An Audio Show About Pop-Culture
Episode 13: The Awards Show Show - I Thought They Smelled Bad on the Outside - ITTSBOTOcast
19/02/2011 Duration: 01h07minHosts: Sam, Jeff and Scott we go over the media of 2010 and separate the best from the worst. sh’notes: Ar Tonelico: Qoga: Knell en Ciel Zone of the Enders: The second Runner Dragonball Z Abridged (DODGE!) Anime St. Louis...Read more
Episode 12: Women in Games - I Thought They Smelled Bad on the Outside - ITTSBOTOcast
05/02/2011Two ladies from talk about the portrayal of women in video games. Scott occasionally gets a word in edgewise. Hosts: Sam, Becky and Scott Sh’notes. Dog t-shirt with our logo RIFT RIFTS Alcatraz versus the Evil Librarians rutabaga game...Read more
Epsiode 11: Picks from the Funnybooks - I Thought They Smelled Bad on the Outside - ITTSBOTOcast
22/01/2011 Duration: 01h07minThree geeks gather to speak about comics they have read, and you should probably read as well. Spoilers HO! Also, dirk reveals his plan to to put pennies into space…for some reason. Hosts: Jeff, Dirk, and Scott Sh’notes: Dog jacket...Read more
Episode 10: Battle of the Bands – Beatles vs Rolling Stones - I Thought They Smelled Bad on the Outside - ITTSBOTOcast
08/01/2011 Duration: 47minTwo music geeks square off to decide who is awesomest. Considering neither of us is a 15 year old girl, you might be able to guys how this debate goes. Hosts: Scott, other Scott, and Simon (other Scott’s cat) Sh’notes:...Read more
Episode 9: The Christmas Special Special - I Thought They Smelled Bad on the Outside - ITTSBOTOcast
24/12/2010 Duration: 50minHosts: Dylan, Lindsey, Sam and Scott Sh’notes: 3 year old nephew (not sam’s but it was like that) labyrinth bowie bowie’s junk (once you see it you can’t think about anything else the man has done) gamma world reboot on...Read more
Episode 8: Does New Anime Suck? - I Thought They Smelled Bad on the Outside - ITTSBOTOcast
09/12/2010 Duration: 01h05minHosts: Scott, Jeff the Defender of Destiny and Sam the Defender of Beyblade. In which we determine once and for all whether or not new anime sucks. Sh’notes: Sam reviews Rune Factory 3 Need for Speed – Hot Pursuit Desert...Read more
Holiday Greetings - I Thought They Smelled Bad on the Outside - ITTSBOTOcast
05/12/2010 Duration: 01minDownload Audio Just me feeling festive. Yes, all the holidays I named are real and do take place in December.
Episode 7: It’s a Wizard Thing – Dresden Files - I Thought They Smelled Bad on the Outside - ITTSBOTOcast
25/11/2010 Duration: 01h25minHosts: Scott, Chris, David an animator, a mecha anime expert, and a tabletop gaming journalist talk about the dresden files series of novels by Jim Butcher…maybe I need to re-evaluate my expert selection criteria beyond whoever has free time… Sh’notes:...Read more
Episode 6: Never Split the Party – Pathfinder - I Thought They Smelled Bad on the Outside - ITTSBOTOcast
11/11/2010 Duration: 01h38minHosts: Alistair, Glen, Tim, and Scott Scott gathers his gaming group to review Pathfinder, The rise of the Runelords adventure path, argue about 4th edition, and have a bizarre tangent about the new Clone Wars cartoon. Sh’notes: Pathfinder Adventure Paths...Read more
Episode 5: The Goddamned Podcast – Batman - I Thought They Smelled Bad on the Outside - ITTSBOTOcast
04/11/2010 Duration: 01h32minHosts: Jeff, Sam, and Scott In which we discuss batman for a great length of time. Sh’notes: Dragon Ball Z: Abridged Soul Bro Ryu GenCon Ball and Chain Shirt Bunny Drop Marvel Oz Fallout: New Vegas WoW widows Batman: No...Read more
Episode 4: Gunpla Addicts Anonymous - I Thought They Smelled Bad on the Outside - ITTSBOTOcast
21/10/2010 Duration: 01h13minHosts: Scott and Jeff Scott and Jeff ramble about music pollution, Canadian culture and the plastic model kit hobby. Sh’notes: Jeff’s Youtube Page Trigun Brasserie Dieu du Ciel Anime North silver snail Anime eXtreme Anime Central Yonge and Dundas Square...Read more
Episode 3: Arcade Network Ware Smells Bad on the Outside - I Thought They Smelled Bad on the Outside - ITTSBOTOcast
07/10/2010 Duration: 01h17minHosts: Scott, Sam, Jeff, and Krissy Discussion of downloadable games in general plus quickie reviews of a whole bunch of titles. Sam stole moderator chair from me about halfway through, not that I’m bitter. Sh’notes: Jeff’s Youtube Page Scott...Read more
Episode 2: Avatar the Last Showkiller - I Thought They Smelled Bad on the Outside - ITTSBOTOcast
23/09/2010 Duration: 01h43minHosts: Scott, Sam, and Matt Review of both Avatar the Last Airbender (the series), The Last Airbender (the movie), speculation on Legend of Korra, and some random fanboyism over Paul Dini. Sh’notes Aphelion Recettear Eden of the East Funimation’s...Read more
Episode 1: Scott pilgrim vs the Podcast - I Thought They Smelled Bad on the Outside - ITTSBOTOcast
09/09/2010Hosts: Scott, Sam and other Scott Review and discussion of the Scott Pilgrim franchise. Sh’notes: Loading Ready Run Shamus Young Josh Jackson at Comic-Con