Talking Research

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 30:13:48
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Talking Research: Dissecting Sexual Violence features in-depth interviews with prominent multi-disciplinary academics and researchers who study sexual violence. The aim is to make academic research on sexual violence more accessible and visible. Guests talk about their research, their findings, the process, the challenges and everything else in between. Organisations that provide support: India: Scotland: England & Wales: USA:


  • Dr Melanie O'Brien: Sexual Violence in Conflict Zones

    30/03/2021 Duration: 01h01min

    Dr Melanie O'Brien is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Western Australia and an award winning teacher of International Humanitarian Law and Legal Research. Her research examines the connection between human rights and the genocide process; and sexual and gender-based crimes and against women in conflict zones. She has conducted fieldwork and research across six continents. In this conversation, she shared her research on Research Discussed:

  • Dr Sameena Mulla: Sexual Assault Forensic Intervention

    15/03/2021 Duration: 55min

    Dr Sameena Mulla is Associate Professor of Anthropology in the Department of Social and Cultural Sciences at Marquette University. She is the author of the Violence of Care: Rape Victims, Forensic Nurses and Sexual Assault Intervention. Her work broadly theorises the gendered regimes of sexual assault intervention that emerge among the state and sexual assault survivors in the contemporary USA. In this episode, Sameena shared her work on forensic interventions for sexual assaults, how they are failing to do justice to victim-survivors and how they can be improved. Research Discussed:

  • Dr Chloë Kennedy: Deceptive Sex

    20/01/2021 Duration: 01h02min

    Dr Chloë Kennedy is a Senior Lecturer in Criminal Law at the University of Edinburgh. Her main research interests are criminal law, legal theory, legal history, and the relationship between these areas. Her research also focuses on law and gender and law and religion. Chloë is undertaking an AHRC research leader fellowship on identity deception, focussing in particular on inducing intimacy. In this conversation, Chloë shared her research on deceptive sex, what it is, what forms it takes, debates around its criminalisation and the framework she has devised for its criminalisation. Research Discussed:

  • Samantha Freeman: Television Representations of Sexual Violence

    15/01/2021 Duration: 01h07min

    Samantha Freeman is a PhD candidate at Northwestern University's Screen Cultures programme and holds dual certificates in Teaching and Gender & Sexuality Studies. Her dissertation traces how television has represented sexual violence since the 1950s, with a particular focus on the medium's narrative conventions and aesthetics. In this conversation, we spoke about tv representation in the 1950s, two contemporary shows Unbelievable and I May Destroy You, how representations of sexual assaults in tv shows can be improved, and other themes. Research Discussed:

  • Dr Gemma Hamilton: Changing Police Attitudes in Sexual Offence Cases

    24/12/2020 Duration: 47min

    Dr Gemma Hamilton is a lecturer in criminology and justice studies at RMIT University. Her research focuses on violence against women and children, with expertise on policing, family violence, sexual offending and forensic interviewing. In 2016, she won a prize for her phD research that focused on improving investigative interviews with Australian Aboriginal children in cases of sexual abuse. In this conversation, Gemma shared her research on improving police attitudes, forensic interviews. Research discussed : Tidmarsh, P., Hamilton, G. and Sharman, S.J., 2020. Changing Police Officers’ Attitudes in Sexual Offense Cases: A 12-Month Follow-Up Study. Criminal Justice and Behavior, p.0093854820921201.

  • Erin O'Callaghan: Survivors' Experiences of Sexual Assault Involving Alcohol/Substance Use

    25/11/2020 Duration: 50min

    Erin O'Callaghan is a Phd Candidate at the University of Illinois at Chicago, US. Her dissertation will be a mixed methods study of survivors of sexual assault involving substance use at the time of the assault, in addition to investigating survivors' pleasurable and/or wanted experiences. In this conversation, Erin expanded on these topics. Research Discussed: Ullman, S.E., O’Callaghan, E. and Lorenz, K., 2019. Women’s experiences of impairment and incapacitation during alcohol/drug-related sexual assaults: Toward a survivor-informed approach to measurement. Archives of sexual behavior, 48(7), pp.2105-2116.

  • Dr Jane Meyrick: Improving Reporting of Sexual Abuse on University Campuses

    11/11/2020 Duration: 01h06min

    Dr Jane Meyrick is a Senior Lecturer in Health Psychology at the University of West England, Bristol. She is qualified as a Chartered Health Psychologist and is a Public Health Specialist. She has worked at policy and service levels on sexual health for the last 20 years and leads on sexual health, sexual and reproductive rights/violence. She also co-leads the research on sexual abuse/violence at UWE, Bristol. In this conversation, Jane shared her forthcoming research on the prevalence of sexual abuse at universities and experiences of survivors with reporting procedures at universities. She explained the various ways universities can 'earn' disclosures from survivors.

