The Chick Whisperer Podcast

What You Don't Know Will Kill You - MTP306



Co-Host David Medansky ( Let's face it. There are a whole lot of things we are doing--either sins of commission or omission--that are shortening our lifespan as men. Not coincidentally, some of these same questionable habits are also making us less attractive to women and less likely to get ahead in our careers. Yet, we stubbornly refuse to modify our course...even when we know we're not doing ourselves any darned good. But here's the thing, the truly insidious part is we're probably also doing things that we have NO IDEA are killing us. Enter my guest, David Medansky. Now sure, like me David lost 50 pounds. But see, he doesn't believe for a second that dieting as you know it is good for you at all. For example, how are we supposed to differentiate between good, solid wisdom and convincing marketing tactics? Do you really have to get older and slower by default? What is the one simple, easy and cheap thing we can do immediately to be healthier all around and live longer