Hey Oa

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 16:22:50
  • More information



On this podcast, we talk about all things osteoarthritis research - from careers in the field to noteworthy science to groundbreaking policy, clinical insights, conference recaps and more through interviews with prominent individuals in the field. This podcast is hosted by Kerry Costello, a young investigator, communications committee member and current Ph.D. student.


  • HeyOA037: Have we oversold the benefits of exercise for osteoarthritis?

    14/12/2023 Duration: 01h01min

    This special episode was recorded live during the OARSI Rehabilitation Discussion Group's journal club on October 9th, 2023. Drs. Mel Holden, Martin Englund, David Hunter, and Miriam Hattle discuss the publication "Moderators of the effect of therapeutic exercise for knee and hip osteoarthritis: a systematic review and individual participant data meta-analysis" by Holden and colleagues. Publication: https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanrhe/article/PIIS2665-9913(23)00122-4/fulltext OARSI Rehab discussion group: https://oarsi.org/membership/discussion-groups#Rehab

  • HeyOA036: Genetics, families, and zebrafish with Dr. Mick Jurynec, University of Utah, USA

    12/04/2022 Duration: 28min

    Dr. Mick Jurynec from the University of Utah explains what we can learn about the role of genetics in osteoarthritis from families that have multiple relatives affected by osteoarthritis and from model organisms like zebrafish. For more information visit: juryneclab.org. This episode was edited by Dr. Jade He.

  • HeyOA035: OARSI Clinical Trials Symposium

    11/10/2021 Duration: 16min

    Key stakeholders discuss the motivation for the OARSI Clinical Trials Symposium and what to expect for this year's event in October 2021. Learn more and register at: https://oarsi.org/2021-clinical-trials-symposium

  • HeyOA034: The role of adipose tissue in OA with Dr. Kelsey Collins, Washington University in St. Louis, USA

    06/05/2021 Duration: 30min

    Dr. Kelsey Collins, a postdoctoral researcher at Washington University in St. Louis, USA, discusses the findings of her recent publication in PNAS, titled 'Adipose tissue is a critical regulator of osteoarthritis', including the unique mouse model used and what this tells us about the role of fat tissue in OA. https://www.pnas.org/content/118/1/e2021096118/tab-article-info

  • HeyOA033: Online OA management programmes with the Joint Effort Initiative

    09/03/2021 Duration: 20min

    Researchers from Keele University discuss their work developing a repository of online osteoarthritis management programmes in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Dr. Krysia Dziedzic, Dr. Jonathan Quicke, Laura Campbell, and Dr. Laura Swaithes undertook this work as part of the Joint Effort Initiative Implementation subgroup. Learn more at: https://www.keele.ac.uk/pcsc/research/impactacceleratorunit/oamps/

  • HeyOA032: Hand OA with Dr. Ida Haugen, Diakonhjemmet Hospital, Oslo, Norway

    02/02/2021 Duration: 17min

    Dr. Ida Haugen, MD, PhD, discusses osteoarthritis of the hand. Find more on twitter @IdaBosHaugen or at https://revmabloggen.com (in Norwegian).

  • HeyOA031: OARSI in 2020 with OARSI president, Ali Mobasheri, A.R.C.S. (Hons.), D.Phil. (Oxon.)

    15/07/2020 Duration: 30min

    Following the cancellation of the 2020 World Congress on Osteoarthritis, OARSI president Dr. Ali Mobasheri discusses how OARSI is adapting to the COVID-19 pandemic, including the introduction of new initiatives and programs and planning for the future. Find out more at oarsi.org.

  • HeyOA030: Samantha Bunzli, BPhty, PhD, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia

    02/03/2020 Duration: 21min

    Dr. Samantha Bunzli, PhD, a physiotherapist and post-doctoral researcher at the University of Melbourne discusses qualitative research in osteoarthritis and other musculoskeletal conditions. For more info on Dr. Bunzli’s research and qualitative research in general, see: https://journals.lww.com/clinorthop/Fulltext/2019/09000/Editor_s_Spotlight_Take_5__Misconceptions_and_the.2.aspx https://opus-tjr.org.au/ http://www.lowbackpaincommunication.com/

  • HeyOA029: Jonathan Bjerre-Bastos, MD, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark

    31/10/2019 Duration: 19min

    Dr. Jonathan Bjerre-Bastos, MD, current PhD student at the University of Copenhagen, and OARSI Young Investigator Award Winner, discusses measuring biomarkers to understand the effects of physical activity on joint health.

  • HeyOA028: Ali Mobasheri, A.R.C.S. (Hons.), D.Phil. (Oxon.), State Research Institute Centre for Innovative Medicine, Vilnius, Lithuania, OARSI President

    27/09/2019 Duration: 28min

    Dr. Ali Mobasheri, current OARSI president and Professor, Project Leader, and Senior Research Scientist in the Department of Regenerative Medicine at the State Research Institute Centre for Innovative Medicine in Vilnius, Lithuania, discusses his research in Lithuania, Finland, and the UK, how his experiences as an OA patient, journal editor, reviewer, and instructor fit into his career, and his plans for the further internationalization of OARSI. More information can be at the following websites: https://www.oarsi.org/about/board-directors https://www.linkedin.com/in/ali-mobasheri-68009712/ http://www.imcentras.lt/research-council/department-of-regenerative-medicine/ http://www.approachproject.eu/about/governance http://www.sportsarthritisresearchuk.org/centre-staff/partners.aspx

