Democracy In The Digital World: History, Issues And Themes

In times of crisis of representation the question of what kind of democracy can be achieved through the expansion of new technologies emerges with renewed vigor. Is it direct...

Beyond Machines Of Loving Grace: Hacker Culture, Cybernetics And Democracy

Through a historical cross section dating back to the 1950s, the journalist and social scientist with a PhD in Anthropology Rafael Evangelista presents an original approach to...

Everything About Every@ne: Digital Networks, Privacy And The Personal Data Trade

Viewing cybernetic technologies as technologies of communication but also of control, the sociologist and professor Sergio Amadeu da Silveira addresses in this book the...

The Cambridge Squatter: Architecture, Cinema And Education

Extrapolating the boundaries between art and education, Carla Caffé portrays the art direction work of the award-winning feature film The Cambridge Squatter (2016) through the...

A Ghost Takes You To Dinner: From The Cosmos To Gps

In what way could using a GPS to circulate in city traffic be connected to cosmic stars lying a billion light-years away from planet Earth? The intriguing answer is that they are...

The Oriented Gesture: The Re-education Of Movement

The Oriented Gesture completes the trilogy of the Method of the Reeducation of Movement, by Brazilian choreographer and corporal educator Ivaldo Bertazzo, comprising the books...

A História Dos Caxinauás Por Eles Mesmos

O livro reúne 25 narrativas referentes à vida dos caxinauás, grupo indígena que ocupa um vasto território na bacia dos rios Juruá e Purus, nas baixas terras, entre o Brasil...

Passageiro De Relâmpagos: Crônicas Friccionais E Perfis Inexatos

Cantora, compositora e instrumentista, Joyce Moreno reúne nesta coletânea cerca de trinta textos inéditos de Hermínio Bello de Carvalho, o qual celebra, com esta publicação,...

Caminhos: Volta Ao Mundo De Bicicleta

Em dezembro de 2001, o arquiteto Argus Caruso Saturnino saiu de Cordisburgo, Minas Gerais, para uma viagem de volta ao mundo de bicicleta que se estendeu até março de 2005....

Frechal, Quilombo Pioneiro No Brasil: Da Escravidão Ao Reconhecimento De Uma Comunidade Afrodescendente

A fotógrafa belga Christine Leidgens parte da experiência de seis anos vividos na comunidade de Frechal, no Maranhão, para apresentar ao leitor a história dos descendentes de...

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