Less than 150 Brazilians or 0.00001 percent of the national population completed the challenge that our author Sara Velloso concluded between 2011 and 2019. She ran the six...
The sales market is constantly evolving, with increasingly demanding customers and ever-tougher competition. The only salespeople who stand out are the most qualified ones—the...
Have you ever stopped to think that many children are unaware of old photos, traditional games, and never made a collection of elements from nature, such as shells or pebbles?...
There are three pillars forming the prosperity triangle:- Emotional and physical balance;- Balanced and financial freedom;- Living your purpose in life.As with an equilateral...
A success in Brazil, now also available in English for salesmen, entrepreneurs and managers.In this book you'll find powerful questions that will help you sell far more and serve...
William, son of Hector, a successful businessman in the food trade and distribution business. Pampered and accustomed to doing just what he wants, has lived abroad for a few years...
Cuando pensé en escribir este libro, me inspiré en todas las personas que quieren marcar una diferencia en su vida profesional, sea cual fuere.La profesión de las ventas es una...
Um livro que mergulha na tarefa mais crucial que todos enfrentamos: aprender a nos amar e desenvolver a autoestima. Esta obra inspiradora revela que o amor-próprio não é apenas...
Estratégias e ferramentas para promover a harmonia familiarEducar é uma das missões mais complexas, mas gratificantes àqueles que se dedicam. São inúmeros os desafios para...
"Os últimos 50 anos evoluíram em uma velocidade jamais pensada pelo homem. Essas mudanças afetam todas as áreas da vida, especialmente a rotina de cada um, inclusive no que se...