  • Dr Rachel Simon-Kumar: Why Ethnic Minorities Under-Report Sexual Violence

    29/10/2020 Duration: 59min

    Dr Rachel Simon-Kumar is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Social Sciences at the University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand. Her key areas of research are in women's studies and public policy. Her research interests lie in the intersections of gender, ethnicity and policy, in the context of Aoetaora/New Zealand as well as the geopolitical south, particularly India. In this conversation, Rachel shared her research on under-reporting in ethnic minorities in NZ, the factors behind it, how this can be remedied, and more. Research Discussed: Setayesh Rahmanipour, Shannon Kumar & Rachel Simon-Kumar (2019): Underreporting sexual violence among ‘ethnic’ migrant women: perspectives from Aotearoa/New Zealand, Culture, Health & Sexuality, DOI: 10.1080/13691058.2018.1519120

  • Riya Singh: Caste-based Sexual Violence Against Dalit Women

    14/10/2020 Duration: 43min

    Riya Singh is a part of Core Leadership Group in India's single and largest Dalit women collective, Dalit Women Fight. She works on ground with the survivors of caste atrocities of Dalit community in five states of northern India. She is also a PhD scholar at Ambedkar University Delhi and her research focuses on atrocities and the Scheduled Castes - Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act In this conversation, Riya shared her work and research on combating caste atrocities including sexual violence against Dalit women. More info on Dalit Women Fight:

  • Dr Rachel Lovell: Rape Kits & Serial Rapists

    07/10/2020 Duration: 01h08min

    Dr Rachel Lovell is a Research Assistant Professor at the Begun Centre of Violence Prevention Research and Education at the Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio. She is a Sociologist and methodologist who works with law-enforcement, community based agencies and public systems to examine the impact of violent behaviour that is primarily directed at women and girls. In this conversation, Rachel shared her research on rape kits and how they can be used to identify serial rapists. Research discussed: Lovell, R., Luminais, M., Flannery, D.J., Overman, L., Huang, D., Walker, T. and Clark, D.R., 2017. Offending patterns for serial sex offenders identified via the DNA testing of previously unsubmitted sexual assault kits. Journal of criminal justice, 52, pp.68-78.

  • Thomas Kadri: The Challenge of Digital Abuse

    22/09/2020 Duration: 51min

    Thomas Kadri is an Assistant Professor at the University of Georgia School of Law and a Mellon Fellow at Yale Law School, where he is pursuing his Ph.D. in Law. He is currently working on the rise of digital abuse and how people are using networked technologies to engage in harassment, stalking, privacy invasions, and surveillance. In this conversation, Thomas shared his research on digital abuse, how tech companies can be more mindful of digital abuse facilitated by their platforms and how they can foster a more empathetic response to it. Research discussed:

  • Dr Stephanie Bonnes: Sexual Harassment in the Military

    09/09/2020 Duration: 43min

    Stephanie Bonnes is an Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice at the University of New Haven. She received a PhD in sociology from the University of Colorado, Boulder in 2018. Her scholarship broadly focuses on gender and racial inequality at the intersections of victimization, identity, and organizations. In this conversation, Stephanie shared her work researching sexual harassment faced by servicewomen in the US military, bureaucratic harassment, how institutional sexism and racism intersect with sexual harassment in the institution among other things. Research discussed: Bonnes, Stephanie. (2017). "The Bureaucratic Harassment of U.S. Servicewomen." Gender & Society vol. 31, no. 6: 804-829.

  • Dr Anna Bull: Staff Sexual Misconduct in Higher Education

    26/08/2020 Duration: 49min

    Dr Anna Bull is Senior Lecturer in sociology at the University of Portsmouth, and co-founder of The 1752 Group, a research and lobby organisation working to address staff sexual misconduct in higher education. Her research interests include class and gender inequalities in classical music education; and staff sexual misconduct in higher education. Anna has published her research in leading sociology and music education journals. She was academic advisor to the National Union of Students for their recent report Power in the Academy: staff sexual misconduct in UK higher education and was lead author on The 1752 Group’s report Silencing students: institutional responses to staff sexual misconduct in higher education (Links below) In this conversation, Anna spoke about these two studies, the findings from these and some recommendations for improving institutional responses to staff sexual misconduct and more. Research Discussed: Silencing Students study:

  • Dr Laura Lammasniemi: History of Consent Laws

    13/08/2020 Duration: 46min

    Dr Laura Lammasniemi is an Assistant Professor at Warwick Law School. Laura’s principal research interests lie in the areas of criminal law, gender, and class. She has been awarded the Leverhulme Fellow for 2020-2021. Previously, Laura has published on the history of regulation of human trafficking; and on gender, austerity and social welfare. In this conversation, Laura talks about her research on the history of consent law in England, specifically about the Consent Law Amendment Act that raised the age of consent for girls from 13 to 16. Research Discussed: Lammasniemi, L., 2020. “Precocious Girls”: Age of Consent, Class and Family in Late Nineteenth-Century England. Law and History Review, 38(1), pp.241-266.

