Talking Research

Prof Karen Boyle: Media Coverage of Sexual Assault



Karen Boyle is Professor of Feminist Media Studies at the University of Stratchclyde. Karen’s research has long focused on questions of violence, gender and representation and she has published widely in this area, including in the monograph Media & Violence: Gendering the Debate (Sage 2005), as editor of Everyday Pornography (Routledge 2010) and her most recent book #MeToo, Feminism and Weinstein. In this conversation, we spoke about Karen's work on the trial reporting guidelines (link below) for more responsible coverage of sexual assault trials, the role of media in shaping opinions, how we can push for better coverage of rape cases and more. Discussed in the episode Trial Reporting Guidelines: Karen's free Gender and the Media online course: Book- #MeToo, Feminism and Weinstein: Zero Tolerance Guideline