest, Dr. Gleb Tsipursky is a world-class expert and bestselling author in the areas of mental blind spots and cognitive biases. According to Gleb himself, it was the series of rotten decisions his parents tended to make during his early childhood that drove his passion for helping others to make better decisions...thereby 'future-proofing' themselves, to use his term. Indeed, there's no doubt that better decision making leads to better relationships and indeed a better life in general. So how come this isn't taught in school? Well, in part it's all because such skill often accompanies maturity and the accumulation of wisdom. Nevertheless, Gleb has a number of shortcuts you can use to identify and squash the mindsets and habits that lead to bad decisions and the dire consequences thereof. The fascinating part is how simply recognizing the weird but common ways we as humans hamstring ourselves is the first and best step to prevention. Tune in as
The Tragedy Of Trying Too Hard - MTP259
09/07/2021 Duration: 32minA couple of episodes ago we talked about how we can be our own worst enemy. But upon reflection, we left out one of the most devastating--and common--ways we do that. I'm talking, of course, about trying too hard. Do men, especially so-called 'nice guys', do this more than women? If so, why is that? Can it really be as simple as because men do EVERYTHING to impress chicks? But what are the ways that women tend to try too hard? Why do people think this works to attract people, when the weird psychological effect is the exact opposite? Instead of pushing people away, how can we PULL them in magnetically instead? And what's the difference between needy approval seeking as opposed to simply being too damn perky, upbeat, enthusiastic or optimistic? Why do people persist in trying too hard, even when they already realize they're 'pushing it uphill' and their efforts are doomed to failure? And what's up with men's tendency to try logicking women into liking us? Women often say they 'want a man to pursue them', but h
Success With Women Using Life's Golden Checklist - MTP258
02/07/2021 Duration: 35minWhen my guest Michael Lassen was on the show for the first time, you guys absolutely raved over the content he brought to the table. Now, he's back to talk about what he calls the 'The Golden Checklist', aka 'The Success Checklist'. By now you've probably heard of Jordan Peterson's 12 Rules For Life, Stephen Covey's concept of listing Unifying Principles, or even my own Depth Chart system for evaluating long-term relationship potential. You may have even formulated a 'bucket list' for yourself. But what Michael has done here is above and beyond all that. Drawing directly from the practices of Warren Buffett, this lightning in a bottle will empower you to sort out who you are, where you're going, and best of all...who the right woman is to invite into your reality. For years, Michael suffered through bad decisions like many of us do, and found himself wondering why he was where he was, and doing what he was doing. In this episode we break down Michael's methodology so you can replicate it yourself, ultimately
When We're Our Own Worst Enemy - MTP257
25/06/2021 Duration: 26minEvery time Big Will Hicks co-hosts this show you can count on a lot of fun and laughs. This show is no different, although it hammers home some more serious facts as well this time around. The hard truth for many of us as men is we're our own worst enemy. Will and I acknowledge we can both relate, looking on our own respective pasts. We've both also buried far more male friends than female ones. So what's the deal? Why do men die younger, get into more accidents, get involved in violent crime, go to jail more often and--of course--seem to struggle more relating to MOTOS than women do? How come we talk ourselves out of the bedroom with women with surprising consistency? Why do we blow it so often with them, despite success being right there for the taking? And how come we lose our temper--and our jobs--practically in the blink of an eye? Well, it often comes down to bad decision making. We as men lead, and women are hard-wired to follow a strong masculine man who acts in her best interest. Fail to exhibit that
Is "Living Your Best Life" A Scam? - MTP256
18/06/2021 Duration: 36minWe're told we ought to get off the couch and 'live our best life'. Yet, especially after a year of what we've all been through, the rampant cries of 'YOLO' only seem to lead to ever-increasing FOMO. My co-host Tommy Breedlove is the author of the book Legendary, and he returns for an off-the-cuff discussion of what it really means to live life to the fullest. I mean, do we really need to be rich, famous and/or hyper-macho and fill our lives non-stop with crazy--or even dangerous--adventures? That seems utterly exhausting at best, if not terrifying at worst. What's more, it seems like a whole lot of pressure...especially considering all the 'highlight reels' we see on Facebook and Instagram. So then, what are the secrets to living OUR best life...rather than someone else's? I mean, is it ambitious enough to simply contribute our one eight-billionth part as a member of the human race? How much of our life can reasonably spent celebrating the mundane? Is the 'American Dream' really what we want? Is happiness its
Why You Need A Strong Woman...Or Don't - MTP255
11/06/2021 Duration: 31minWhen I was a young man, one of my elder mentors gave me the best relationship advice ever: Marry a strong woman. The problem is, he didn't explain exactly what that meant. Years later, after lots of mistakes along the way, I'm indeed married to a strong woman, and I know exactly what he means. But the whole purpose of this episode is to make sure YOU do too. Enter GS Youngblood, who has literally written the book on this subject. To kick things off, GS surprises us all by admitting you may NOT want to marry a strong woman if you're a particular kind of guy. But assuming all systems are 'go', the ensuing discussion details the traits of a truly strong woman in the best sense of the word, along with all the gifts and joys she not only CAN bring to your life, but also WANTS to. And yet, there are several paradoxes at play when it comes to dating and relating to strong women. Sometimes the man they THINK they're looking for isn't the man they really will connect with long-term. So how do we as men navigate that?
When Sexual Assault Happens To Men And Boys - MTP254
04/06/2021 Duration: 38minIt's one of the darkest secrets out there. I'm talking about physical and sexual abuse upon us as men. Not only do many men experience this in silence, even the topic at large is uncomfortable to discuss, isn't it? Well, whether you have a dark secret of your own or simply wish to be a source of strength and encouragement for a fellow brother who does, this episode is for you--and it's one of the most important ones I've ever produced. This IS a thing, and it's actually happening far more than you've ever thought. Yet, men feel so much shame when victimized that incidents, or even continuous abuse, goes vastly underreported. My guest is Sandy Phillips Kirkham, who is a long-time victim advocate and the author of the ambiguously titled Let Me Pray/Prey Upon You. Now, despite the title of her book, Sandy isn't about anti-faith clergy bashing. Both she and I actually have stories, and have seen similar patterns among assailants. What are those patterns, and what are the insidious ways predators 'groom' their pot
How Men Who Are Successful With Women Think - MTP253
28/05/2021 Duration: 39minYou've likely heard the phrase 'feminine gifts' before, especially if you're familiar with the works of David Deida. But have you ever stopped to consider exactly what it is that the feminine wants to bestow upon the masculine? I mean, obviously there's sex. But as my long-time friend Zan Perrion and I have both recognized all along, women want to bring so much more joy, value and fulfillment to us above and beyond that. Yes, women are designed for pleasure, but there's SO much the MGTOW and red-pilled guys are missing out on when they hold a low view of the female gender. How have so many men grown jaded and pessimistic toward women? What, if any, is the way out of that mindset? Well, Zan and I have each had disastrous experiences with women in the past, yet both of us still love women. Are we crazy, or is there a transcendent factor at play here? Indeed there is, and this episode gets to the very heart of the matter--which is how we think about women, and indeed also what we think OF women. So then, what am