  • Prof Karen Boyle: Media Coverage of Sexual Assault

    22/07/2020 Duration: 50min

    Karen Boyle is Professor of Feminist Media Studies at the University of Stratchclyde. Karen’s research has long focused on questions of violence, gender and representation and she has published widely in this area, including in the monograph Media & Violence: Gendering the Debate (Sage 2005), as editor of Everyday Pornography (Routledge 2010) and her most recent book #MeToo, Feminism and Weinstein. In this conversation, we spoke about Karen's work on the trial reporting guidelines (link below) for more responsible coverage of sexual assault trials, the role of media in shaping opinions, how we can push for better coverage of rape cases and more. Discussed in the episode Trial Reporting Guidelines: Karen's free Gender and the Media online course: Book- #MeToo, Feminism and Weinstein: Zero Tolerance Guideline

  • Dr Sreeparna Chattopadhyay: Sexual Coercion & Rape in Marriage

    22/04/2020 Duration: 01h09min

    Dr. Sreeparna Chattopadhyay is an Indian researcher, temporarily based in the Netherlands. She's currently building a course commissioned by the WHO on Gender, Intersectionality and Health Systems. She has an M.A. and Ph.D. from the Department of Anthropology and the Population Studies Training Centre at Brown University and a B.A. in Economics (Honours) from St. Xavier’s College, Bombay. Her research in the last fifteen years has focused on the ways in which gender disadvantages interact with socioeconomic inequities, shaping women’s life trajectories including impacts on health, education and exposure to violence. Her work has been supported by the Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation, the National Science Foundation and the Mellon Foundation. In 2018, she was invited to present her research in a seminar on marital rape organized by the School for Advanced Research, Santa Fe, sponsored by the Vera Campbell Foundation. Her research has been published in several reputed international and national journals and

  • Dr Stephen Burrell: Engaging Men in Preventing Men's Violence Against Women

    25/03/2020 Duration: 56min

    Dr Stephen Burrell is an Assistant Professor (Research) in the Department of Sociology at Durham University. He completed his PhD on engaging men and boys in the prevention of men's violence against women in England in the Department of Sociology at Durham University in 2019. He is now undertaking an Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) Postdoctoral Fellowship in the Department. This is building on his PhD research by exploring opportunities for the business sector to contribute to preventing violence against women and encouraging men and boys to play a role in such efforts. In this conversation, we spoke about Stephen's work exploring the history of men's involvement with feminist movements focused at ending men's violence against women, the importance and risks of engaging men in these movements and what we can all do to challenge inequalities. Stephen also explained strategies of engaging men and boys better in movements aimed at preventing me's violence against women, pro-feminism and concepts su

  • Dr Bianca Fileborn: Sexual Harassment at Music Festivals & Street Harassment

    18/03/2020 Duration: 01h28s

    Dr Bianca Fileborn is a Lecturer in Criminology, School of Social and Political Sciences at the University of Melbourne. In particular, her current work focuses on sexual violence and harassment. She is also interested in concepts of justice, and particularly informal, innovative, and transformative justice. Dr Fileborn is currently an ARC DECRA recipient. Her project examines concepts of justice and justice responses to street harassment. Dr Fileborn is also currently involved in collaborative projects examining sexual violence at Australian music festivals, and young LGBTIQ+ people's involvement in family violence. Dr Fileborn's recent work includes: an examination of unwanted sexual attention and sexual violence in licensed venues; experiences, impacts and justice responses to street harassment; the use of research in law reform; sexuality and ageing; policing and LGBTIQ+ young people; and, the sexual assault of older women. She currently sits on the Victorian government taskforce on Sexual Harassment and

  • Dr Parveen Ali: Extended Family & Intimate Partner Violence

    04/03/2020 Duration: 55min

    Parveen Ali is a Lecturer in the School of Nursing and Midwifery at the University of Sheffield. She is a Registered Nurse, Registered Nurse Teacher and Senior Fellow of Higher Education Academy and a Fellow of Royal Society of Arts. She leads the MMedSci Advanced Nursing Studies and is Chair the School of Nursing and Midwifery’s Research Ethics Committee. In this conversation, we spoke about Parveen's research investigating attitudes towards intimate partner violence in Pakistan and the theory she developed to help understand IPV better in that particular cultural context. We also spoke about the importance of culturally specific data collection methods.

  • Dr Nicola Henry: Image-Based Sexual Abuse

    05/02/2020 Duration: 01h01min

    Dr Nicola Henry is Associate Professor and Principal Research Fellow in the Social and Global Studies Centre at RMIT University. Nicola's research focuses on the prevalence, nature and impacts of sexual violence and harassment, including the legal and non-legal responses in Australian and international contexts. Her research has been largely situated in three socio-legal and criminology fields: (1) transitional and post-conflict justice; (2) rape law reform and primary prevention; and (3) technology-facilitated sexual violence. Her research is interdisciplinary, drawing on mixed-methods approaches within multidisciplinary teams. In this conversation, we spoke about how technology facilitates sexual violence- specifically image-based sexual abuse. We discussed the forms it takes, what we know about perpetrators, how it affects victim-survivors, how the law tackles it, how it can be prevented among other things. Research Discussed: Powell, A.,Henry, N. (2019). Technology-facilitated sexual violence victimi

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