Think Create Grow
How To Last Long Term in The Fitness Industry | Quick Wins With COM Episode 77
25/11/2019Do you want to stay in the fitness industry for the long term? Then you need to know It’s not about the exercise! If you have been in the industry for 2+ years you’re probably realizing that to continue in the fitness industry you need something more than just how to exercise and how to…
How To Make The Right Moves In The Fitness Industry With Ty Menzies | Industry Change Episode 23
21/11/2019In this week’s episode of Industry Change I chat with Ty Menzies the CEO of LIFT Brands. Ty has had over 15 years of experience in this industry with a background of owning independent clubs, franchises and is now the CEO of LIFT Brands with over 300 locations across the Asia-pacific. We also want to…
How To Stand Out Among The Competition | Quick Wins With COM Episode 76
18/11/2019Did you know Richard started out as a personal trainer at the age of 17? At the time being a Personal Trainer was very new, so the goal was to educate people about what a PT was. Now everyone knows what a PT is, so as a PT you just need to understand how you…
How to Get the Most Out of Social Media | Quick Wins With COM Episode 75
21/10/2019Whether you are a gym owner, personal trainer or studio owner, everyone has a story to tell. If you tell this story well you can attract potential clients and make sales! You need to make people go: I know who you are, I know your story and I’m interested in buying off you. Recently Richard…
How to Make Your Business Stand Out?| Quick Wins With COM Episode 74
14/10/2019What is your business’ point of difference? Do you stand out in your customer service, events, community or programs? Is your uniqueness something you are showcasing? In this episode of QWWC Richard is in Christchurch, he is visiting a lot of different fitness and wellness locations in New Zealand. He noticed a lot of things…
Getting Your Content Out | Quick Wins With COM Episode 73
11/10/2019The fitness industry is very competitive and we often have many people asking, how can I attract more clients? The answer is clear – Get your content out there! Put your content on any and every social media platform to showcase your business. So now you’re asking – How do I do this? Create your…
Why The Latest Instagram Hack WON’T Grow Your Fitness Business|Quick Wins Episode 72
20/06/2019What does it take to level up in your marketing in 2019? Plenty of fitness business owners are playing the short game in business. And why not? The short game gets you leads now. But at what cost? And when you stop paying – the leads stop. In 2019 levelling up in your marketing requires…
How To Create Content For Your Fitness Business (& Save Money) – Quick Wins With COM Ep 71
13/06/2019Video seems to be one of those things you either love or hate. Some people LOVE to be in front of the camera, most people hate it. But this alarming statistic remains – as of 2019, 80% of internet consumption is video content. Which means if you’re not in the video content game, you’re falling…
How To Become An ‘Overnight’ Success | Quick Wins With COM Ep 70
05/06/2019 Duration: 02minDo you ever look at other successful businesses and just think ‘wow! They’ve made it.’ Often they look like an overnight success, but the reality is far from that. It’s taken years, hard work, late nights, education, and so much more layering to build that ‘overnight’ success. Nothing great ever comes easy and we live…
Niche Down To Scale Up | Quick Wins With COM Episode 69
09/05/2019Niching is a funny topic. It really doesn’t make sense. How can limiting your audience cause you to be able to reach MORE people? But that’s exactly what choosing a niche can do for your business – it can be the catalyst for some serious scale in your business. Niche Down to Scale Up Being…
The ONE BIG MISTAKE Most Fitness Businesses Are Making With Partnerships – Quick Wins with COM Ep 68
26/03/2019No doubt as you’ve grown your business, someone has mentioned to you that you should look into a joint venture of partnership. Common partnerships for Fitness Businesses can be doctors or allied health professionals. On the surface, it seems like a good idea and start off positive. But quite often they can decline quickly when…
Stop Competing And Find Your Position Of Power Instead | QWWC Ep 67
22/03/2019Competition in business will always exist – but what if you could ensure that you never had to compete again? Just a long line of leads and clients who know, like and trust you. It’s actually possible, when you are marketing from your Position of Power. What is a Position Of Power? Your position of…
How To Get 3-5 new Clients In the next 7 days With Zero Marketing Budget | QWWC Ep 66
14/03/2019 Duration: 06sWhen you need leads you need leads right? While we wholeheartedly believe in the long game here at COM, we also recognise that sometimes you just need to get some leads in the door. That’s why we’ve designed a series of Cash Injection Strategies starting with this one: The Announcement Method. The strategy will show…
Breakthrough The Fear To Grow Your Business | QWWC Ep 65
22/02/2019 Duration: 04minEvery next level of your business requires something different from you. What got you to where you are now is not going to be OK to get you to your next level. Whether that is going from outdoor training, to in a gym, or maybe opening up a new facility or going into a larger…
The alarming mistake you’re probably making right now if you’re thinking of scaling your fitness business anytime in the future
06/12/2018So you’ve built a sweet little fitness studio or gym but you’ve reached a ceiling. You just can’t fit anymore people into your sessions or your space and now you know you have to scale somehow. There’s so many different ways you can scale your business. Either buying a larger property, opening multiple locations, hiring…
3 Ways To Up Your Content Game – Quick Wins With COM Ep 63
23/10/2018 Duration: 02minContent – right? Everyone says you need to do it, but how do you fit it in, make it quality and have it attract exactly the right kind of person? Using your PT sessions to capture video and images is a good idea and great for quick snaps on Instagram stories. But if you really…
The Secret Page On Your Website That Will 10x Your Conversions – Quick Wins with COM Ep 62
05/10/2018 Duration: 04min What if I told you that you are probably missing out on converting leads because you are not utilising one of the most important pages on your website? Would you want to know what page that is? There’s one page that almost all of our potential contacts visit and that is the thank you…
Systems To Scale Up Your Fitness Business With Chris Muddell of Employsure | Industry Change Episode 16
28/09/2018The one thing that we see can hold personal trainers back from scaling their business is the fear around hiring staff and employees. So today on Industry Change Richard talks to Chris Muddell from Employsure about the best way to manage new staff and compliance in your business. Chris is a BDM at Employsure and…
The Secret To Retaining Clients In Your Gym – Quick Wins With Com Ep 61
13/07/2018You have set up your social media, you have paid for your Facebook ads, and now you go through the waiting game of gaining leads. But the real aspect you should be focusing on is generating quality leads. Today we have Richard Toutounji, CEO, and Founder of COM Marketing, in the gym talking about how…
5 Reasons Cashies Will Make You Broke – Quick Wins With Com Ep 60
11/07/2018 A business involves many components and one of the most important ones is the cash flow. Today on Quick Wins we are going to be talking about why using cash could destroy your business as a personal trainer. What is the job of a personal trainer? They are there to train clients and make…