  • HeyOA027: Penny Campbell, BASc, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia

    22/08/2019 Duration: 28min

    Ms. Penny Campbell, research trial coordinator at the Centre for Health, Exercise and Sports Medicine within the Department of Physiotherapy at The University of Melbourne in Australia, shares her expertise in conducting clinical trials (particularly randomized controlled trials) and discusses things to consider when setting up a trial of your own. More information about Ms. Campbell’s work can be found at: https://healthsciences.unimelb.edu.au/departments/physiotherapy/about-us/chesm and https://www.facebook.com/CHESMunimelb/

  • HeyOA026: Soren Skou, PT, MSc, PhD, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark

    29/07/2019 Duration: 32min

    Dr. Søren T. Skou, Associate Professor at the University of Southern Denmark and head of a multiprofessional research group at Næstved-Slagelse-Ringsted Hospitals, discusses exercise therapy for individuals with osteoarthritis and the success of the Good Life with osteoArthritis in Denmark (GLA:D®) program, which has now spread to multiple countries. Find Dr. Skou on twitter @stskou and find more information about GLA:D at: https://www.glaid.dk/english.html (Denmark), https://gladcanada.ca/ (Canada), https://gladaustralia.com.au/ (Australia), http://www.gladschweiz.ch/ (Switzerland)

  • HeyOA025: Henning Madry, MD, Saarland University, Saarland, Germany

    24/06/2019 Duration: 22min

    Prof. Dr. Henning Madry, an MD, tenured professor, and Director of the Center of Experimental Orthopaedics at Saarland University in Germany, describes the new OARSI-affiliated journal Osteoarthritis and Cartilage Open and how his background in both basic science research and as a clinician prepared him to serve as the journal’s editor. More information about Prof. Madry’s research can be found at www.uks.eu/ieo and about the journal (including contact information) at www.journals.elsevier.com/osteoarthritis-and-cartilage-open.

  • HeyOA024: OARSI 2019 with program chair Tuhina Neogi, MD, PhD

    29/04/2019 Duration: 15min

    Dr. Tuhina Neogi, program chair for the 2019 OARSI World Congress on Osteoarthritis, previews the upcoming conference.

  • HeyOA023: Jill Halstead, PhD, FFPM, RCPS(Glas), University of Leeds, Leeds, UK

    22/03/2019 Duration: 32min

    Dr. Jill Halstead, a clinical academic podiatrist who works in the National Health Service and is a visiting research fellow affiliated to the University of Leeds in the UK, talks everything you want to know about osteoarthritis of the foot. If you are interested in more about foot OA, you can follow Jill on twitter @HalsteadDr and check out the International Foot and Ankle OA Consortium discussion group meeting at OARSI 2019.

  • HeyOA022: Jeroen Geurts, PhD, University Hospital of Basel, Basel, Switzerland

    22/02/2019 Duration: 22min

    Dr. Jeroen Geurts, head of biomolecular osteoarthritis research at the departments of orthopaedic and spine surgery and biomedical engineering at the University Hospital of Basel in Switzerland talks about OA of the spine, bone marrow, creating ex vivo models of OA from surgical specimens, the potential of osteoimmunology in OA, and the importance of networking. You can find out more on twitter @OA_Lab_Basel or at https://www.mdpi.com/1422-0067/19/5/1314/xml.

  • HeyOA021: My-Linh Luong, MSPH, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia

    14/01/2019 Duration: 26min

    Ms. My-Linh Luong, a health behavior researcher and PhD candidate at the Centre for Health, Exercise, and Sports Medicine at the University of Melbourne in Melbourne, Australia shares her experience of working on her PhD outside of her home country. You can find her on twitter @mylinhluong

  • HeyOA020: Anthony Gatti, MSc, McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada

    18/12/2018 Duration: 27min

    Mr. Anthony Gatti, a PhD candidate in the School of Rehabilitation Science at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, talks about machine learning, the challenges of analyzing magnetic resonance imaging data, and what it’s like to start your own company while you are still in school. You can find out more about his work at www.neuralseg.com or catch up with him on twitter @sportmedgeek.

  • HeyOA019: Frank Beier, PhD, University of Western Ontario, London, ON, Canada

    15/11/2018 Duration: 21min

    Dr. Frank Beier, a professor and chair of physiology and pharmacology at the University of Western Ontario, discusses the links between genetics, biology, and OA, including how skeletal and cartilage development can provide clues to osteoarthritis, links between mechanics and biology, and how the same pathways can act in different ways in aging versus surgical models of osteoarthritis. You can find out more about Dr. Beier’s work at http://uwo.ca/physpharm/beier or follow him on twitter @BeierLab.

  • HeyOA018: Elise Laende, PhD, Nova Scotia Health Authority, Halifax, NS, Canada

    18/10/2018 Duration: 26min

    Dr. Elise Laende, a research manager in the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery at the Nova Scotia Health Authority (and recent PhD graduate), discusses how to use radiostereometric analysis (RSA) to monitor total knee arthroplasty (TKA) implant migration, the importance of collecting long-term outcome data, and sex differences in TKA. Find out more about RSA at http://www.canadianrsanetwork.com and http://radiostereometry.org. Dr. Laende’s blog, the Evidence-based Feminist and the link to the “standard patient” research article that she mentioned can be found at http://evidencebasedfeminist.blogspot.com.

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