Italian cuisine is rich, varied, and full of original inventions, the historical "divisions" and the peculiarities of territorial values fed over time, outlining scenarios (of...
The book describes the life of an American who sells indian artifacts and travels to an area that the Navajo Indians call the "Four Corners". In this area there is a small town...
Many millennia ago, martial arts appeared in the world, and with them a powerful tool for the construction not only of a privileged body in terms of motor skills and conditioning,...
Every January, from 1996 to 2016, while I was suffering with summer in Rio I received snowy news from the Sundance Festival through Carlos Brandão and his partner Myrna.In those...
This is the first e-book that presents some insights into the construction of Mokken scales with complex survey data, and, in particular, the estimation of Mokken's scalability...
Take this test: open this book to any page, and there you will find valuable advice for your existence.
That is a book for those who believe that every faith story is a mix of hope and joy, overcoming and encouragement, despite all afflictions. Twenty - three years of trajectories,...
This book teaches one how to tread the path of meditation, the stages involved, and the obstacles one may find. It also sheds light on the inner workings of thoughts, emotions,...
This book aims to contribute to debates in the fields of political geography, geopolitics and territorial management from the point of view of authors who work in Brazilian...
Tornar minha história pública significa sair da zona de conforto da privacidade e expor a vulnerabilidade relativa às doenças mentais a que todos estamos sujeitos, ainda mais...