An Audio Show About Pop-Culture
Episode 185: So Much Goddamned Failure – Star Trek Voyager
07/04/2019 Duration: 02h06minParamount finally gets their own TV Network with their very own Star Trek as a flagship for the whole thing. And it misses everything. Everything. Hosts: Jim and Scott Sh’notes:SPONSOR: Humble MonthlyHumble PiePollenMarvel Puzzle QuestStar Trek Voyager7 wordsArachnophobia Music Credits:Intro: Kaz...Read more
Episode 184: Heavy on Theme, Smart as hell on Editing – Edgar Wright’s Blood and Ice Cream Trilogy
25/03/2019 Duration: 01h05minEdgar Wright is just plain great at his job(s). It’s easy to forget that, but we remind ourselves of that fact in this review. Hosts: Justin and Scott Sh’notes:LeitmotifLovecraft LetterGreen LanternsSpacedShaun of the DeadHot FuzzThe World’s EndBaby Driver Music Credits:Intro: Kaz...Read more
Episode 183: Turtle Power – Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Episode 183: Turtle Power - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
10/03/2019 Duration: 51minWe do another one of our super broad retrospective episodes; this time interrogating childhood nostalgia surrounding a quartet of terrapin martial artists named for renaissance artists.But what the hell was M.A.S.K.? Hosts: Dan and Scott Shn’otes:sfdebrisAlita: Battle AngelDragonball Super Broly...Read more
Episode 182: Who Pumps Batman’s Tires? – Overthinking DC Comics
04/02/2019 Duration: 01h25minWe go far afield to explain what should not be explained in a complex world of time travel and hyper-intelligent apes. Hosts: Jim and Scott Sh’notes:SPONSORCrisis on Infinite EarthsBatman: White KnightSupergodsDC Comics Music Credits:Intro: Kaz MirbloukOutro: Arne Bang Huseby
Episode 181: The Games that were of 2018
20/01/2019 Duration: 01h31min2018 was a heck of year for very large games, so we have heck an extra large panel to take it apart, expect robots, vikings, and sadness. Hosts: Dan, Jeff, Thomas, Sam, and Scott Sh’notes: Sponsor Humble Monthly get some...Read more
Episode 180: Methadone for Dresden – The Iron Druid Chronicles
12/12/2018 Duration: 40minIt’s kinda like Jim butcher, but not as good; but it’s got a talking dog and it releases more often. Call it a wash. Hosts: Sam and Scott Sh’notes:Sponsor: Humble MonthlySeven Husbands of Evelyn HugoThe Golem and the DjinniIron DruidDresden...Read more
Episode 179: Art and Improvisation – Solo and New Thrawn Novels
27/11/2018 Duration: 46minCatching up with the smaller bits of Star Wars with Solo and some new novels starring everyone’s favourite blue admiral. Hosts: Dan, Jeff, and Scott Sh’notes: The Black Rock Grill The Tetris Effect Black Books The Previous Ten Thrawn Novels...Read more
Episode 178: Consistently Mostly Pretty Okay – CW DC-Verse
08/11/2018 Duration: 52minDC TV just keeps getting bigger, not better, but much bigger. Let’s unpack all our thoughts about how the fare. Hosts: Justin and Scott Sh’notes: Extra Life SPONSOR: Humble Monthly Wolfenstein New Colossus (PS it was Reagan, but in this timeline...Read more
Episode 177: Questions and Beer
21/10/2018 Duration: 01h04minWe learn lessons, and ramble about nothing as we go through beers. Hosts: Jim, Sam and Scott phantom of the paradise murderbot diaries martha wells spider-man ps4 longslice brewery Jeff Kavanaugh Beau’s Brewing Forked River & Sawdust City Great Lakes...Read more
Episode 176: thing to the thing – Voltron Seasons 4, 5 & 6
20/08/2018 Duration: 50minVoltron is back and so are we, well Sam is new. But let’s catch up with the Lions of Netflix and some missed opportunities and a trip to the realm of the imagination. Hosts: Dan, Sam and Scott Shn’otes: Coming...Read more
Episode 175: Gundam-ish Shorts
