An Audio Show About Pop-Culture
Episode 205: Drinking and Answers
18/10/2020 Duration: 02h15minOur annual tradition of nonsense questions and beer continues.Hosts: Jim, Sam, Scott Sh’notes:BearSuperman Smashes the KlanAscendance of a BookwormGrand River Pumpkin HighballerFlying Monkeys The Mutants are RevoltingThe People’s Pint Gose CuervoCalabogie Bleep BloopSawdust City Everyday MagicKame and Kettle SchwarzbierKame and...Read more
Episode 204: Needs More Dance Battles – Sakura Wars
07/09/2020 Duration: 31minA franchise that has almost succeeded three times now.Hosts: Sam and Scott Sh’notes:SPONSOR: Humble ChoiceCat QuestFriendly Neighborhood Spider-ManSakura Warskoi koi Music Credits:Intro: Punk Rock OperaOutro: Lobo Loco
Episode 203: What Even is Adulthood – Fooly Cooly
16/08/2020 Duration: 01h12minOld-school show, old-school hosts for a discussion of teen ennui, adulting versus adulthood, and a lot of anime. Hosts: David, David, and Scott
Episode 202: Doofuses Part 2 – Gundam: Build Divers: Re:RISE
03/08/2020 Duration: 27minIt’s an MMO inside an MMO that’s actually not an MMO – with Gundams that feel less relevant each series.Hosts: Dan and Scott Sh’notes;USPSLetterkennySPONSOR: Humble ChoiceBuild Divers: Re:RISE Music Credits:Intro: Punk Rock OperaOutro: Lobo Loco
Episode 201: Everybody’s Psychic, Everybody’s a War Criminal – Gundam NT
19/07/2020 Duration: 01h09minTwo things: there’s a new line of master grade model kits and the new unicorn spinoff is weirder than anyone planned.Hosts: Dan, Jeff, Jim and Scott Shn’otes:SPONSOR: Humble ChoiceKarenVideo Game DifficultyLast of Us 2TERFsHoffbrau Wheat beerBob’s Burger’s Burger BookWarhammer 40KMGEX...Read more
Episode 200: …Ipsos Custodes? – Watchmen
10/05/2020 Duration: 01h01minThis was a pleasant surprise of a tv show.Hosts: Justin and Scott Shnotes:SPONSOR: Humble ChoiceObituarist IIIFallout: New VegasSpice & WolfThe Watchmen Music Credits:Intro: Punk Rock OperaOutro: Lobo Loco
Episode 199: We’re all Three Kids in a Trench Coat – Bojack Horseman
26/04/2020 Duration: 01h16minNetflix, backers of Fuller House, breaks down messed up people in a messed up place. Hosts: Jim and Scott Sh’notes:SPONSOR: Humble ChoiceQuake ChampionsFinal Fantasy 12Bojack Horseman Music Credits:Intro: Punk Rock OperaOutro: Lobo Loco
Episode 198: The Quarantine Grab Bag
12/04/2020 Duration: 01h16minWe’ve all got some time to kill, here’s some ideas as to how. Hosts: Jim, Krissy, Sam and Scott Sh’notes:Telling LiesThe Faceless Old Woman that Secretly Lives in your HomeDOOM 64Acorn TVTerrace HouseJames May in JapanThe Avant-GuardsChio’s School Road72 Most...Read more
Episode 197: It’s All About the Wizard Baby – The Mandalorian
01/03/2020 Duration: 02h01minWell, that was a pleasant surprise. Hosts: Dan, Jeff, Jim, Krissy, and Scott
Episode 196: So That Was…Fine – Rise of Skywalker
09/02/2020 Duration: 01h34minTime for a Star War. #SheevThePalpatineThatFucksHosts: Dan, Jeff, Jim, and Scott Sh’notes:Mortal Kombat 11PicardSuper Robot Wars TStar Wars: ResistanceDragon Ball Z: KakarotRise of SkywalkerReally That Good: Star WarsSPONSOR: Humble Choice Music Credits:Intro: Punk Rock OperaOutro: Lobo Loco
Episode 195: Half-Remembered Realms – D&D Settings
