First published by Charlotte Perkins Gilman in January 1892 in The New England Magazine, The Yellow Wallpaper is a short story of extraordinary power, exploring issues of mental...
This is a SoundCraft Audiobooks production featuring digitally enhanced performances of some of history's greatest speeches - all presented as they might have originally been...
William Strunk, Jr., a professor of English literature at Cornell University, penned "The Elements of Style" in 1918 as a guide for his students in the proper use of grammar and...
The autobiographical first novel by Etsu Inagaki Sugimoto, "A Daughter of the Samurai" tells the incredible true story of a young girl born into a high-status family in Nagaoka,...
A.A. Milne's first collection of stories about his son's endearing and not-very-bright toy bear and his friends, "Winnie-the-Pooh" is the original source material for one of...
This is a SoundCraft Audiobooks production - enhanced with music and sound effects - of a book long hailed as one of the great classics of children's literature. "The Wonderful...
This is a SoundCraft Audiobooks production - enhanced with music and sound effects - of two of Lewis Carroll's classic tales of nonsense and imagination. Here, brought together in...
This is a SoundCraft Audiobook production - enhanced with music and sound effects - of Lewis Carroll's "Through the Looking-Glass," the follow-up story to his classic children's...
Lewis Carroll's classic tale of nonsense and imagination, "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" was an immediate sensation upon its publication in 1865. It tells the tale of Alice, a...