02/08/2018 Duration: 45minWe catch up on some Gundam from the past year, but not the stuff that isn’t finished yet or the stuff that didn’t launch on streaming services at time of recording. This year is tricky pickings. Hosts: Jeff and Scott...Read more
Episode 174: Lobster, Mech & Cheese – Pacific Rim Uprising
09/07/2018 Duration: 33minSummer of Mecha Launches for 2018 with a Chinese-American co-production, set in Japan, filmed in Australia, created by a Mexican starting a British man. huzzah for globalism. Hosts: Jim, Sam and Scott Sh’notes: SPONSOR: Humble Monthly Check, Please! Darkest Dungeon:...Read more
Episode 173: So many Purple Men – Marvel Movies Q1&Q2 ’18 - I Thought They Smelled Bad on the Outside - ITTSBOTOcast
14/06/2018 Duration: 01h21sThe Marvel Catch-up special rears it head again in for us to talk Black Panther, Avengers, Jessica Jones and Deadpool hosts: Dan, Jeff, and Scott Sh’notes EA@E3 Dresden Files: Brief Cases The Black Panther SPONSOR: Humble Monthly Avengers: Infinity War...Read more
Episode 172: It’s Just the Same Show; But it’s got a Blue Villain – Star Wars Rebels Seasons 3 and 4 - I Thought They Smelled Bad on the Outside - ITTSBOTOcast
16/05/2018 Duration: 36minRebels finishes up it’s own series, by leaving a bunch of things dangling for the next series and running around with characters from the last series and the live action movie that came out around the same time. Hosts: Jeff...Read more
Special: Marvel Cinematic Universe Recap - I Thought They Smelled Bad on the Outside - ITTSBOTOcast
26/04/2018 Duration: 58minOn the occasion of a new Avengers film we help you get up to speed with ten years and eighteen other movies before going to see it. Hosts: Gingivitis Kumquat Van Buren and One-Eyed Zeke Sh’notes: List of MCU movies...Read more
Episode 171: Kids on Bikes Mostly Save the Day – Stranger Things - I Thought They Smelled Bad on the Outside - ITTSBOTOcast
14/04/2018 Duration: 46minStephen King meets Spielberg’s Suburban Gothic now available on The Internet. Hosts: Dan, Sam, and Scott Sh’notes: Rouge River Spring Pale Ready Player One Sponsored by Humble Monthly Stuff I Never Knew Stranger Things Shout Factory Intro: The Tall Pines Outro: Alpha...Read more
Episode 170: The Power of Maybe – Moon Knight - I Thought They Smelled Bad on the Outside - ITTSBOTOcast
25/03/2018 Duration: 01h05minMoon Knight’s been kicking around for a few decades, and there’s only been a brief period of that time that it was good, perse; but when it’s good it very very good. Hosts: Jim and Scott Sh’notes: Twitchamajig Arkham Horror...Read more
Episode 169: There’s Improbable and There’s Uncontrivable – The BBC’s Sherlock - I Thought They Smelled Bad on the Outside - ITTSBOTOcast
08/03/2018 Duration: 53minA Doctor and a crew of lovable whackos run around England saving the day, not The Doctor mind you, also its yet another adaptation of the Sherlock Holmes stories. Hosts: Jeff and Scott Sh’notes: Overwatch Black Panther Sherlock Intro: The Tall...Read more
Episode 168: Failure and Space Wizards – The Last Jedi - I Thought They Smelled Bad on the Outside - ITTSBOTOcast
17/02/2018 Duration: 01h04minFinally. We get to the new Star Wars movie reviewed. There’s some salt Hosts: Alex, Dan, Jeff, and Scott Sh’notes: Monty Python and the Holy Grail Peter Parker: the Spectacular Spider-man Monster Hunter World Heroes of the Storm Star Wars:...Read more
Episode 167: Rip and Tear – DOOM - I Thought They Smelled Bad on the Outside - ITTSBOTOcast
31/01/2018 Duration: 57minDOOM! The Shooter what made the genre gets its episode. Hosts: Jim and Scott Sh’notes: Dragonball FighterZ West of Loathing DOOM ItrunsDOOM blog DOOM II Doom the comic book the worst story ever told DOOM64 DOOM 3 DOOM The Doom...Read more