27/01/2020 Duration: 01h17minIn the spirit of our previous D&D List episode, we riff on lesser known campaign settings. Hosts: Jim, Justin and Scott Sh’notes:X-MenMidsommarThe Good PlaceJedi: Fallen OrderWe know more about D&D than Rob BrickenBirthrightCouncil of WormsDragon FistMalatraMazticaGhostwalkJakandorSPONSOR: Humble ChoiceMystaraPelinoreMasque of the...Read more
Episode 194: Dumb but Right – Aquaman and Shazam
01/12/2019 Duration: 01h09minSo maybe Warner Bros got it right…by virtue of projects not ‘mattering’ enough to get notes. Hosts: Dan, Jeff, and Scott Sh’notes:Glamourist HistoriesFrozen SkyDeath StrandingSPONSOR: Humble MonthlyAquamanRefrigerator MonologuesShazam!the TTC Music Credits:Intro: Punk Rock OperaOutro: Lobo Loco
Episode 193: Drinking and Messing Around
30/10/2019 Duration: 01h56minOur annual beer tasting is paired with a game of would you rather. Hosts: Jim, Sam, and Scott Sh’notes:Harvest DoraemonGrimoire of Souls #fuckkonamiDOOM 2099Extra LifeBruery Terreux Frucht Raspberry Knucklebone IPABlack Swan’s Pointless ForestBobcaygeon FoliageShakespeare PumpkinMill Street Chocolate Blossom Nicklebrook Glory...Read more
Episode 192: Did Anyone Tell Them There was an Ending? – Game of Thrones
01/10/2019 Duration: 01h17min -
Episode 191: Really Well-Thought-Out Stupid Fan Service – Super Robot Wars
31/08/2019 Duration: 01h09minIt’s funny how a silly little thing like making all the toys in the box fight each other can turn into something really satisfying.Hosts: Jim and Scott Shnote’s: Some Snow Boarding MMOSPONSOR: Humble MonthlyFriday the 13thLetterkennyHamlet: the Manga (wayback machine)Super...Read more
Episode 190: Cool Super Robot Homage and Then Some Boring Stuff That Showed Up Late – Mech Cadet Yu and
21/07/2019 Duration: 27minIn a rare double-header episode, we go through a too brief comic book series and a too little too late anime sequel.Hosts: Sam and Scott Sh’notes:Paramore: After LaughterThe Anthropocene ReviewedSponsor: Humble MonthlyMech Cadet YuFull Metal Panic: Invisible Victory Music Credits:Intro: Kaz...Read more
Episode 189: Just Roll the Servers Back a Month and Write an Apology – Gundam Build Divers
16/06/2019 Duration: 01h05minI think the root of our disappointment in this comes from the prologue episode leading us to believe this was an e-sports show and not an mmo show. Or it may be that it was bad at being an mmo...Read more
Episode 188: Blazing Sword – Voltron Seasons 7&8
02/06/2019 Duration: 39minVoltron comes to a close with some cool stuff, some not so cool stuff and a potential sequel about those Armored Fleet Dairugger XV guys. Hosts: Dan, Jeff, and Scott Sh’notes:Sponsor: Humble MonthlyMortal Kombat 11John Wick 3DauntlessVoltron: Legendary Defender Music...Read more
Episode 187: Spoilers, for reals – MCU ’18 & ’19
21/05/2019 Duration: 56minBack into it with Marvel on the big screen and the third screen. Hosts: Dan, Jeff, and Scott Sh’notes:Stanley Cup Hockey – Da BluesStar Wars at the SymphonyBus EtiquetteAnt-Man and the WaspCaptain MarvelAvengers: EndgameLuke CageIron FistDaredevilPunisherSponsor Music Credits:Intro: Kaz MirbloukOutro: Arne Bang...Read more
Episode 186: Choose Your Own Feelings – Telltale Games
05/05/2019 Duration: 43minWe come not to praise Telltale Games, but to bury them. May their better ideas carry on into other narrative games. Hosts: Sam and Scott Sh’notes:Dragon Quest XIThe WireTelltale GamesOur Walking Dead EpisodeChaos Theater: Game ClubLife is StrangeNight in the...Read more